Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 501: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (10)

  Mother Yu opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Grandpa Yu who was sitting in the highest position.

   "Okay, Aran is definitely not a child anymore. Maybe he went out temporarily for some business. Let's eat."

  Grandpa Yu started talking, and everyone stopped talking and started to eat dinner——

   After dinner, Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu talked to Xia Xia very lovingly.

   For some reason, as soon as she saw Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu like this, she would remember the look in the eyes of Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu when she came home before Yu Qingru died.

   Probably that scene made Yu Qingru too painful, so she recalled it unconsciously.

   Xia Xia didn't want to chat with Yu's family very much, so he excused himself that he was not feeling well and went back to his room.

   She stayed in the room watching TV shows.

   Around eleven o'clock, I suddenly heard someone shouting Yu Qingru's name in the summer.

   The sound is very small, but I still hear it in summer.

   She got up from the bed, walked to the balcony and looked down, and saw Qiao Zirui standing on the lawn without any accident.

  Qiao Zirui didn't know that he had changed rooms in the summer, and kept shouting to the second floor.

   When he saw the summer standing on the balcony on the third floor, he was still stunned, and then waved to her with a look of joy.

  Xia Tian raised his eyebrows and decided to go downstairs to see Qiao Zirui——

   She didn't want to wear pajamas and went down, so she changed her clothes, and then went downstairs to see Qiao Zirui.

  Looking at how Qiao Zirui was able to avoid the surveillance of the Yu family, it was probably not the first time that he had sneaked into the Yu family like this.

  Go downstairs in summer and walk to the lawn.

   As soon as he walked in front of Qiao Zirui, Qiao Zirui reached out to hug her.

   The response is fast in summer, so I avoided it directly.

  Qiao Zirui was stunned for a while, his hands froze in mid-air: "Xiaoru...what's wrong with you? I also turned off the phone when I called you, so I was worried about you."

   "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Summer's tone was very alienating.

   Qiao Zirui is not an idiot, how could he not feel the alienation of Summer from him!

   It’s just that he doesn’t understand, they were all chatting with each other on their mobile phones this morning, why has it changed now?

   "Xiaoru, what happened to you? Did something unhappy happen to you?" Qiao Zirui also reached out to pull her.

  Xiamen still turned sideways to avoid her, she looked at Qiao Zirui lightly and said, "I'm sorry Zirui, let's break up."

   "What did you say?!" Qiao Zirui couldn't believe his ears.

   "Xiaoru, are you kidding me?" Qiao Zirui also asked Xia Xia with a fluke.

  Xiamen shook his head and said seriously: "Qiao Zirui, I'm not joking with you, I really want to break up with you."

   The person you are dating is not me!

   "Why?!" Qiao Zirui did not understand and could not accept it.

   He liked Yu Qingru for more than a year, and finally got her to agree to date him, how could he be willing to be broken up like this!

"Sorry, I promised to date you because I wanted to try to give you a chance because you've been chasing me for so long, but I found out that I still can't like you." She said politely, already very You're welcome.

  If it wasn't for Yu Qingru's character like this, Xia Xia really wanted to reject Qiao Zirui very directly.

   But this sentence is enough to hit Qiao Zirui.

  Qiao Zirui took two steps back and widened his eyes in disbelief: "So you associate with me, not because you like me?"

   "Well, I never liked you."

  Summer's answer was another crit.

   Qiao Zirui was at a loss for words at this time, and felt so heartache that it was difficult to breathe.

   Looking at Qiao Zirui like this, Xia Xia knew that he used to really like Yu Qingru.

   But he is the male protagonist, and he is the male protagonist who will like the female protagonist later.

  Xiamer said again: "In the future, let's just be ordinary classmates."

   After saying that, Xia Xia turned around and left.

   She knew that Snow White must be around here.

   In fact, you can pretend to be with Qiao Zirui in summer, which can stimulate Bai Xueer.

   But this approach is obviously relatively low-level, and she doesn't like it the most.

  Although she has no 'heterosexual conflict' now, she doesn't want to have 'ambiguous' relationships with people other than Gu Yanyu unless it is necessary.

  So, I didn't choose that method in summer——

   Until the summer has left and returned to his room, Qiao Zirui has not recovered from the blow.

   His mind was filled with the bits and pieces of how Bai Xueer had gotten along with him during the past half month, pretending to be Yu Qingrushi.

   Those bits and pieces made him unable to believe that 'Yu Qingru' didn't like him!

  Clearly! Obviously she likes him!

  Qiao Zirui was very unwilling, looked up at the summer room, and opened her mouth to call her name.

   But before he could shout, he heard the Yu family's security guard shouting, "Who's there?!"

   Qiao Zirui dares to stay for a long time, run away!

   As soon as he ran out, he ran into a girl who fell on the side of the road.

  Qiao Zirui didn't pay much attention because he was in a low mood.

   When he was in front of the girl, he asked, "What's the matter with you? Do you need help?"

The    girl raised her head, revealing a delicate and cute baby face.

   Those big watery eyes look very smart, which will make people notice her unconsciously.

   However, Qiao Zirui is in a very bad mood right now, where is he in the mood to pay attention to this!

   "I twisted my foot, can you carry me?" Bai Xue'er was waiting here specially, so she could rely on Qiao Zirui.

   At this moment, Qiao Zirui asked her if she wanted to help, of course she had to make a request quickly!

   Carry her?

  Qiao Zirui lowered his head and looked at Bai Xueer's beautiful ankle, it wasn't red or swollen, it didn't seem to be a problem!

   However, it might be a bone injury.

   Out of kindness, Qiao Zirui squatted down and turned her back to Bai Xueer, motioning her to come up.

The    strategy succeeded, and Bai Xueer immediately slumped onto Qiao Zirui's shoulders.

   She put her arms around Qiao Zirui's neck, thinking proudly, she just said it! With her own abilities, she will definitely make Qiao Zirui fall in love with her again!

   But Bai Xueer forgot that what Qiao Zirui liked from beginning to end in the early days was just Yu Qingru——

  Qiao Zirui sent Bai Xueer to the emergency room of the hospital, but the doctor said she was fine!

   Qiao Zirui was in a bad mood at first, but after knowing that he had been deceived by a little girl, he was even more upset.

   Without saying hello to Bai Xueer, she turned around and left.

   Seeing Qiao Zirui leave the hospital with a dark face, Bai Xueer hurried to follow.

   "Hey! Did you just leave? Don't you want me?"

   If it was normal, and Bai Xueer was still like Yu Qingru, Qiao Zirui would definitely pay attention to her when she said these words.

   But the current Snow White is her own appearance.

   Logically speaking, Qiao Zirui did not know Bai Xueer at all.

   What else is there to say, Qiao Zirui thinks that Bai Xueer may be out of her mind——


   [Sorry, Mei Kai is going to break his promise, there is no way to make more than eight thousand these days...

   I will go home in the afternoon on the 25th, and I will try my best to compensate everyone every day from the 26th~sorry~]

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