Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 550: Young man, are you in love? (5)

   After the visitation time ended, Xia Xia went back to the room of the Shaojie Institute.

   And Su Huiyun went to talk to Wang Yu and the others on the phone.

   After the call ended, Su Huiyun frowned tightly.

   Shen Yue took her arm and asked with great concern, "What's the matter, mom?"

  Su Huiyun told Shen Yue what she heard on the phone, and then asked her: "Xiao Yue, do you think that might be something Shen Han did?"

   Shen Yue frowned slightly after listening to Su Huiyun's words.

   She shook her head, her eyes full of uncertainty: "I don't think... that's not something Shen Han can do. She's not like such a calm and scheming person."

  Su Huiyun nodded, she thought so too.

   After all, they had known Shen Han for five years. They knew exactly what kind of person she was.

   "But, Wang Yu and Peng Yan won't lie to us..." This is the strange place.

   The Shen Han in Wang Yu and Peng Yan's mouth is not the Shen Han they are familiar with.

   But Wang Yu and Peng Yan received the money, so there is no reason to lie to them!

   It's not like 'Shen Han' knew their identities and then bought them off?

   This guess is impossible!

   Judging from the tone of voice and eyes he spoke this summer, he was still very close to them.

   So...what went wrong?

   "When did Shen Han learn martial arts?" Su Huiyun asked Shen Yue.

  Because Wang Yu said that Xia Xia's skills are very good, and when they fight, they don't even have the strength to fight.

   Wang Yu and Peng Yan are not too powerful, but they are people who have been mixed in the society all the year round.

   Even a 17-year-old girl can't beat her. I'm afraid no one will believe it when I say it?

   "Mom, tell me, could it be that Wang Yu and Peng Yan took the money and didn't want to do anything, so they added fuel to their mischief and lied to us?"

  Shen Yue guessed that maybe Wang Yu and Peng Yan did have trouble looking for the summer, but they were cleverly avoided by the summer.

  Because they couldn't find any more troubles in the summer, and because they wanted to make a business trip, Wang Yu and Peng Yan only added fuel to the fire and said that they were beaten by the summer.

  Su Huiyun and Shen Yue didn't see Wang Yu and Peng Yan with their own eyes, so they couldn't see their injuries.

   The most reasonable one is Shen Yue's guess.

  Su Huiyun's face was cold, and she was very unhappy: "These two people, really..."


   After meeting Su Huiyun and Shen Yue, I look forward to the days after going out in summer.

  Although Su Huiyun and Shen Yue are quite powerful in all aspects, but like them, they have seen a lot in summer.

   It's easy to deal with it!

  Well, next, she should be curious about the identity of Gu Yanyu's body...

   The identity of Gu Yanyu's body may be someone Shen Han knows.

   But this is also uncertain, maybe Shen Han doesn't know it.

  Then the question is, where is she going to find Gu Yanyu's body? !

   What the **** is this setting, she must see Gu Yanyu's body before activating the strategy system!

   took a deep breath and relaxed.

   Forget it, she can always find Gu Yanyu's body anyway.

  Or...she should leave the Shaoxing orphanage earlier?

  Summer thought so, and did so.

  Shen Han's drug addiction in her body took only half a month to completely quit, which means that at this time, her drug addiction has almost been quit.

   Now that she has decided to go out early, she should let the doctor know that she is already healthy—

   A week later, Xia’s doctor submitted an application for ‘Shen Han has successfully detoxified and can leave the detoxification center’.

   The application was approved very quickly, and I successfully left the Shaojie Center in the summer!

   When she left the Shaojie Center in the summer, she didn't tell Su Huiyun and Shen Yue that the people from the Shaojie Center asked her to call her family to pick them up, but she refused, saying she wanted to surprise her family.

   But she guessed that she went out like this to surprise Su Huiyun and Shen Yue.

   Change into the clothes you were wearing and leave clean.

  The administrator of the Shaojie Institute is very good. Knowing that no one will be notified in the summer, she has been specially sent to the city.

   It is still very early when we return to the city in summer, when students go to school and office workers go to work.

   She stood in front of the zebra crossing at the crossroads, thinking about whether she should go to Shen Han's gang of friends to settle accounts and fulfill one of the body's wishes.

  The green light is on, raising your feet to cross the road in summer.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the alert sound of the strategy system: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Qin Zhihuai's favorability for you is 70%, in order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible! "

   Xia Xia stopped in her footsteps, turned her head and looked to the left.

  The sun was just right, and a boy in a white school uniform came towards her on a bicycle.

  The boy is very handsome, even if his hairstyle is messed up by the wind, it still does not affect his handsomeness.

   This young man is Gu Yanyu's host, Qin Zhihuai!

  Xiamen suddenly turned around and spread his hands, blocking Qin Zhihuai's way: "Qin Zhihuai, good morning!"

   Her smile was so bright that her eyes seemed to be shining, so that passersby couldn't help but take a second look.

  Qin Zhihuai braked abruptly and stared at Xia Xia with wide eyes: "Shen...Shen Han?? How are you..."

  Summer jumped up to Qin Zhihuai's bicycle and put both hands on his bicycle head: "Are you trying to ask me why I am here?"

   She was in a great mood. As soon as she left the Shaojie Center, she met Gu Yanyu's body, and this body was an acquaintance!

   Qin Zhihuai nodded: "Well, yes, why are you here? You are not..." Should you be in the Shaojie Center?

Qin Zhihuai didn't say anything after   .

   He seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then his eyes widened.

   He looked at it with a defensive look, and then lowered his voice and said to Xia Xia, "Get in the car!"

  Summer raised his eyebrows, but got into the car in cooperation.

   She just got into the back seat of the bicycle, and before she could speak, Qin Zhihuai stepped on the bicycle and left quickly.

   If it weren't for the quick reaction in the summer and hugging Qin Zhihuai's waist in time, it is estimated that he would have flown directly under the bicycle.

   "Hey! Qin Zhihuai, why are you riding so fast!? Someone is chasing you?!"

   Qin Zhihuai rode in front and Xia Xia shouted in the back.

   Hearing the shouts of summer, Qin Zhihuai didn't mean to stop, and almost turned the bicycle into a motorcycle...

   Qin Zhihuai took Summer directly to a certain cemetery, and finally stopped out of breath.

As soon as    stopped, he was met with a chestnut in the summer: "You have something wrong?! There are ghosts chasing you in the daytime!"

   Qin Zhihuai was stunned by the beating of Xia Xia Lizi, and then shook his head: "No, I'm afraid someone will chase you!"

   "What?!" This time it was summer.

  Qin Zhihuai pulled Xia Xia to hide behind a familiar cemetery, and squatted there: "Shen Han, tell me, did you sneak out of the Shaojie Center?"


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