Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 446: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twenty one)

  As a result... Qian Qianqian didn't answer the phone again!

   It is a lie to say that he is not worried, otherwise Ouyang Tianhao would not be waiting for her outside.

   But before Qian Qianqian came, Ouyang's mother called him and asked him to chat with Xia Zimu or Xia Xia!

   Just now, Ouyang's mother also asked Gu Yanyu's details, and only then did she know that Gu Yanyu was not only the teacher of Ouyang Tianhao and Xia Xia, but also the son of the Li family, a scholarly family.

   Not only that, but Gu Yanyu has known Xia Zimu and Xia Xia for more than ten years!

   Ouyang's mother, who has come here, can actually see a little clue. After all, Gu Yanyu didn't hide his thoughts about Xia too deeply.

   As long as you are an outsider, you can basically see it.

   She didn't want her daughter-in-law to fly, so Ouyang's mother asked Ouyang Tianhao to cultivate a relationship with Xia Xia.

  Ouyang Tianhao knew his mother's thoughts. In the past, every time his mother asked him to cultivate a relationship with Xia Xia, he would be quite disgusted and conflicted.

   But when he heard his mother say that again today, he didn't have much resistance.

   Although he thought it was strange, Ouyang Tianhao followed his mother into the banquet hall.

   Before the banquet started, Xia Zimu went to greet someone she knew.

   And Ouyang Tianhao listened to Ouyang's mother's words and stood beside Xia Xia to accompany her.

   But Xia Xia did not take the initiative to talk to him as usual, but Gu Yanyu, who was beside him, was chatting and laughing.

   The feeling of being neglected and neglected is not very pleasant.

   However, Ouyang Tianhao didn't have the time to think about how upset he would be, because he was still thinking about when Qian Qianqian would come.

   The real start time of the banquet is four o'clock, and soon, it will be four o'clock.

   But at this time, Qian Qianqian hasn't come yet!

  No way, the banquet can't start until Qian Qianqian arrives.

  Although, he really wanted to wait for Qian Qianqian to arrive before officially starting the banquet——

   At four o'clock, Ouyang Tianhao's parents first came to the stage to thank everyone for coming to their son's birthday party, and then they asked Ouyang Tianhao to go up and say a few words.

   I don't know who suggested it, saying that Ouyang Tianhao played the piano well and wanted to hear Ouyang Tianhao play a piece.

   At this time, Ouyang's mother also suggested: "How about learning the violin since childhood in summer, how about playing with Tianhao?"

  The crowd applauded and said that they were looking forward to playing with Ouyang Tianhao in summer.

   Gu Yanyu was a little unhappy, how could his wife play in an ensemble with Ouyang Tianhao!

   He thought that Xia Xia would not agree, but the truth is that Xia Xia readily agreed!

   Xia Xia stood beside Ouyang Tianhao with a white violin. The two people on the stage were all good-looking.

   Not to mention whether they are worthy or not, but two people standing together are indeed very eye-catching!

   Gu Yanyu frowned and became jealous.

  He was feeling unhappy when Xia Zimu next to her even leaned into her ear and said, "Do you think Xiao Xia and that kid from Ouyang's family are a good match?"

  ‘It’s like a fart! ' Gu Yanyu replied in his heart.

   He opened his mouth and was about to express his opinion when he heard Xia Zimu say, "I think Xiao Xia is also interested in Ouyang Tianhao. In the past, as long as it was a banquet at Ouyang's family, she could look forward to it!"

   'That was the previous summer, not my wife! ' Gu Yanyu couldn't help roaring in his heart again.

   "Ouyang and his wife also mentioned to me before, saying that the two children are childhood sweethearts, and the two families are in the same family, so the marriage is quite good. What do you think, Jingxia?"

He says? Of course not! ! !

   However, no matter how unhappy Gu Yanyu was in his heart, he still didn't show it.

   just raised his eyebrows and pretended to say something unexpected: "Of course it's good for the two to marry, but as far as I know, Ouyang Tianhao already has a girlfriend! But it doesn't matter, anyway, he won't necessarily marry that girlfriend..."

   Before Gu Yanyu finished speaking, Xia Zimu said in surprise, "He already has a girlfriend!?"

   "Yeah, also a student in our class..."

   Before he finished speaking again, Xia Zimu spoke again: "Forget it! My little sister is so good, I can't blame him Ouyang Tianhao!"

  Gu Yanyu nodded and said nothing, his eyes were always on Xia Xia.

   The corner of his mouth raised a proud arc.

   He just knew about his sister-in-law, Xia Zimu, so he just said that.

   Although Xia Zimu tried his best to maintain the image of a stern brother, it did not mean that he was not a sister-in-law.

   Like all older brothers and even parents, he believes that his children deserve the best.

   And knowing that Ouyang Tianhao, who was quite satisfied with him, already had a girlfriend, Ouyang Tianhao was destined not to be considered by his brother-in-law.


   Ouyang Tianhao's ensemble with Xia Xia's ensemble is relatively light, the two of them cooperate quite well, and the tune is melodious and beautiful.

When    was halfway through the performance, Xia Yu looked at the door of the banquet hall, and a red figure came.

  Ouyang Tianhao was facing the banquet door, so naturally he couldn't see the banquet door immediately.

   In summer, he is playing the violin, and his body can turn at will.

   When he saw the red figure staggering slightly at the door of the banquet in the corner of his light, Xia Xia's eyes turned.

   Just one glance-, I almost pulled it wrong in summer!

   The red figure at the door has really hot eyes...

   If Xia Xia didn't recognize her skirt, she really couldn't tell, that person turned out to be Qian Qianqian!

   That's right, that red figure is Qian Qianqian, who is long overdue!

  Qian Qianqian is also 'well-dressed', even wearing a dress that is 14cm tall but still drags the floor.

   Anyone who knows the goods knows that the dress is precious.

   But Qian Qianqian wore the same style as a certain treasure, which is also amazing.

  Forget it, it is the only limited edition in the world.

   But Xia Xia didn't understand, why did Qian Qianqian wear a hairstyle that is at least 20 years old?

   Not to mention, even Ouyang's mother's hairstyle is much younger than hers.

   Okay, that's okay too.

   But why! ! Why wear a smoky makeup that you can't recognize? !

   With the black and purple eye makeup, it is obvious that the makeup artist who applied Qian Qianqian's makeup is not very skilled, even worse than when she first learned makeup in summer!

   If you can't see the layering, it's fine, and the fake eyelashes that are so fake are attached.

   Probably to match this red dress, Qian Qianqian also wore a flaming red lip!'s too hot for the eyes!

  Xiamer guessed that Qian Qianqian was reluctant to spend money, so she found a cheap makeup shop.


   If you really want to amaze the audience, call Ouyang Tianhao directly and ask Ouyang Tianhao to hire a stylist for her!

   Now this will definitely scare the audience! She promises!

  Summer's aesthetics are very different from Qian Qianqian's. Qian Qianqian thinks this kind of makeup looks good.

   She came to the banquet full of anticipation, thinking nervously how Ouyang Tianhao would introduce her to his parents.


  【There are two more chapters! 】

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