Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 517: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (26)

   Duan Linran disappeared, no one knows where he went.

   Xia Xia's explanation to the Yu family was that she and 'Duan Linran' were going to go home, but 'Duan Linran' received a call midway, and asked her to come back first.

  The Yu family didn't care much at first, but when Duan Linran disappeared for two days, the Yu family finally felt that something was wrong.

   Because I called Duan Lin for the past two days, they were all unanswered or turned off.

   Anyway, no one can be found!

   So, Yu's family called the police.

   The efficiency of the police is still very high, and Duan Linran was quickly found.

   Duan Linran found it, and it was still the real Duan Linran.

   But the problem is, Duan Linran is crazy.

   He was already unconscious, and he said that he was the real Duan Linran for a while, and that he was a monster for a while.

   Otherwise, he shouted and ran around with a look of panic and precaution, saying he wanted to hide from the monster.

  Xiamen didn't expect Duan Linran's psychological quality to be so poor, and he was scared crazy by Gu Yanyu's intimidation.

  Yu's family didn't know what Duan Linran experienced at all. According to the police, when Duan Linran was found, he hid under an overpass.

   If it wasn't for someone who looked familiar to him, they wouldn't have thought of calling the police.

   The psychiatrist showed Duan Linran a look and said that he had suffered great psychological trauma, and he must have been frightened by something.

The possibility of    recovery is possible, but very small.

  Can you keep a lunatic at home? No!

   So, the Yu family discussed it and sent Duan Linran to a mental hospital.

When someone from the mental hospital came to pick up Duan Linran, Duan Linran suddenly went crazy.

He stared at Xia Xia fiercely, and shouted: "Yu Qingru! Yu Qingru, you are so **** damn good! It's all your fault! It's all your fault that you didn't die! Otherwise I wouldn't be separated from Xue'er! Why don't you die! Why? Don't die!"

   Duan Linran was still roaring and fell asleep after being sedated by the medical staff of the mental hospital.

   Looking at Duan Linran who was being carried into the car, Xia Xia's face was calm, and his heart was also calm.

   It seems that even if Duan Linran is crazy, he regrets not killing Yu Qingru.

  Yu Qingru, it's really sad...

Um? Why is she standing on the sidelines again? !

   "Don't be sad, Xiaoru, your brother has a mental problem and is talking nonsense!" Mother Yu looked at Xia Xia's brows and thought she was sad for what Duan Linran said just now.

  Xiamen came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head at Mother Yu: "I'm not sad."

   After a pause, Xia Xia continued, "I'm a little uncomfortable, so I'll go up and rest first."

  Mother Yu nodded, raised her hand and stroked her shoulder: "Okay, you go up and have a good rest."

  Xiamen didn't speak any more, and turned around and went upstairs.

   lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in summer.

   She didn't seem to think about anything, and she seemed to be thinking about a lot of things.

   So many changes have taken place in her home in a short period of time.

  The reason is that the little rabbit she adopted cultivated into a demon and turned into her appearance.

   This series of developments all started because of Bai Xueer.

   But that's okay, Bai Xue'er let her see Duan Linran's person clearly, and knew that Duan Linran is not someone who can be entrusted with her life...

   "Are you Yu Qingru?"

   Familiar voice and unfamiliar tone sounded in Xia Xia's room, causing Xia Xia to sit up directly from the bed.

   She turned her head and saw that she was wearing a big red robe, with silver-white waist-length hair, a delicate face, and charming eyes like silk...

   Well, the word wink seems inappropriate for a man.

   But really, it's hooking!

   "Mr. Sheng?! How are you... how..."

  Xia Tian stared at Gu Yanyu with wide eyes, his tongue knotted in shock.

  Gu Yanyu blinked his seductive peach blossom eyes, walked to the bed, leaned over and approached Summer.

   He raised his hand and lifted Xia Xia's chin: "You are... Yu Qingru, right?"

   "I...I'm Yu Qingru...Sheng...Mr.'t you know me?" Xia Xia felt that the 'Mr. Sheng' in front of him was really strange!

   Gu Yanyu smiled, that evil smile almost made Xia Xia lose her soul.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, your favorability is 20% in summer. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Tsk~ Sure enough] [color] lure] will be very effective!

   Gu Yanyu was proud in his heart, and his smile deepened: "Mr. Sheng you said, is that guy Sheng Yichen?"

  Sheng Yichen...that guy? !

  Xiamen blinked and looked at Gu Yanyu blankly: "You, aren't you Mr. Sheng?"

   "Although I look a lot like that guy, I'm not Sheng Yichen."

   "Aren't you Sheng Yichen?!" Xia Tian couldn't believe it.

   She looked at Gu Yanyu up and down, and felt that apart from his temperament and clothes, he was exactly the same as Sheng Yichen!

  If you don't laugh, or change into Sheng Yichen's clothes, it will definitely be the same!

   But this person in front of me... oh no, this demon, this demon said he was not Sheng Yichen!

   Could it be that he has become Sheng Yichen? !

   Xia Xia raised his hand and waved Gu Yanyu's hand away, stepped back and stood on the other side of the bed, keeping a distance from him.

   She looked at Gu Yanyu defensively: "Then who are you?!"

   Gu Yanyu knew that Xia Xia was guarding against him, but he didn't care.

   His figure flashed and he arrived at Xia's side.

   He looked at Xia Xia and smiled, "I'm Gu Yanyu."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 30%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   The name Gu Yanyu feels familiar in summer.

   But thinking about it, she had never heard of this name at all.

   Probably, at some point I heard it by accident.

   Because Gu Yanyu was too close, Xia Xia took a step back, and his guard against him still did not diminish.

   "I don't know you, why do you know me?"

   In fact, Xia Xia determined that Gu Yanyu had become Sheng Yichen, and it must be a conspiracy and ulterior motives.

When    came, Gu Yanyu had already thought that he would ask this in summer.

   After waiting for a few days, his reason was well prepared!

   "I know you don't know me, and I don't know you either, but that guy Sheng Yichen asked me to come to you."

  The actor is the actor, and his eyes are full of drama.

   Hearing that Gu Yanyu said that Sheng Yichen asked him to come to her, Xia Xia trusted him a little more.

   "You, why do you look like Mr. Sheng?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

   Gu Yanyu still smiled: "Because he and I are twin brothers! Do you think how many twin brothers are alike?"

  Summer realized that they were twin brothers!

   She originally wanted to ask why Sheng Yichen had not mentioned to her that he had a twin brother.

  Think about it, Sheng Yichen was originally a man of few words, and they were not familiar with each other, so how could it be possible to mention this to her?


  【I have something to do during the day, so I will update one chapter first, and there are four chapters left. 】

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