Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 538: Master doctor, please accept disciples (15)

   The person who recognized Baili Yunyi was the lord of the small town of Ula.

   It seems that a few years ago, Baili Yunyi healed the mother of the city owner.

   So when he saw Baili Yunyi, the city lord of Ula was very enthusiastic.

   On the other hand, Baili Yunyi is not enthusiastic.

  Because he didn't recognize City Lord Ulla at all, he asked, "Who are you?"

   City Lord Ula was stunned for a while, but he was not too embarrassed. He just thought that Baili Yunyi had a bad memory.

   So he reported his family, and also mentioned that Baili Yunyi had healed his mother a few years ago.

   "My mother is in good health now, thanks to the genius doctor! If it weren't for you, my mother would still be lying in bed and unable to move!"

   After listening to the words of the city lord Ulla, Baili Yunyi just remembered.

After   , the city lord of Ula warmly invited Baili Yunyi and summer to the city lord's mansion.

   Originally, Baili Yunyi wanted to refuse, but the city lord Ulla said that his wife was pregnant. Because of her age, the doctor said that both mother and child might be in danger, so he wanted Baili Yunyi to see it.

   See a doctor...

   That means there is a consultation fee.

   Exactly, they are quite short of money now.

   Then let’s go and see——

   Seeing Baili Yunyi, who was regarded as a distinguished guest of the main mansion of Ula City, and her, Xia Xia couldn't help but tut twice in his heart.

   Sure enough, powerful people are treated differently!

   City Lord Ula first arranged a room for Baili Yunyi and Summer, and asked a maid to wash and change clothes.

  The clothes are all new clothes that the lord of Ulla asked to buy, and he also prepared jewelry for the summer.

   After taking a hot bath, washing my hair, and putting on clean clothes, I feel much more comfortable in summer.

  After cleaning up, go to Baili Yunyi in summer.

   Then he found out that Baili Yunyi had driven out all the maids arranged by Lord Ula to serve.

  Summer raised his eyebrows, and then remembered that Baili Yunyi is a person with a 'cleanliness'.

   She walked to the door of the room and knocked on the door: "Master, have you washed it? Do you want me to help you?"

  Help or something, summer is just a joke.

  I didn't expect Baili Yunyi to answer after hearing her voice: "Come in."

   Go in? Sure?

   Well, since Baili Yunyi let her in, then she can go in!

  Open the door and walk in in summer, and see Baili Yunyi sitting in the tub through the translucent screen.

   In the smoke, Baili Yunyi's long black hair was scattered behind him.

   "Master..." Summer called.

   Baili Yunyi turned his head slightly when he heard Xia Xia's voice.


   Obviously not a very delicate face, but it has a different kind of attractiveness.

  Summer is almost... unstoppable.

   "Come and wash my hair." Baili Yunyi said.

  I usually wash his hair calmly, but today I am not so calm.

   Also, he didn't want others to touch him.

   Hearing Xia Xia asking him if he wanted to help, Baili Yunyi agreed without thinking.

  Since it was Baili Yunyi's request, then she should 'reluctantly'!

  Xiamen walked in front of Baili Yunyi, looking at the black hair, she was a little nervous.

   Baili Yunyi waited for a long time and did not see Xia Xia start to wash his hair, and turned to look at her: "You can't wash?"

   "No no, I will wash!"

After    responded, Xia Xia finally raised his hand to cover Baili Yunyi's head.

   When they were tired with Gu Yanyu before, they would also wash each other's hair.

   So it is not unfamiliar to shampooing in summer.

  Summer's finger pulps are soft and powerful, and he massages his scalp while shampooing.

   After swimming for several hours without much sleep, Baili Yunyi was still very tired.

   Give him such a massage again in summer, Baili Yunyi is so comfortable that he is about to fall asleep...

   Well, he was indeed asleep.

  In summer, Baili Yunyi was exhausted. After washing his hair, he bought medicated oil to relieve fatigue in the platform mall and massaged the acupuncture points on his head.

   After Baili Yunyi woke up after taking a nap for a while, the exhaustion had completely disappeared.

  After washing his head, he consciously went out in summer to wait for Baili Yunyi to get dressed.

  Then the two of them, led by the maid, went to see the Lord of Ulla.

   Xia Xia and Baili Yunyi had a meal in the city lord's mansion, and checked the pulse of the city lord's wife to see if the fetus was healthy.

   Baili Yunyi received the city lord's consultation fee and gave the city lord a prescription to recuperate his body. As long as he takes good care of it, the city lord's wife and children will be very healthy.

   In the afternoon, Baili Yunyihe got into the carriage arranged by the city owner in summer, and was going to return to the Valley of Magical Medicine by land.

   It’s not that you can’t go back to the Valley of Magical Doctors by land, but you have to take a detour on the land route, and it’s not that fast to reach the Valley of Magical Doctors.

   But forget it, just go around a little bit, don’t worry anyway.

   On the way back to the Valley of Divine Medicine, Baili Yunyi was the driver, and in the summer he sat next to him and chatted to relieve his boredom.

   "Master, you have traveled so many places, which one is your favorite?"

   Baili Yunyi thought about the summer issue seriously.

   He has indeed been to many places over the years, but if you really want to ask him which place he likes the most, he really doesn't know.

   In the end, Baili Yunyi's answer was: "The Valley of Divine Medicine."

   Like something, for Baili Yunyi, there is no concept.

The reason why    is called the Valley of Magical Medicine is probably because he has lived there since he was a child.

   And no matter how many places he has been to, he will eventually return to the Valley of Magical Physicians.

   "Is the Valley of Divine Medicine the same as the legend, as beautiful as the place where gods live?"

   Hearing this question, Baili Yunyi wanted to laugh.

   But he twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to laugh...

  Although he's used to having a paralyzed face, it's still not good to feel like he can't smile when he wants to laugh.

   "Not really." He replied to Summer.

   Baili Yunyi's subtle movement just now, Xia Xia saw it.

   His mood swings, she also noticed.

   I had thought about buying medicine in the platform mall to cure Baili Yunyi's facial paralysis in the summer before, but I thought maybe Baili Yunyi wouldn't mind, so I didn't buy it.

   Now it seems that Baili Yunyi is actually quite interested.

   is also right, Baili Yunyi was not a paralyzed face, nor was he a very indifferent person.

   If it wasn't for that master who was too crazy to use him for experiments, he wouldn't have become a facial paralysis.

  The medicine that can cure facial paralysis has actually been seen in summer. It is a potion, and it has no taste at all when added to drinking water.

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia got up and entered the carriage.

   She bought the potion in the advanced platform mall and added it to Baili Yunyi's water bag.

  There is not much water in the water bag. According to Baili Yunyi's habit, he can finish it in one sip.

   Shaking the water bag, Xia Xia took the water bag and went out with a smile: "Master, drink water!"

   Her movements and tone were very natural, and Baili Yunyi didn't see any clues.

   took the water bag and, as usual, Gulu Gulu finished the water.

   The effect of this treatment for facial paralysis is relatively slow, and it will not be effective immediately.

   Moreover, Baili Yunyi himself would not have noticed.

   After seeing Baili Yunyi finish drinking the potion, Xia Xia sat down beside him with a smile: "The weather is so nice today!"

   They have been traveling overland for three days, not very fast every day, but not too slow.

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