Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 436: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (eleven)

   "I'm too lazy to put on makeup today, anyway, I'm so pretty without makeup or makeup!" Summer said very narcissistically.

  Luo Ke nodded in approval, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Yes! It looks good in summer whether you wear makeup or not!"

   Seeing that Luo Ke cooperated with her like this, summer's mood has improved a lot.

  Thinking about it, there's nothing worthy of her bad mood.

   Wasn't it just being tricked by Gu Yanyu? She danced!

Isn't    just tutoring? Make it up then!

   But whether she wants to study hard when making up is also up to her own?

  When the big deal comes, she will find a way to make Gu Yanyu impatient to give her tutoring and give up voluntarily!

   That's right, that's it!

  Xiamen grinned wickedly, raised his hand around Luo Ke's neck, and walked towards the teaching building with his arms around her.

   took the elevator to the seventh floor where the classroom is located, and just walked into the corridor when he ran into Ouyang Tianhao.

  Ouyang Tianhao was a little surprised when he saw the summer without makeup.

  Because all along, the summer has been carefully dressed in front of him.

   But today's summer, it seems that there is no makeup.

   But despite this, she still looks so pretty.

  Ouyang Tianhao pursed his lips, thinking about what Xia Xia said yesterday after school, and how he would respond if Xia Xia greeted him.

   However, everything seems to be that he thinks too much.

  When he saw Ouyang Tianhao in summer, he just glanced at him lightly and walked past him.

   Her indifference made Ouyang Tianhao a little uncomfortable.

   In the summer before, he would run over and greet him with a smile, but now...

   The person who only revolves around you every day suddenly ignores you.

  It seems that he is no longer important...

   has walked for some distance, when Luo Ke turned back, he saw Ouyang Tianhao kept looking at Xia Xia's back.

  Luo Ke poked Xia Xia's arm and whispered, "Xia Xia Xia, Ouyang Tianhao is watching you!"

   Summer didn't look back, just casually snorted and didn't care.

  Luo Ke felt a little strange: "Why don't you look excited in summer?"

  Ouyang Tianhao used to be just a look without any emotion, which would make summer very happy.

  Loke's doubts were quickly answered by Summer.

  Xiamen said: "It's nothing, just started to decide yesterday that you will never like Ouyang Tianhao again, so don't mention this person in front of me in the future."

   When Xia Xia said that he would never like Ouyang Tianhao again, Luo Ke nodded in agreement after being surprised.

   also said something to comfort Xia Xia: "It doesn't matter, Xia Xia you are so good, you can definitely find a boy who is much, much, much better than Ouyang Tianhao!"

  Xiamen grinned and nodded with a smile: "Of course! The person worthy of me must be a very, very, very good boy!"

   Someone like Ouyang Tianhao is a good match for Qian Qianqian!

   She didn't think so before, she even thought that Ouyang Tianhao was the best match for her.

   But now it seems that Ouyang Tianhao and Qian Qianqian are more suitable——


  Monthly exam is really a difficult thing in summer.

  She hasn't attended much lectures since junior high school, so she really can't do those exam questions.

  So, without any surprises in the summer, he handed in the blank paper as usual.

  The efficiency of the school is very high. The results of the monthly test can be taken on the same day.

   When school was over in the afternoon, the grades were already down.

  Summer grades are all zeros.

  The test paper was sent to the seat, and it was smashed into a ball in the summer and thrown into the trash can.

   After school, I stood at the school gate in the summer and found that the driver hadn't come today!

   Normally, the driver would be waiting for her at the school gate in advance.

   But what is going on today?

  In summer, take out your mobile phone and prepare to call the driver to ask about the situation.

   At this moment, a very familiar car drove up to her and stopped.

  Gu Yanyu got out of the car, walked to the rear door, opened the car for her, and said, "Let's go, let's go home together."

  Xiamen took a step back: "I'll wait for the driver to pick me up, I don't need to go with you."

   Gu Yanyu smiled and said, "But I have already called your brother to tell the driver not to pick you up. Do you want to walk home by yourself?"

   So, the driver didn't come because of Gu Yanyu? !


   Xia Xia stared at Gu Yanyu's handsome smiling face and was speechless.

   "Anyway, let's go home together!" Gu Yanyu said again.

  Xiamen snorted: "I won't be with you!"

   said, she walked to the side.

   She wanted to take a taxi, but this is an aristocratic school, everyone has a private car, and taxis won't come here.

   So, you have to walk for a while to get a taxi.

  Gu Yanyu closed the car door and followed Xia Xia: "Then let's walk together!"

  Xiamen stopped and stared at Gu Yanyu: "Do you think everyone knows that I have a different relationship with you?!"

  There are so many students coming and going at the school gate. Teachers and students walk together, and it is still after school time.

  Xiamen believes that others will find it abnormal.

   "Huh? Not ordinary? Do we have any shameful relationship?" While speaking, Gu Yanyu deliberately leaned over to get closer to Summer.

   He is really not afraid, not afraid that others will think 'Mr. Li has an ambiguous relationship with the students'.

   And although his 'closeness' did not arouse Xia Xia's disgust, it surprised Xia Xia.

   She took a step back, her cheeks bulging: "Who has a shameful relationship with you!"

   "Well~ we don't have a shady relationship, so it doesn't matter if we go together!"

Seeing Xia Xia only staring at him without speaking, Gu Yanyu smiled again and said, "You don't get in my car, I can only walk with you, who told me to promise your brother that I will send you home safely? ?"

  Summer: "…"

   She suddenly felt that Li Jingxia, who used to be gentle and like a big brother, was no longer there.

   The current 'Li Jingxia' is thick-skinned and annoying!

   Not wanting to be surrounded by people walking with Gu Yanyu on the road, Xia Xia stomped his feet, turned angrily and walked to the side of the car.

   Seeing her compromise, the curvature of Gu Yanyu's mouth deepened a lot.

  Long legs took a step, walked to the front of Summer, and opened the door for her.

  Summer didn't even look at him, he lifted his foot and got into the car——

   The car was driving slowly, Gu Yanyu looked at the summer from the rearview mirror: "Why do you have to hand in blank papers today? Is it still possible to get a score of ten or so with your ability?"

   "Ten points? Haha! Teacher Li, you really look up to me!" Knowing where her grades are, you still want to pit her!

  Li Jingxia is a nuisance! So annoying!

   "According to the agreement, we will start tutoring tonight, how about it?" Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia again.

  I raised my eyebrows in the summer, is tutoring right? OK! Make up!


   Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia's slightly raised lips and knew that she was playing tricks.

   But it doesn't matter, he can always handle it.

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