Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 461: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Thirty-six)

  Ouyang Tianhao said that he wanted to apologize to Xia Xia, which was not what bothered Qian Qianqian the most.

   Because Ouyang Tianhao also said that his parents asked him to apologize to Xia Xia.

   What Qian Qianqian minds most is that Ouyang Tianhao told her that summer is actually not as bad as he imagined...

   also said that he had wronged Xia Xia to himself and treated her so badly, so he also felt sorry and so on.

  As a girl, the sixth sense is always strong.

   So Qian Qianqian can see that Ouyang Tianhao doesn't dislike summer as much as he used to.

   So she was very afraid, afraid that Ouyang Tianhao would one day fall in love with summer who was prettier than her, richer than her, and better than her in everything except studying.

   Summer's life is already so good, she has such a rich brother.

   She is so beautiful in summer, and there are always tall, rich and handsome people who will pursue her at school.

   But what about her? She only has Ouyang Tianhao!

  Ouyang Tianhao is her hope, her hope of marrying into a wealthy family and becoming a rich man!

   So she absolutely cannot allow it, Ouyang Tianhao was taken away by Xia Xia, and by anyone!

   In order to prevent Ouyang Tianhao's impression of Summer from improving, Qian Qianqian thought of a way to slander Summer in front of Ouyang Tianhao.

   In fact, it was very successful at the beginning. When she saw that the video of herself being slapped in the face by Xia Xia was spread to various websites, she was very aggrieved and went to Ouyang Tianhao.

   She cried, crying like pear blossoms and rain.

   She cried and said she couldn't understand why Xia Xia treated her like that, she was very sad.

   Then, Ouyang Tianhao believed her words.

   But she didn't expect that Xia Xia didn't cooperate with her idea at all, and everything changed when Xia Xia scolded Ouyang Tianhao for being brainless.

   But that's okay, Ouyang Tianhao hurts Ouyang Tianhao today, and Ouyang Tianhao will definitely be mad at her.

   So she doesn't have to worry, Ouyang Tianhao will like summer——

   Seeing Qian Qianqian's expression, Xia Xia knew that she guessed right.

   She glanced at the door without a trace. The door of the private room was not all closed, but a gap was left.

   Qian Qianqian had her back to the private room door, so she didn't see a person standing at the private room door, and this person was...

   "Qian Qianqian, are you doing this because you are worried that Ouyang Tianhao will like me?"

   "If Ouyang Tianhao likes me, you will have nothing..."

   "No! Tianhao won't like you! Absolutely not!"

   This sentence, Qian Qianqian said a little excitedly, quite a feeling that she wanted to hide her thoughts.

Xia Xia pouted indifferently: "You and I both know that you are not really pure and kind. Maybe you used to be pure, but now... only thinking about how to keep Ouyang Tianhao, who didn't have deep feelings for you. ."

   Qian Qianqian was very unhappy, not happy that Xia Tian could see what she was thinking.

  Yes, before transferring to a noble school, she was always a very optimistic and simple person.

   Even though her family was not wealthy or even a little poor, she did not feel that she was having a bad life.

   But since he went to the aristocratic school, the people in it are all rich or expensive.

   When she came here, she felt so small.

   What they use, what they eat, and what they discuss are completely different worlds from her.

   She is very envious, very jealous.

   She even hates, why God is so unfair!

  Why some people are born so rich, but she is so poor!

   Such a mentality made her look down on her birth more and more, and even complained that her parents were incompetent.

   Not to mention, this heroine is broken.

  The original plot The heroine who never flinched, never got discouraged, or looked down on herself, even if she entered a noble school and was bullied by those rich second-generation officials, has collapsed endlessly...

   "Based on what I just talked to you, I make a decision."

   "What decision?" Qian Qianqian asked Xia Xia.

   "I originally decided to stop liking Ouyang Tianhao and wish you all the best, but now I regret it."

  Qian Qianqian frowned, looking unhappy: "What do you mean?"

  Xiamen shrugged with a smile, and said, "It means literally! Don't you, a scholar, can't understand what it means literally? Do you need me to explain it to you?"

Of course Qian Qianqian knew what Xia Xia meant, she hooked her lips and sneered: "Haha! You think you haven't caught up with Ouyang Tianhao in a few years, if you say you want it now, can you get it? In summer, you will Wouldn't it be too naive?"

   In the face of Qian Qianqian's irony, Xia Xia nodded: "Yes, it took me several years to make Ouyang Tianhao fall in love with me, but that doesn't mean...I can't destroy you and Ouyang Tianhao!"

   "Do you think you can destroy me and Tianhao if you want to? The relationship between us..."

   Before Qian Qianqian could finish speaking, Xia Xia couldn't help laughing: "You haven't been dating for a week, how deep is your relationship? Does Ouyang Tianhao have a deep relationship with his parents?"

   Qian Qianqian was stunned, that's why she lacked confidence.

  Because she hasn't dated Ouyang Tianhao very long, Ouyang Tianhao can break up with her at will.

  This is also what she is most afraid of.

   Qian Qianqian was speechless, but she heard Xia Xia say, "Yesterday you went to Ouyang Tianhao's birthday party and met his parents, so I think you should know that his parents don't like you very much."

   "On the contrary, they like me very much, because Ouyang Tianhao and I are in the same family, and the two of us together will benefit both families."

   "And you are just a burden. If you want to marry into the Ouyang family in the future, it will only make the Ouyang family a joke!"

   "Do you think Ouyang Tianhao's parents will be able to let you marry into the Ouyang family?"

   After saying these words, Xia Xia feels that she is really a qualified vicious female supporting actress!

   A few days ago, she played a drama, and the vicious female supporting actress Bai Fumei said this to the heroine!

  Summer today is completely copied.

  The difference is probably that Xia Xia disdained to be this vicious female supporting role, but today is just to cheat Qian Qianqian.

What's more, the heroine in the TV series is really pure and kind and loves the hero, so when she heard the vicious female partner say this, she said very seriously, 'I and **** are sincere, I will use our true feelings to impress his parents'.

   And looking at Qian Qianqian's expression, she knew she wouldn't say such a thing.

   Sure enough, Qian Qianqian's dazedness at the beginning, and the worry that crossed her eyes, turned into honeyed confidence.

   "I'm not worried at all about the issues you mentioned. I can make Tianhao fall in love with me in a short period of time, and I can make him fall in love with me completely!"

   "Summer, give up, no matter how close you are with Tianhao, he won't like you!"

   "Wait, one day, I will marry into the Ouyang family with a smile, and I will show you! How did the pheasant in your mouth turn into a phoenix!"

After    proudly and proudly finished speaking, Qian Qianqian stood up: "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

After   , she took her mobile phone and turned to leave.

   She was stunned the moment she opened the private room door.


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