Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 470: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (5)

   As for what Nangong Tianyu said, Xia Xia hummed and said, "Maybe I think too much."

   Then she looked up at Nangong Tianyu and grinned: "Yeah~ I'm still young! How could my father let me get married! Big brother, you are smart!"

   Nangong Tianyu remained silent for the compliments of Summer.

   He stood there quietly, and Xia Xia was standing beside him, obediently not speaking.

   If you don't speak, don't speak, at least Nangong Tianyu didn't let her leave, which is a kind of progress.

   Take it slow, the method of boiling frogs in warm water is also good——

   That night, after Nangong's father's birthday banquet, Nangong Tianyu seemed to have an urgent matter.

   Therefore, Nangong Tianyu, who should have left the next morning, will leave that night.

   Xia Xia hesitated for a long time, and did not send Nangong Tianyu.

   Her relationship with Nangong Tianyu was not good enough to rush to see him off.

  Summer stood on the balcony of his room, watching Nangong Tianyu get in the car and leave.

   Watching the car that Nangong Tianyu was riding in gradually disappeared, Xia Xia silently recited in his heart: We will meet again soon.


   After Nangong Tianyu left, he went to school with Nangong Tianxiao every day in summer.

   Of course she also wants to go to Nangong Tianyu, but she needs a reasonable reason!

   Now, she is waiting for this reason.

   Three days later, summer finally arrived.

   That night, Father Nangong told Xia Xia that she wanted to get engaged to Chen Siyuan, and the engagement banquet would be scheduled a week later.

   The news of the engagement came too suddenly, Xia Xia, the fourth lady and Nangong Tianxiao all showed surprised expressions.

   Of course, the Fourth Madam and Nangong Tianxiao were really surprised, but they were not surprised in the summer when they were already prepared.

  The fourth lady has been in the Nangong family for seventeen years, but she cannot learn the intrigue of the Nangong family.

   Maybe stupid people have stupid blessings, so she has been living relatively smoothly these years.

   The fourth lady couldn't accept that her daughter was engaged to someone else at the age of sixteen, or to someone whose wife had died.

   "Master! Qingqing is only sixteen years old, how can she get engaged! And that Chen Siyuan he..."

   Before the fourth lady could finish her words, Father Nangong glared at him: "What happened to Chen Siyuan?! Isn't it because his wife died! You didn't ask your daughter to be a concubine! You are a young mistress!"

  The fourth lady's eyes were red and she didn't dare to speak.

   Nangong Tianxiao stood up from the stool, he looked at Nangong's father: "After the engagement, is father going to marry Qingqing?"

   Father Nangong nodded and said, "If everything goes well, we will get married next month."

   "I don't agree! Why isn't the fourth sister marrying? It's not that my father is afraid of the big brother! The fourth sister is eighteen years old and won't let the fourth sister marry, but Qingqing..."



   Nangong Tianxiao's words successfully angered Nangong's father.

   Nangong's father was in a hurry and smashed the soup bowl at Nangong Tianxiao directly.

   Xia Xia's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he stretched out his hand and pulled Nangong Tianxiao, and the soup bowl hit the ground.

  Nangong Tianxiao opened his mouth to say something else, but Xia Xia held him back: "Don't talk about Tianxiao, just do whatever your father arranges. I'll listen to my father."

   In summer, Father Nangong was relieved.

   "It's still Qingqing who is sensible!"

   "Qingqing..." Nangong Tianxiao looked at the summer with red eyes.

  Some time ago they were still talking about which university to go to after graduating from high school, and Nangong Qingqing also told him that he wanted to study abroad.

  But now...

   Xia Xia squeezed Nangong Tianxiao's arm and gave him a wink.

  Nangong Tianxiao was stunned for a while, but did not speak.

   He sat down again, bowing his head angrily.

  Nangong's father didn't bother to talk to him, and went on to say that after the summer engagement, he should stop going to school and stay at home to get married.

   Xia Xia acted very well-behaved, she responded to what Father Nangong said.

   Of course, it can't be the kind of happy promise, she has to be wronged.

   Father Nangong comforted Xia Xia again, saying that Chen Siyuan is a person worthy of his life, and as a father, he will not harm his daughter.

   Hearing this sentence, Xia Xia only sneered in her heart.

   Won't it hurt?

   Is it good to let your sixteen-year-old daughter marry a scumbag who is not the same?


  After dinner, the fourth lady came to the summer room.

   She blamed herself while wiping her tears: "It's useless to be a mother, Qingqing, you are still so young..."

   "Mother, don't blame yourself, I don't blame you!"

   comforted the fourth lady for a while before the fourth lady left the summer room.

   After the Fourth Madam left, Xia Xia took out the suitcase she had packed a few days ago.

  Clothes, money, she had already prepared, and she was waiting for Father Nangong to inform her of her engagement.

   In summer, I changed into men's clothes, put on a men's beret, and hid my long hair.

   Twelve o'clock, ready to leave Nangong's house in summer.

   Before leaving, Xia Xia went to Nangong Tianxiao's room.

   "Tianxiao, Tianxiao wake up!" Xia Xia stood by the bed and gently pushed Nangong Tianxiao's arm.

  Nangong Tianxiao woke up in a daze and was startled by the 'man' beside the bed.

   Just as he was about to shout, he heard the 'man' speak and whispered, "Tianxiao, it's me."

  Nangong Tianxiao widened his eyes in surprise: "Qingqing?!"

  Xiamen nodded and sat down beside Nangong Tianxiao's bed: "Tianxiao, I don't want to marry Chen Siyuan, so I'm leaving."

  Nangong Tianxiao sat up without turning on the light.

   Hearing Xia Xia said to leave, Nangong Tianxiao replied without thinking, "I'll be with you..."

   "No way!" Xia Xia interrupted Nangong Tianxiao's words.

   "You can't come with me, what if you leave, mother? And you leave with me, what about your studies?"

  Nangong Tianxiao frowned: "But...I don't trust you..."

   "You don't have to worry about me, I'm looking for big brother." Xia Xia said with a smile.

   Nangong Tianxiao was a little surprised when Xia Xia said he was going to find Nangong Tianyu: "You go to Big Brother? Do you think Big Brother will protect you?"

   "He will." Summer was still smiling.

   After a pause, Xia Xia told Nangong Tianxiao: "Only you know about the matter I went to see my eldest brother. Do you want to keep it a secret for me? You can't tell my mother, you know, my mother can't hide things in her heart."

  Nangong Tianxiao nodded solemnly: "Qingqing, don't worry, I will never tell anyone!"

  Nangong Tianxiao saw that he was wearing men's clothes in summer, and there was a suitcase next to him. He asked Xia Tian, ​​"Are you... going to leave now?"

   "Well, I'm leaving now." Said, Xia Xian stood up with a suitcase.

  Nangong Tianxiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "I'll send you..."

   "No, I'll just leave by myself. Maybe the two of them will make some noise together. If they wake up, they won't be able to leave!"

   "Then... well, be careful on your way! When you get there, find a way to contact me."

  Xiamen thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I'll call the school and say it's your pen pal Summer, and ask you to answer the phone."

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