Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 440: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (fifteen)

   "Well, he doesn't deserve you!" Gu Yanyu said with agreement.

   At the same time, there are a lot of activities in his heart: Oooooooo~ Niangzi finally doesn't like others anymore, it's great, great!

   Even if his favorability was only 60%, he felt much more comfortable.

  You know, he is a famous vinegar jar.

   A person who wants to eat his own jealousy, who dares not eat his own jealousy?

   Mingming is going to ask Gu Yanyu to have a few romances in the summer, but as soon as the topic is changed by him, he can't pull it back again——


   By the time they drove to the seaside villa, it was already 12 noon.

   The car was parked in the garage, and Gu Yanyu carried the summer suitcase and went to the room she was going to stay in tonight.

  The room is on the third floor of the villa, with a large floor-to-ceiling window outside, a large platform outside, and a swimming pool.

   Very happy with this room in summer, not because of the floor-to-ceiling balcony and swimming pool, but because it faces the sea.

  The blue sky and the blue sea, just looking at it can make people feel good enough to explode!

   Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia if he was hungry, and Xia Xia shook his head to indicate that he was not hungry.

   How could she possibly be hungry?

  Gu Yanyu is preparing a bunch of snacks. He has been eating snacks in the summer without stopping his mouth.

   Gu Yanyu was worried that he would be hungry in summer, so he specially prepared a lot of snacks.

   raised his hand and patted Xia Xia's head, and said, "Okay, you go for a walk first, and I'll make lunch."

   Of course it’s good to go out for a walk in summer, the weather is very good today, the background is so beautiful, she can go and take beautiful photos!

   Seeing Xia Xia running outside with a bag, Gu Yanyu stopped her and told her to remember to come back for dinner in half an hour.

  Xiamen waved his hand and replied, "I see!"


   Not only is the weather good today, but it is also the weekend, so many people come to the beach to play.

  Take off your sandals in summer, step on the white sandy beach, and pat with your phone.

   After shooting, I also sent photos to Luo Ke.

   In fact, I sent a message to Luo Ke last night in the summer that she was going to the beach and invited Luo Ke together.

   But Luo Ke's menstrual period is coming, and every time she has a menstrual period, she is particularly painful.

   My stomach hurts so badly that everyone is in the hospital. How can they come to the beach to play.

   Seeing the photos posted by Xia Xia, Luo Ke was so jealous that he directly sent a voice over and said something coquettishly: "I don't care, you have to take me to Xia Xia next weekend, or I will be angry! Humph~"

   Xia Xia replied with a voice and said with a smile: "Okay, okay~ Next weekend, my sister will drive you here in person."

   Although, she doesn't have a driver's license yet...

   Chatting with Luo Ke while taking pictures in summer, and chatting, he walked to a drink shop by the sea.

   I was just a little thirsty, so I went to buy a drink in summer.

   As soon as I was about to leave, I saw Qian Qianqian who was working in this beverage shop.

   Xia Tian felt that this might be the ape dung between her and Qian Qianqian.

   Originally, she wanted to leave without seeing Qian Qianqian, but she didn't expect Qian Qianqian to stop her on the initiative.


   Qian Qianqian's cheerful look makes people who don't know think that Summer has a good relationship with her!

   But in fact their relationship is a former rival in love!

   And even if it's not a 'rival in love', Xia Xia also thought about how good a relationship she would have with Qian Qianqian.

   But since everyone stopped her, out of the most basic courtesy, Xia Xia didn't just turn around and leave.

   She stood there with a drink, watching Qian Qianxi running towards her in a waiter uniform.

   Qian Qianqian is really not pretty, at most she is of medium appearance, and her skin is still a little dark.

   About 1.6 meters, neither fat nor thin, not impressive.

  If Qian Qianqian is really attractive, it should be her eyes.

  Her eyes are black and white and look crystal clear.

   seems to be a very simple person.

   Qian Qianqian grinned, her teeth were white and neat.

   "Do you also come to the beach in summer?"

   Xia Xia wanted to roll her eyes at this question, but she held back.

   "I didn't come to the beach to play, do I come to work like you?" She looked at people when she spoke, but she usually didn't take into account people's feelings.

   Slightly, somewhat poisonous.

  To others, Xia Xia looked down on Qian Qianqian.

   But in fact, she has nothing to look down on Qian Qianqian, she never discriminates against those students who come out to work part-time.

   She also secretly went to work for a week because she wanted to make money by her own ability to buy gifts for Ouyang Tianhao!

   That's why Xia Xia said that because she didn't like Qian Qianqian.

   As soon as she finished saying these words, Qian Qianqian's expression was a little unsightly, her clear and bright eyes dimmed, as if she was hit by summer.

   But soon, Qian Qianqian grinned again and nodded: "Well, yes, you must have come to play!"

  Xiamen didn't speak, and wanted to come, but Qian Qianqian said there: "My home is nearby, so I will come here on weekends to work and earn some living expenses."

   For Qian Qianqian's life, summer has no interest at all.

   She snorted, took the drink and turned to leave.

  But just two steps away, Xia Xia was stopped by Qian Qianqian again.

   Summer looked back impatiently: "Speak directly if you have something to say!"

   Qian Qianqian took two steps forward, her expression a little embarrassed.

   Xia Xia saw her hesitating for a long time before opening her mouth: "Xia Xia, you also know that tomorrow is Tianhao's birthday, Tianhao invited me to go...I..."

   Having said this, Qian Qianqian paused again.

   She lowered her head and twisted the corners of her clothes with both hands.

   Hearing Qian Qianqian's words, Xia Xia suddenly remembered that tomorrow was Ouyang Tianhao's birthday.

  Ouyang Tianhao seemed to be seriously ill when he was seven or eight years old, so he dropped out of school for two years.

   So although he is a sophomore in high school now, he is already eighteen years old.

   Tomorrow is Ouyang Tianhao's eighteenth birthday, and Ouyang's family is going to prepare a banquet for Ouyang Tianhao.

The    banquet was held on Ouyang's cruise ship, and invitations were also received in summer.

   Speaking of which, summer actually prepared a birthday present for Ouyang Tianhao early.

   But for some reason, she completely forgot that tomorrow was Ouyang Tianhao's birthday.

   Now that I think about it, I no longer want to go to dinner in summer.

  Xiamen put his hands around his chest and tilted his head to look at Qian Qianqian: "What exactly do you want to express?"

   came to her to show off that Ouyang Tianhao invited her to his birthday party?

   That's so embarrassing, she's not jealous at all.

  Qian Qianqian took a deep breath and finally summoned up the courage to say, "I hope you can lend me an evening dress, because I...I don't have any decent clothes to wear to Tianhao's banquet..."

   "You want to borrow my dress?!" Summer looked at Qian Qianqian with a surprised expression.

  If she remembered correctly, she and Qian Qianqian didn't seem to have a good relationship enough to lend her clothes, right?

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