Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 465: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Extra)

   That day, Xia Zimu chased Gu Yanyu a few streets with a kitchen knife, but his image was gone.

   After that day, Xia Zimu acquiesced in the relationship between Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia, but he did not give Gu Yanyu a good look every time.

  Who asked him to **** his sister! hum~

   But Xia Zimu knew that Xia Xia would be happy with Gu Yanyu.

   In the past few years, his nerves have been slow to respond, and he didn't see it.

   After thinking about it carefully, Gu Yanyu didn't hide his thoughts about Summer in front of him at all!

   So, he can only blame himself——

  Xia Zimu Yi reluctantly handed Xia Xia's hand to Gu Yanyu's hand and warned him: "From today onwards, my sister is your wife. If you are not nice to her, my kitchen knife is waiting for you!"

   Gu Yanyu smiled and nodded: "From today, I'm going to be a wife and slave, and your kitchen knife will be useless."


Ou Ang Tianhao also attended the wedding of    Summer and Gu Yanyu.

   A few years ago, after Ouyang Tianhao knew Qian Qianqian's true face and broke up with her, he asked Xia Xia to apologize, but Xia Xia did not accept it.

   For some reason, he always pays attention to summer unconsciously.

   pays attention to everything about her, and then finds that he likes her.

   fell in love with the person who pursued him for several years, but he was indifferent.

   After realizing that he likes summer, Ouyang Tianhao went to confess to her.

   He thought that he would definitely accept him in the summer, thinking that he had confessed himself.

   But in fact, Xia Xia rejected him, very decisive!

   Then that night, he was beaten up in the room.

  The police dealt with it, but the police did not even find a fingerprint.

   Of course, Ouyang Tianhao never thought that he was beaten up because of his confession to Xia Xia.

   He never thought that the person who beat him up was his head teacher...

   Although his confession was rejected, Ouyang Tianhao still did not give up his pursuit of summer.

   This also resulted in him being beaten up from time to time, and the perpetrator could not be found—

  From the second year to the third year of high school, until graduation, Ouyang Tianhao and Xia Xia entered two different universities.

After    university, Ouyang Tianhao gave up to pursue the summer.

   But occasionally, he would also inquire about the news about summer.

   It's just that he never thought that not long after graduating from college, he received the news that he was going to get married in the summer.

   He clearly has never heard of dating in summer!

   asked who Xia Xia's marriage partner was, Ouyang Tianhao was really taken aback.

   He didn't expect to marry 'Li Jingxia' in the summer!

   But again, it is not surprising that these two people get married.

   I still remember that at his eighteenth birthday party, Gu Yanyu came as a summer male companion.

   It turned out that at that time...

   It’s really scary to think about!

  Ouyang Tianhao looked at the summer standing beside Gu Yanyu, and his heart was a little sour.

   Maybe what he can't get will always be the best, so when he sees summer entering the palace of marriage with others, he feels very regretful.

   I regret that when I liked him in the summer, he was unmoved and indifferent.

   Many times Ouyang Tianhao couldn't help but think, if he had accepted Xia Xia, the person who stood by her side and gave her a ring to swear with her... Could it be him?

   However, for some people, missing is missing.

  Just thinking about what if, it's useless.

   What's more useless is that the current summer is not the 'summer' that likes Ouyang Tianhao to the point of losing his mind.


  After the wedding, Xia Xia went on their honeymoon with Gu Yanyu.

   is a honeymoon where you drive your own car and go wherever you go.

   When passing through a certain city, I met an acquaintance in summer.

   If it wasn't for the 'acquaintance' who took the initiative to say hello, Xia Xia wouldn't recognize this 'acquaintance'.

   Looking at the woman in front of her with exposed clothes, heavy make-up, and seemingly delicate but rigid facial features, I can't imagine that in summer, she is the former heroine!

   "Qian Qianqian, why did you go for plastic surgery?"

  Yes, the woman in front of me who looks like a woman in the dust is Qian Qianqian!

   Qian Qianqian didn't go to school since she was dumped by Ouyang Tianhao that day, and the school also expelled her, which was handled by Gu Yanyu.

   And Qian Qianqian seemed to have evaporated from the world and didn't know where to go.

What   Xiamen didn't know was that Qian Qianqian went back to find Ouyang Tianhao when she was a freshman.

   She used the 2 million plastic surgery that Ouyang Tianhao gave her, such as rhinoplasty, eyelid cutting, eye opening, bone cutting, breast enhancement...

   After a series of cosmetic surgeries, she can no longer find Qian Qianqian's appearance.

   When she stood in front of Ouyang Tianhao, Ouyang Tianhao didn't even recognize her.

   She intends to change her name to make Ouyang Tianhao fall in love with her and stay with her.

   In this way, she can continue to fulfill her dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

   But no matter how she pestered Ouyang Tianhao, Ouyang Tianhao ignored her.

   In the end, she was in a hurry, she simply prescribed medicine to Ouyang Tianhao, thinking that as long as the raw rice was cooked, she would be able to marry into a wealthy family.

   She made it, won the lottery once, and got pregnant.

   She went to Ouyang Tianhao, but Ouyang Tianhao found someone to send her to the hospital for forced surgery.

   After getting off the operating table, Ouyang Tianhao told her that he already knew that she was Qian Qianqian.

   also warned her not to return to the city, or find someone to kill her.

   She was frightened and left in despair.

  The dream of marrying into a wealthy family never woke up.

  Since Ouyang Tianhao has no hope here, he will find other giants.

   She is beautiful now, and rich men are easy to find.

  In the beginning, the young rich second generation was with her, and it didn't take long to get bored of her.

   Later, she started looking for someone who was married to be the mistress of the family.

   Do this, do it now.

   Many times, she also asked herself is it worth it?


   But in the end, she still fell under the temptation of money.

   Seeing Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu, Qian Qianqian only said one sentence to Xia Xia: "Your life is so good, but you are still so envious and jealous."

   Watching Qian Qianqian turn and leave, Xia Xia sighed.

   If your character didn't collapse, wouldn't it be just as good?

   What went wrong? Is it the human heart?

   Greed is a disease, and the only one who can cure it is probably only yourself.

  Because of it, it's just between your thoughts...

   That was the last time Xia Xia saw Qian Qianqian, and she hadn't heard from her after that.


   Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia had just returned from their honeymoon when they were notified to attend Xia Zimu's wedding.

  Xia Zimu's wedding!

   If it wasn't for Xia Zimu himself who announced the marriage, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu couldn't believe it!

   After all, Xia Zimu has been single for so many years, and some people speculate whether he is sexually oriented or not.

  Xia Zimu said embarrassedly that it was because of his son who got married.

   This news made people drop their jaws even more.

  On the eve of the wedding, I met my future sister-in-law in the summer, and found out... that my future sister-in-law has the aura of the protagonist!

  This is a novel where the hero and heroine got drunk, then rolled the sheets accidentally, and later got married because of pregnancy...

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