Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 497: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (6)

  If Sheng Yichen thinks about it carefully, the performance in summer is actually quite strange to Yu Qingru.

   But Sheng Yichen didn't think about it carefully, he directly ignored this issue that was not important to him—

   Let Sheng Yichen come with her to buy vegetables in the summer for two purposes, to spend more time with her, and to help her pick up the vegetables.

  Looking at Sheng Yichen's hands full of vegetables, Xia Tian felt that he finally had a little bit of humanity now.

   took out his mobile phone with a smile and wanted to take a picture of Sheng Yichen.

   clicked, but the photo was blurry.

  Xia Tian thought it was because his hands were shaking, so he took another picture of Sheng Yichen.

   The result is still blurry!

   Other places are not blurred, that is, Sheng Yichen's whole person, as if he had been beaten with mosaics.

   Seeing Xia Xia taking a picture of him with his mobile phone, Sheng Yichen didn't say anything, just walked outside with the dishes.

  Sheng Yichen's unconcerned appearance made Xia Xia understand that the reason why the photo became like this must have come from him.

  Xiamen didn't delete the blurred photo, but just took back the phone and raised his foot to chase Sheng Yichen—

   Sheng Yichen and Xia Xia drove out, Sheng Yichen's car.

When    went back, it was also Sheng Yichen's car.

  Xia Tian sat in the co-pilot's seat and was always looking for something to say to Sheng Yichen.

  Sheng Yichen didn't respond to her, anyway, it was Summer who was talking to himself there.

   Talk about Yu Qingru's interesting story, and also talk about Bai Xueer...

   "Before, I really didn't expect there would be monsters in this world, but since I met Mr. Sheng, you and Bai Xueer, I believed it!"

   Having said this, Xia Xia turned to look at Sheng Yichen: "Mr. Sheng, what do you think Bai Xueer is doing with my identity now?"

   Sheng Yichen, who was driving, thought for a while, although he only cares that demons can't kill or hurt people.

   But it seems that Bai Xueer's behavior that makes people unable to return home is not right!

   Then should he force Bai Xueer to go?

   Well, Bai Xueer should really be allowed to leave the Yu family.

   Xia Tian never thought that her words would make Sheng Yichen make the decision to help her.


  When I got home, I went to the kitchen to work in the summer.

   She thought that Sheng Yichen went back to her room to continue cultivating, but when she knocked on the door when she was ready, she didn't get a response from the inside.

   opened the door and saw that there was Sheng Yichen in the room!

how? Where is there a ghost?

  In the summer, I visited Sheng Yichen's room by the way, and then I left the room.

  Although this is in modern times, Sheng Yichen doesn't use a mobile phone at all.

   She wanted to find Sheng Yichen at the moment, but she couldn't find it either.

  I can't help but wait.

   Fortunately, Sheng Yichen didn't make summer wait too long.

   It only took about ten minutes, and in the summer, he saw him walking out of his room wearing a robe.

   Seeing Sheng Yichen coming out, Xia Xia immediately raised a smile: "Mr. Sheng, you are back! Come and eat!"

  Sheng Yichen nodded lightly, walked to the opposite side of Summer and sat down.

   In summer, Sheng Yichen packed soup and put vegetables in his bowl. I was worried that he would not be able to use chopsticks or something.

   But looking at Sheng Yichen's skilled appearance, he doesn't look like a demon who has never eaten human food.

   Looking at Xia Xia, he was surprised and puzzled, but Sheng Yichen didn't explain it.

   In fact, the skills of holding chopsticks were all seen on TV.

   Eat human food, today is indeed the first time.

  So when Sheng Yichen picked up the vegetables he had given him in summer and fed it to his mouth, there was a little bit of nervousness that wasn't obvious.

   He opened his mouth and put the meat in his mouth.

   After chewing, I found that the taste is very special.

   "How is it? Is the taste okay?" Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen with anticipation.

what about the taste?

The feeling of   's taste buds, he felt very strange and wonderful.

   Really wanted to ask him how it tasted, but he really didn’t know how to answer.

   So, Sheng Yichen answered honestly, "I don't know."

   Xia Xia was stunned for a while, and then he reacted.

  Sheng Yichen is eating human food for the first time. I don't know how it tastes normal!

   "It doesn't matter, just eat it a few times and it will taste good!" After saying that, he served Sheng Yichen's dishes with great enthusiasm in summer.

  Sheng Yichen is also very face-saving, he will eat whatever he puts on in the summer.

  I eat it in summer and serve Sheng Yichen with vegetables.

   The two of us ate all the dishes!

   And then, the summer can't hold up...

   She stood up to clean up the tableware, and said that she was going to prepare Sheng Yichen for dinner.

  Sheng Yichen said, "You can go home today."

   When she first heard Sheng Yichen say this, Xia Xia didn't understand what she meant.

   It took a while for the summer to react.

  She widened her eyes in surprise and turned to look at Sheng Yichen: "Mr. Sheng, you...have you gone to find Bai Xue'er?"

   Sheng Yichen nodded: "I told her not to impersonate you again."

   Didn't Sheng Yichen himself say that this is not under his control?

   asked Sheng Yichen for help that summer, went to Bai Xueer, and asked her to take back Yu Qingru's identity.

   But Sheng Yichen said that this is not under his control.

   is exactly like this, summer just thinks of outwit.

  Why is Sheng Yichen helping her now?

   Is it because he is not happy for her to live here?

  Xia Tian opened his mouth and wanted to ask Sheng Yichen.

   Seeing his expressionless face, Xia Tian held back again.

   Forget it, go back to Yu's house.

  Sheng Yichen can take her time here, anyway, it's useless if she is in a hurry.

   And even if she returns to Yu's house, she can still come to Sheng Yichen!

  Summer's eyes rolled, and I just thought of a good solution.

   She walked to Sheng Yichen, and first thanked him with a grateful face.

   Then he immediately changed his face and asked him worriedly: "What if Bai Xue'er wants to attack me? Will you help me, Mr. Sheng?"

   Sheng Yichen nodded, that was originally under his control, so he would naturally help.

  Xiamen asked again: "But if the situation is urgent, Mr. Sheng, can't you come to save me right away?"

this problem…

  Sheng Yichen hadn't thought of how to answer Xia Xia, and Xia Xia asked him again: "Is there any way I can contact you immediately when I encounter danger or something?"

  Sheng Yichen thought about it, and conjured a silver bell out of thin air.

   He said, "Shake it and I'll come."


  Xiamer took over the silver bell in Sheng Yichen's hand with joy. The bell was about the size of a girl's thumb and had delicate lines on it.

   "As long as you shake it, can you come right away?" Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen nodded as an answer.

  I tried it in summer, if I didn't shake it deliberately, the bell would not ring.

   is just right, she can find a chain to string the bells together to make a necklace pendant and carry it with her.

   "When can I go back, now?" Xia Xia asked Sheng Yichen.

  Sheng Yichen still nodded, still didn't speak, and teleported directly back to Yu Qingru's room with Xia Xia.

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