Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 475: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (10)

Gu Yanyu next to    didn't know where Xia Xia was going, so after seeing Xia Xia leaving, he followed.

  Gu Yanyu followed Xia Xia to the admiral's mansion and saw her going back to the room to get something.

   Gu Yanyu didn't understand, why didn't he take him back to the Admiral's mansion in the summer?

   He wanted to talk to Xia Xia several times, but because Xia Xia couldn't see him yet, Xia Xia naturally couldn't hear what he said.

   Gu Yanyu is also a little lost, he is in the state of "soul", it is normal to not be able to hear him in summer.

   He watched from the side, watching Xia Xia put all the money she brought herself, and packed her luggage.

   After packing her luggage, she went to Nangong Tianyu's room again.

   In summer, I wanted him to look for casual clothes. The clothes he was wearing right now were so ill-fitting, they were more than a bit too short.

   However, it was discovered in summer that Nangong Tianyu only had military uniforms and ranks, and no other clothes at all!

   I have no choice but to leave Nangong Tianyu's clothes and buy them tomorrow.

  Double looking around in summer, found some money, and brought it with you.

   You need money when you go out, so she can't be a robber who robs the rich and saves herself every day, right? !

   So she took all the money she could find in the Admiral's Mansion in the summer, and she didn't bother to care if anyone would suspect that the Admiral's Mansion had entered a thief.

  After taking all the things that should be taken, Xia Xia hurried back to the ruined temple.

  Nangong Tianyu lay there obediently, motionless, and the ruined temple was never visited by anyone else.

   On the way back, I found some materials in the summer, and I bought some materials that I couldn’t find in the platform store, and I could do the disguise.

  Although I'm not sure if anyone will recognize Nangong Tianyu and her, but just in case, Xia Xia thinks it's better to be more comprehensive.

   If she and Nangong Tianyu both changed their faces, at least they wouldn't cause some unnecessary trouble——

Gu Yanyu next to    could only watch Xia Xia fiddling with Nangong Tianyu's face, not knowing what she was doing.

   But soon he saw the face he was familiar with, and it gradually became unfamiliar.

   is still a pale and bloodless face, but the facial features are much more ordinary.

   No matter how you look, you can't find the original appearance.

   Even someone who is very familiar with Nangong Tianyu probably cannot recognize Nangong Tianyu at this moment.

   After disguising Nangong Tianyu, he disguised himself in summer.

   A delicate and tender face turned into an ordinary and somewhat ugly look.

   This is the effect she wants to achieve in the summer, she doesn't want to attract the attention of others, or make anyone have bad intentions.

   After all, this world is very chaotic, and people who are too good-looking are still dangerous when they go out.

  Summer is of course not afraid of danger and does not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

  It’s better to make it ugly, which is easier.

   After the two of them were relieved, they only carried Nangong Tianyu on their backs in the summer.

   With one hand holding the suitcase and the other holding Nangong Tianyu, he walked slowly on the road like this.

   Gu Yanyu, who had been following Xia Xia, couldn't hide his surprise.

   This concubine, how many things he doesn't know! ?

   is so powerful that he can carry him easily.

   will be easy, and the technique is simply superb!

   When someone said that there was a disguise technique in ancient times, he still didn't believe it.

   Now, he believed.

   And it seems that his younger sister is also a person with martial arts.

   It seems that the pure ignorant and weak concubine in the past was all disguised...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 50%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Although Nangong Tianyu, who is 1.9 meters tall, will not be very tired in summer, but it is impossible to be effortless!

   Xia Xia was still stunned when she suddenly heard the alert sound of the strategy system. Gu Yanyu actually lowered her favorability? !

   Didn't you see her carrying his body so hard? snort! It is too much!

   supported Nangong Tianyu's hand and pinched him on his waist as if to vent, as a punishment.

   Of course, Xia Xia also knew that Nangong Tianyu was unconscious and had no idea that she pinched him.

   It was almost dawn, and in order to get to a town after dawn, the summer speeded up.

   Her speed was so fast that Gu Yanyu, who had been following her, was surprised.

  Because he knew that normal people couldn't achieve this speed.

not to mention……

   Gu Yanyu's gaze fell on Xia Tian's feet that were wearing cloth shoes and soaked with blood.

   He frowned tightly, a little distressed.

   I don't know when I got the injury in summer, and it's still bleeding.

   Gu Yanyu spoke several times, letting Xia Xia bandage his wounds first.

   Of course, Summer still couldn't hear what he said.

   Summer's wound is not painless, but she ignored the pain and forgot to bandage her wound.

   Just carry Nangong Tianyu on his back, keep walking, keep walking.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 60%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"


  The sky was getting brighter, and it was inconvenient in summer to carry a big man like Nangong Tianyu on his back.

  Just in time, they arrived in a small town.

  In summer, I found an inn and asked for a room to stay.

  I asked the shop assistant to get some water, and in the summer I gave Nangong Tianyu and myself a bath to wash off the blood and stains on their bodies.

   She finally bandaged the wound on her foot, then changed into clean clothes and went out to buy clothes for Nangong Tianyu.

  Nangong Tianyu's height is really special, at least in this world where the average height of an adult man is about 1.75 meters, he is indeed quite special.

   After looking for several ready-to-wear stores in summer, I finally bought clothes and shoes that Nangong Tianyu could barely wear.

   I bought a few more sets and a carriage before returning to the inn in summer.

   put on Nangong Tianyu clothes that barely fit, and lay down beside him in summer and slept.

  Gu Yanyu was watching from the side, watching Xia Xia sleep with his body in his arms...

   When she woke up and ate something casually, she left with Nangong Tianyu.

  The direction of the carriage ride in summer is Tongcheng.

   Hurry up all the way, and when he arrived at a town outside Litong City, Gu Yanyu realized that he was going to take him back to Tongcheng in the summer!

   "Why are you taking me back to Tongcheng?"

  's sudden voice made Xia Xia startle.

   She turned her head to look, Gu Yanyu's avatar was next to her.

  Gu Yanyu was wearing a sterile suit, and that face was familiar to him, which he hadn't seen for a long time in the summer.

   He was wearing a sterile suit, just looking at summer.

In Xia Xia's mind, Sharon's voice also sounded at the right time: "Xia Xia, you can now see A Yu's virtual body and hear him speak."

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