Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 542: Master doctor, please accept disciples (19)

   When Xia Xia mentioned Baili Yunyi, Wen Youling suddenly smiled very meaningfully.

   She took Xia Xia's arm and asked her: "Yan'er, let me ask you, how credible do you think the rumors in the world are?"

   "Huh?" Xia Xia raised her eyebrows, wondering which rumor Wen Youling was talking about.

   "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Baili Divine Doctor has accepted a beautiful female apprentice, but in fact it is not just accepting apprentices..."

  Wen Youling doesn't mind being in love with Baili Yunyi's mentor and apprentice in summer, but thinks this kind of mentor-student match is quite cute.

   In the modern era, she also read ancient novels, one of which is the love between master and apprentice.

   At that time, when I read the novel, I thought it was super cute, and even secretly complained about why her master was such a bad old man?

   If she was a handsome guy, she would have fallen down long ago!

   Baili Yunyi is in her twenties, and she is not old.

  Although he is not too handsome, he has a good temperament and is also attractive.

   Wen Youling also noticed it just now, and thinks that summer is a good match for Baili Yunyi.

   means that when two people sit together, there is a kind, aura, and they are very harmonious.

  Wen Youling felt that it would be pretty good if she could be with Baili Yunyi in summer.

  Xiamen suddenly realized: "So you are talking about this rumor..."

  Wen Youling nodded: "Well, that's the rumor! Are you saying it's true or false?"

   She specially took the time to come here, in addition to watching summer, she also wanted to see Baili Yunyi.

  Wen Youling believes that he is very accurate in seeing people, and Baili Yunyi should be the kind of person who believes that he is a lifetime.

   But at the moment, it seems that he... hasn't figured it out yet.

   "The rumor is false, though, I hope it's true." Xia Xia smiled, her eyes calm and not shy.

   Her words were instantly understood by Wen Youling.

   I didn't expect that the cowardly older sister in the original owner's memory had changed so much.

   But this change is good, much better than Wen Youyan in memory!

   "Then you have to work hard to turn this rumor into reality!" Wen Youling smiled and cheered Summer.

  Xiamen nodded with a smile: "Well, I will."

   She is the one who plans to confess today!

   Even if you can't confess your success today, Baili Yunyi must be enlightened!

   In fact, in the summer, I was mentally prepared to be rejected, and I also thought about how to behave after being rejected.

   In fact, in summer, I am not in a hurry to fill up my favor, I mainly think about changing the status quo.

   For more than half a year, she couldn't let Baili Yunyi always simply treat her as an apprentice, right?

  If he doesn't break it, when will Baili Yunyi be enlightened?

one year later? two years later? Or stay out of it for the rest of your life?

   If it was really a lifetime, it would be embarrassing.


   In summer, Wen Youling was sent to the outside of the Valley of Magical Doctors, and she still met her friends.

  Wen Youling introduced her and everyone greeted her.

  After a few greetings, Wen Youling said goodbye to Xia Xia and left with her friends——

   Sent Wen Youling away, and returned to the Valley of Magical Doctors in summer.

   When she went back, Baili Yunyi was still sitting in her original position, sipping tea and reading medical books.

  Xiamen walked over to make tea for him, but did not speak.

   She was thinking about how to make this confession.

   Baili Yunyi was very attentive when she read medical books. Usually, even if she spoke, he might not be able to hear her.

   After a while, Xia Xia tilted his head to look at him and said, "Master, shall we go for a walk?"

   Baili Yunyi, who was reading a medical book, looked up at her.

  Are you going for a walk at this time?

   He never seemed to refuse the summer request.

   Thinking that the medical book is almost the same, Baili Yunyi snorted and put the medical book on the table.

   He got up and was about to walk down the cobblestone path.

   Summer took a step forward and put his hand into Baili Yunyi's palm.

   Baili Yunyi lowered his head and glanced, but did not shake it off.

   He was used to such intimate actions in summer, and felt nothing was wrong.

   The two of them held hands like this, walking slowly on the cobblestone path in the Valley of Magical Doctors.

  Divine Medicine Valley is like spring all year round, and there are many herbs that can save people or hurt people and kill people.

   Of course, in addition to these herbs, there are other flowers and herbs.

   How about saying that the Magic Valley is as beautiful as a fairyland? It's really beautiful!

  Here is the scent of herbs and flowers, all kinds of natural scents, which are refreshing.

   If this Magical Medicine Valley were in modern times, it would definitely exist like a paradise.

  In summer, I have probably developed a habit of taking a walk with Baili Yunyi every day and watching the sunset.

   But it's still a little early at this time, and there is no sunset to watch.

   Just two steps away, he started talking to Baili Yunyi in summer.

   Baili Yunyi looked at her with a smile from beginning to end, and would respond with a sentence or two from time to time.

   After a lot of irrelevant words, summer finally gets to the point.

   She asked Baili Yunyi, "Master, have you ever thought about starting a family?"

   "What is a family?" Baili Yunyi asked Summer without thinking about it at all.

   In the past, he was good at playing in the mind. He didn't say anything, just thought about it in his own heart.

   Even if he doesn't understand, he rarely asks others.

   But since his facial paralysis was healed, Baili Yunyi basically asked directly in front of Xia if he didn't understand anything.

   Anyway, he didn't think he was so stupid.


  What is marriage?

  Xiaomi blinked and replied, "Marriage is marriage! Master, you marry a woman you like and give birth to your own child!"

   Oh, it turns out that 'married' means 'married'...

   That's right, that's what 'to have a family' means!

   Baili Yunyi, who understood this, shook his head and replied, "I didn't think about it."

   After living for twenty-five years, he has never thought about the matter of 'starting a family', and his mind is full of medicine and poison.

   From the perspective of a doctor, Baili Yunyi clearly understands the difference between men and women, and also knows how women get pregnant.

   But he never thought of having a biological child with a woman.

   One is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that he has not met the woman he wants to marry...

   "Then Master, think about it now!" Xia Xia shook the arm of Baili Yunyi.

   Baili Yunyi raised his eyebrows: "Think about it now?"

   Well, then he thinks about it.

   Baili Yunyi was really serious and thought about it.

   He made a serious effort to recall the women he met outside in the past few years, but no matter how serious he was, the appearance and even the voice of those women were indistinguishable in his impression.

   Except, summer.

  But Summer is his apprentice!

   "Master, have you thought about it? Is there a woman who wants to marry her?" Xia Xia was still asking Baili Yunyi.

   Something flashed through Baili Yunyi's mind so fast that he didn't have time to catch it.

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