Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 452: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Twenty-seven)

  cough...and ask him what secret mission!

   What secret mission could he have?

   If you really want to ask him what secret mission he has, is it a secret mission to fill up his wife's favorability?

   Of course this secret, he really can't tell Summer.

   As said in the summer of the last world, she went to the world because she had no body and no memory of the body.

   That's why she believed his 'nonsense'.

  This summer, she has no memory of her own, but has the memory of the host, and she has all the memories of the host over the years.

   If Gu Yanyu told you the truth of the matter, it would be a nonsense in Xia's eyes.

   So, he cannot say.

   Under the repeated questioning in the summer, Gu Yanyu couldn't help laughing and crying: "It's all said to be a secret mission, can I tell you?"

  Xiamen blinked and said, "I'll keep it a secret for you, and I'll never tell anyone else!"

   "Then if I don't tell you about my secret mission, will you tell others about my identity?" Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia with a serious look.

  Xiamen shook his head when he thought about it: "I won't tell anyone that you are an agent, your parents, my brother, I won't tell anyone!"

   She can't put Gu Yanyu in danger!

   Seeing Xia Xia's serious face, Gu Yanyu wanted to hug her and kiss her.

   Resisting this impulsive thought, he only raised his hand and rubbed the top of Xia Xia's hair: "Let's not talk about this topic, we will talk about it after watching the excitement, how about it?"

   Summer nodded in agreement.

  The green light came on, Gu Yanyu started the car and continued onward—

  Gu Yanyu knew where Ouyang's house was, so the car stopped at the gate of Ouyang's house and did not go in.

  The two got out of the car, and Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu, "How do we get in?"

   Gu Yanyu squatted with his back to Xia Xia, Xia Xia raised his eyebrows: "You... want to carry me?"

   "Well, you can't fly."

   "You can still fly!? Qinggong like that in ancient costume martial arts dramas?! Flying over the eaves and walking the walls?!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, your favorability is 88% in summer. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Gu Yanyu turned back to look at Summer.

   Then, he was amused by the expression and eyes of Xia Xia when he became a little fan girl.

   It seems that his decision tonight was right.

   It is true that he wants to fix Ouyang Tianhao, Gu Yanyu originally planned to come to Ouyang's house by himself.

   But he wanted to get along with Xia Xia more, so he decided to bring Xia Xia along to make a prank.

   Well, fortunately he came with summer!

  Gu Yanyu nodded with a smile: "Yes, I can fly over the eaves and walls, this passenger, can you put your back on it?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Xia threw himself on his back without hesitation.

   "Let's go! Let me fly!"

The excited tone of    sounded in his ears, with the scent of summer.

The touch of   's delicate body made Gu Yanyu almost unable to stand up.

   took a deep breath, Gu Yanyu put his arms around Xia Xia and said, "Let's go~"

As soon as the    voice fell, before Xia Xia could respond, he felt himself flying.

   Gu Yanyu really took her to fly!

   That feeling is as exciting as riding a roller coaster!

  Swish a few times, and when she came back to her senses in the summer, she and Gu Yanyu had already entered the garden of Ouyang's house!

   "My God! So fast~" Xia Xia deliberately lowered her voice, for fear that someone would find them.

  Gu Yanyu is still carrying Summer, and has no plans to put her down.

  He tilted his head and said to Xia Xia in a low voice: "Now I'm going to take you into the living room of Ouyang's house. You lie on my back, breathe lightly, don't talk and don't move around, you know?"

  Xiamen nodded quickly, and his hands around Gu Yanyu tightened.

   She leaned close to Gu Yanyu's ear and snorted, and said that she would never move.

   Because he was too close, his lips brushed against his auricle inadvertently.

   And then... Gu Yanyu seemed to be electrocuted, and he almost let go of Summer.

  He tried to restrain himself, his heart hurt and he was happy.

  It hurts, because he can only carry summer and can't do anything.

  Happy, of course, he can carry Summer on his back and be in close contact with her!

   sighed silently, Gu Yanyu avoided the camera of Ouyang's house with Xia Xia on his back, and entered the living room of Ouyang's house.

   After entering, Gu Yanyu hid in a corner with Summer behind his back.

   After successfully entering the living room of Ouyang's house, he was too nervous to go out in summer.

   At the same time, she was very excited.

   is inexplicable, very excited!

  Xia Tian was lying on Gu Yanyu's back, looking at the three people sitting on the sofa in the living room.

   Because of what happened this afternoon, Ouyang's parents forced their faces to laugh all day, but their faces were not good-looking at this time.

   And Ouyang Tianhao's face was not very good-looking, the three of them were silent, and the atmosphere was very bad.

   It seemed that the three had already talked before Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia came.

  Summer thought that the excitement was over.

   But Ouyang's mother said after a while: "After you go to school tomorrow, apologize to Xia Xia."

  Xiamen thought that Ouyang Tianhao would refuse immediately, but he didn't expect Ouyang Tianhao to be silent, neither rejecting nor agreeing.

  Ouyang's mother went on to say, "That girl Qian Qianqian... you'd better not be with her after today."

   "Mother, I like Sissy, I won't be with her..."


   Before Ouyang Tianhao finished speaking, he was slapped by Ouyang's father next to him.

   "Isn't it enough to make such a big joke today?! You still want to be with that poor girl? Do you want to disgrace our Ouyang family to be satisfied?!"

  Ouyang's father was much more powerful than Ouyang's mother.

   Ouyang Tianhao had a red slap print on half of his face, showing that Ouyang's father's strength was not small.

  Ouyang's mother felt distressed when she saw the slap print on her son's face.

   She walked over to Ouyang Tianhao, grabbed his hand and said softly, "Son, please promise your father! I promise you will never have contact with that Qian Qianqian in the future!"

   "Mother, I can't guarantee this." Ouyang Tianhao said stubbornly.

   In fact, he has been with Qian Qianqian for a long time, and the relationship is not too deep.

   It is actually very easy to separate at this time.

   But probably because of his rebellious mentality when he was young, the more Ouyang's parents didn't let him be with Qian Qianqian, the more he wanted to be with Qian Qianqian!

   "Silly child, do you think Qian Qianqian is simple and kind? Look what she did to Xia Xia today."

Ouyang's mother only wanted her son to find his way back, but Ouyang Tianhao said: "This Qian Qian explained to me, she was too nervous, so she misremembered what she said to her yesterday summer. Mother, you really misunderstood Qian. Akane, she's very kind..."

Kind? !

  Ouyang's mother looked at her son in disbelief, and only thought that her son should have been given Ecstasy by Qian Qianqian.

  Otherwise, how could it become a no-brainer?

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