Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 552: Boy, are you in love? (7)

   Qin Zhihuai let go of Xia Xia, raised his hand and patted her head with a smile: "Don't raise it!"

  Xiamen pretended to be in pain and raised his hand and snorted, then glared at Qin Zhihuai: "Qin Zhihuai, you are too bold! Dare to do something to your sister!"

   Qin Zhihuai grinned, young and beautiful.

   He stretched out his hand and took Xia Xia into his arms again: "Shen Han, promise me that you won't touch that thing in the future, okay?"

   The smile on Xia Xia's face was much lighter, and the bottom of her eyes was icy cold.

  Shen Han didn't want to touch that thing anymore, but the mother and daughter didn't want to let her go...

   "Qin Zhihuai, I promise you that I will never touch those things again!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Qin Zhihuai's favorability for you is 77%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Shen Han, promise me that you won't hang out with those fox friends in the future."

   "Well, I promise you."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Qin Zhihuai's favorability for you is 78%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"


   Xia Xia and Qin Zhihuai stayed in the cemetery for about an hour before leaving.

   Qin Zhihuai still has class today, but in the summer, he skipped class without thinking.

   "I'll take you home first." Qin Zhihuai said.

  Xiamen refused: "What time is it? Good students miss class, but this will scare the teacher, you go to school!"

   "It's okay, I've already missed class anyway..."

   Qin Zhihuai was interrupted by Xia Xia's hands on his hips before he could finish his sentence: "No way!"

   "I, go home. You, go back to school!"

   Seeing Xia Xia's face and giving orders, Qin Zhihuai seemed to see Shen Han when he was a child.

   He grinned and nodded, "Okay, I'll go back to school, but I'll take you to the car first."

   While talking, Qin Zhihuai had already taken Xia Xia's hand and called a taxi on the side of the road.

   He personally put the summer on the bus, told the driver the address, and gave the fare.

  Xiamen raised his hand and twisted his ear, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Qin Zhihuai, do you believe that I will go home?"

  Qin Zhihuai was forced to bend over and waved his hands weakly: "No, no, I definitely don't believe you!"

   Even if he really didn't believe it, he wouldn't say it stupidly!

   Xia Xia snorted and let go of his hand: "It's not the best, I'll send you a message when I get home!"

   Qin Zhihuai nodded quickly: "Okay!"

   Xia Xia took his seat and said to the driver, "Let's go."

  The driver started the car and left. In the summer, Qin Zhihuai was still watching her car.

   The corners of his lips raised unconsciously, and he was still in such a good mood—

   Qin Zhihuai saw that the summer car had gone out of sight, so he took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

   When he was in the cemetery with Xia Xia just now, he thought Xia Xia had escaped and was worried that someone would track his location, so he turned off his phone.

   As soon as the phone was turned on, I received dozens of messages and missed calls.

   Before I could see who was calling those calls and messages, another call came in.

   It was his mother who called.

Qin Zhihuai pressed the answer button, but before he had time to speak, Qin's mother had already said in a hurry: "Zhihuai! Are you trying to kill your mother! Why didn't you go to school? Don't go to school by bicycle? You didn't listen! Did you fall down? Where are you now?!"

   "Mom! I'm fine, I'm really fine!"

  For fear that Mother Qin would ask another long series of questions, Qin Zhihuai quickly explained: "I met Shen Han on the way to school, so I took her to the cemetery..."

   "Shen Han?! How did you meet Shen Han? Isn't she in the Shaojie Center?" Like Qin Zhihuai at the beginning, Qin's mother thought that Xia Xia had sneaked out.

   "So you were afraid that someone would track your phone, so you turned it off?" Mother Qin asked.

   Qin Zhihuai smiled and said, "Yes."

  It was really stupid to think about it. He didn't even ask, and ran with Summer.

   "What about now? Is Hanhan still with you now? Are you still in the cemetery? I'll send someone to pick you up..."

   Qin's mother didn't even think about telling others to take Xia Xia back to Shaojie Center, but she thought that she was a child after all, so she would see someone first.

   Qin Zhihuai was allowed to visit Shen Han by Qin's father, and it was also thanks to Qin's mother.

   "No need mom, Shen Han went back to her house and I watched her get in the car."

   Qin's mother was stunned: "Han Han still dare to go home?!"

   Qin Zhihuai laughed twice, knowing that his mother must have thought the same as him.

   He quickly explained: "Shen Han didn't run away secretly, she was released after she successfully detoxified."

   "Ah?! So fast?! Really?" Mother Qin still couldn't believe it.

   "Yeah, I also think it's so fast. Shen Han's condition seems to be very good. It should be that he really succeeded in detoxification."

   Qin Zhihuai's tone was light, and he could tell that he was in a good mood now.

   "Oh, that would be great! Hanhan, this girl is not bad in nature, she just met those random friends."

   "Yes, it's all because I met those people..."

   So he decided that he would supervise the summer closely in the future, and he couldn't let her be with those friends!


   Originally, in the summer, I wanted to find those friends and friends to settle accounts, but since Qin Zhihuai has personally sent her to the car, she will go back to Shen's house.

   But when I go back at this time, it is estimated that only Su Huiyun is at home.

   What she wants is to create a 'surprise'! Su Huiyun was at home alone, there was no surprise at all.

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia said to the taxi driver, "Driver, turn around and go to the Shen Group."

   Qin Zhihuai gave a lot of fares and was very generous.

  The driver glanced at Xia Xia and saw that she was smiling, not like any bad girl.

   We promised to send it to Jinzhou Community, so do you want to turn around the Shen Group?

   Seeing the tangled appearance of the driver, Xia Xia smiled: "It's okay, my father is the general manager of Shen's Group, he is in the company, I want to find him."

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, the driver nodded: "Okay, then I'll take you to the Shen Group."

   Shen's Group is a big company. The general manager of Shen's Group is the second son of the founder of Shen's Group.

   In other words, the one in his car is Miss Qianjin?

  The driver suddenly remembered that he was watching the news more than a month ago, and the news said that the daughter of the general manager of Shen's Group was sent to the Shao Rehabilitation Center because of drug abuse.

   The general manager of the Shen Group, how many daughters does he have?

   The driver's heart was so curious that he glanced at Xia Xia in the rearview mirror from time to time, and was embarrassed to ask—

  The car stopped outside the gate of Shen's Group and got off in the summer.

   Before entering the gate, he was stopped by the security guard: "Which one are you looking for, Miss?" The security guard asked Xia Xia.

   Apparently, the security did not know Summer.

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