Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 443: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (eighteen)

   And if you don't have a chest in a tube top skirt, you won't be able to support it at all.

   Even if he was forced to tighten his skirt so that it wouldn't fall down, it would still look like a "flat horse".

   "But are you sure you want to wear this? If so, I'll tighten your waist." Out of 'kindness', Xia Xia asked Qian Qianqian again.

  Qian Qianqian nodded firmly and said, "I'll trouble you then."

   She really likes this dress very much, and feels that she can wear it all day without regrets.

   Just now she tried to get her waist down, but she's not good at getting that bandage at all, so it took so long to get it right...

   Qian Qianqian's stubbornness surprised Summer.

   Okay, just wear this one.

   It's not that she cheated Qian Qianqian, it was Qian Qianqian who wanted to cheat herself!

   Obviously not tall enough, but also wear such a long style.

   It seems that even if Qian Qianqian wears 12cm high heels, the skirt will drag on the ground.

  If you walk carelessly, you will definitely fall over!

  Xiamen walked behind Qian Qianqian and tightened the straps for her as tight as possible, so that she could barely let the dress skirt fall down.

After    dressed, Xia Xian asked Qian Qianqian to look in the mirror.

   In summer, Qian Qianqian really doesn't fit in this dress.

  Especially, Qian Qianqian's... boobs.

   She looks like she has no boobs.

  If Qian Qianqian's appearance is still relatively feminine, it will make people think she is a man.

  Summer is really, no matter how you look at it, it's awkward.

   But she didn't give Qian Qianqian any advice, she just asked her: "Do you want to borrow this dress?"

   Contrary to Summer, Qian Qianqian thinks she looks good in this dress, and her waist is very thin.

   Hearing Xia Xia ask her, she nodded and said she wanted to borrow this dress.

  Xiamen shrugged again and said, "Okay, I'll lend you this one, then go and choose your shoes!"

   Standing in front of the three rows of shoes of different heights, Qian Qianqian decided to choose a pair of high heels.

   She feels that she is so much shorter than Summer. If she wears a pair of shoes with lower heels, she will definitely be a head shorter when standing next to Summer.

   So Qian Qianqian chose a pair of high heels that were 14cm long. They were silver and the style was very nice.

   But, that heel is too high!

  These shoes, the front waterproof platform is quite high, about five centimeters, but the heel is thin.

  The reason why I bought this pair of shoes to go home in summer was just because I thought they looked good, so I used them as decorations.

   After all, she is so tall, so she doesn't like to wear high heels.

  I didn't expect Qian Qianqian to choose a pair of 14cm high heels in summer, it was terrible!

   She wanted to laugh, but held it back.

   Fourteen-centimeter high heels are fine. After all, there is a waterproof platform. In fact, those who are used to wearing them should be able to control them.

   But the most important thing is that the shoe size in summer is one size smaller than Qian Qianqian's shoe size!

   Wearing inappropriate shoes is not comfortable, but it should be slightly tolerable if one size is larger.

   But wear one size smaller...

   Just trying it on, I have seen how difficult Qian Qianqian is to wear these shoes in summer.

   She also asked her: "Can you wear such high shoes?"

   Qian Qianqian nodded stubbornly and said, "I can do it!"

   As if she was afraid that Xia Xia would regret not lending it to her, Qian Qianqian quickly thanked: "Thank you Xia Xia for lending me my shoes and dress!"

   "Hehe~ No thanks!"

   She is really looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to seeing what kind of jokes Qian Qianqian will make at Ouyang Tianhao's banquet tomorrow——

  Qian Qianqian changed her dress and shoes, put it in a bag, and thanked Summer again before she left.

After    sent Qian Qianqian away, Xia Xia finally couldn't help laughing.

   She was in the living room, with her hands on her hips, laughing.

   After laughing enough, Xia Xia couldn't help but share the story of Qian Qianqian asking her to borrow dresses and shoes with Luo Ke video who lives in the hospital.

  Luo Ke just heard that Xia Xia had borrowed dresses and shoes for Qian Qianqian, and was instantly furious.

   "How can you be so kind in the summer?! Who is Qian Qianqian and lend her a dress?! If I were to give her a roundhouse kick and send her home!"

  Xiamen grinned and said indifferently, "It's okay! It's just a dress and a pair of shoes!"

   "And does Xiao Keke know what kind of dress she chose? Do you know how she wears it? She..."

   Summer Barabara and Luo Ke described it affectionately, Qian Qianqian was wearing a dress and that 14cm tall look.

After    finished describing it, Summer was still very excited and said, "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!"

   Hearing the description of summer, Luo Ke also looked forward to it.

   "Our family also received an invitation from Ouyang's family, or I'll go tomorrow too!" Luo Ke said.

   Summer is not very relieved: "Will you still be in pain tomorrow?"

  Luo Ke was very sad, and he had to be in pain for three or four days each time.

   She shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter, it won't be so painful tomorrow, I'm just going to see the excitement, you can't watch it alone!"

   Actually, in summer, I also want to be able to watch Qian Qianqian make jokes with Luo Ke tomorrow, how interesting!

   So seeing Luo Ke so stubborn, she agreed.

   Summer and Luo Ke were chatting vigorously, Gu Yanyu came down from the upstairs and entered the mirror!

  Xiamen was startled, and quickly hung up the video with Luo Ke.

   Gu Yanyu saw her actions, but he pretended not to see it.

   "Has Qian Qianqian left?" he asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded: "Yes, let's go."

   Gu Yanyu snorted and said, "Then let's start tutoring now."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Xia jumped up from the sofa: "This is tutoring? I haven't played yet!"

   "You haven't played yet? You've been playing for a long time."

  Gu Yanyu walked up to Xia Xia and showed her the time on the watch on his wrist: "It's already 3 pm, if we play again, we won't have time for tutoring, and you have to go to the banquet tomorrow."

  Xiamen sighed and bowed his head resignedly: "Okay, where is the tutoring?"

   "In the study." Gu Yanyu replied.

   Finished. He turned around and went up to the second floor.

  Xiamen followed him and went upstairs.

   Then, they started tutoring.

  From 3pm to 5pm, two hours.

  Gu Yanyu taught very quickly, but he also absorbed it very quickly in summer.

   But as she learns, she gets hungry.

   As soon as Xia Xia said that he was hungry, Gu Yanyu immediately stopped tutoring to make dinner.

  When Gu Yanyu was cooking, he sat on the sofa in the summer, checked his mobile phone, and chatted with Luo Ke.

  Dinner is still very rich, and I stopped eating chopsticks when I couldn’t eat it in summer.

  Because I didn't want to, so I just finished eating, and said in summer: "Walking after dinner is the most healthy thing! And you can watch the sunset at this time! Let's watch the sunset together?!"

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