Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 434: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Nine)

  In normal times, Li Jingxia's mother would also invite Xia Xia and Xia Zimu to the house for dinner.

   It’s just that since Li Jingxia came back and became the head teacher of Xia Xia, he hasn’t been to Li’s house for dinner again in Xia Xia.

   Because she felt awkward facing the head teacher Li Jingxia.

   "Hello Auntie!" As soon as Xia Xia saw Li Jingxia's mother, her attitude changed immediately.

   With a well-behaved smile on his face, he looks particularly attractive.

  If people in the school saw her like this, they would have dislocated their jaws, right?

  Mother Li walked up to Xia Xia very happily, held her hands, and looked at her lovingly: "Xiao Xia hasn't come to our house for a long time to eat, will you eat at home tonight?"

Gu Yanyu next to    is also fanning the flames: "Yes, yes, Xiao Xia hasn't eaten at home for a long time. I called Zimu to come back, how about we all have a reunion dinner together?"

Before Xia Xia spoke, Mother Li, who was beside him, quickly responded: "Okay! Xiaojing, you call Zi Mu and ask Zi Mu to come back soon! I'll ask Aunt Wang to prepare more Xiao Xia and Zi Mu'ai. food!"

   While talking, Mother Li had already dragged Xia Xia into the door of Li's house involuntarily.

   Xia Xia couldn't refuse at all, so he had no choice but to follow Li's mother into Li's house.

  Gu Yanyu followed behind the two of them, picked up his mobile phone and called Xia Zimu to tell him about coming to his house for dinner tonight.

   Originally, Xia Zimu also wanted to go home early today to have dinner with Xia Xia, because he just realized today that his sister seems to have grown up all at once.

   He felt that if he didn't take time to accompany his sister, he might have no chance to accompany her in the future.

   After receiving Gu Yanyu's call, Xia Zimu thought that it would be better if she had dinner with the Li family!

  With Li's father and Li's mother and Gu Yanyu there, the atmosphere at the dinner table was not as harmonious as if he was the only one who was relatively silent in summer.

   So after hearing Gu Yanyu's invitation, Xia Zimu agreed immediately.

   Hanging up Xia Zimu's phone, Gu Yanyu sat beside Xia Xia, listening to Li's parents and Li's mother's caring inquiries about Xia Xia.

  Summer is also very well-behaved, she will answer anything asked by Li's father and Li's mother.

   Suddenly, Mother Li turned the topic to the fact that Li Jingxia is now the head teacher of Xia Xia.

   Mother Li smiled and asked if the two of them got along well in school, and if there was any dispute or something.

   Then he asked Xia Xia jokingly: "Did your brother Jing Xia bend the law for personal gain in school? Did he treat you badly?"

  Summer decision, take the opportunity to complain!

   "Auntie, you don't know! Brother Jingxia deliberately cheated on me, it's really bad!" Xia Xia pouted, deliberately speaking in a coquettish tone.

   Not to mention Li's father and Li's mother, even when Gu Yanyu heard it, his heart softened.

   Li's father next to him heard Xia Xia's complaint, his eyebrows were raised, and he stared at Gu Yanyu without speaking.

   And Li mother also glanced at Gu Yanyu, and then asked Xia Xia: "Huh? Why did your brother Jingxia cheat on you? Tell my aunt, and my aunt will teach him a lesson for you!"

   Then Xia Xia said it, the promise she made with Gu Yanyu.

   After she finished speaking aggrievedly, she originally thought that Mother Li would be on her side.

Unexpectedly, Mother Li was standing on Gu Yanyu's side, and she said, "Tutoring is good! It just so happens that Brother Jingxia is your head teacher's language teacher again. If you tutor every day, your grades will definitely be improved. Mention it!"

   "Also, Auntie also believes that you can pass the exam!"

  No way, who made Li mother not know the real results in summer?

  If Mother Li knew, she would never say that she believed that she could pass the exam in summer.

  Xia Tian sighed silently in his heart, and turned his head to stare at Gu Yanyu, who was always smiling.

   Looking at the two people who were 'browsing', Mother Li suddenly felt that something was wrong!

  Why do you think that the way your son looks at Xia Xia is not the same as usual?

   An idea flashed in Mother Li's mind, but she shook her head and waved it away because the idea was too exaggerated.

   How is that possible! impossible!


   At six o'clock, Xia Zimu came back from the company and came directly to Li's house.

  Man, when we meet, we always talk about work or national affairs.

  Xia Zimu chatted with Li's father and Gu Yanyu for a while, and dinner officially started at 6:30.

   As expected by Xia Zimu, with Li's father and Li's mother and Gu Yanyu there, the atmosphere at the dining table was very harmonious.

   And his rebellious sister also behaved very well because of the presence of elders whom she respected.

  Xia Zimu decided in her heart that if she was free in the future, it was necessary to go to Li's house for dinner as often as before!

   Of course, Li's father and Li's mother are also very happy that Xia Zimu and Xia Xia often come to Li's house for dinner!

   After dinner, Xia Zimu and Xia Xia stayed at Li's house for a while before leaving.

   Go back to Xia's house and prepare to go back to the room in summer.

   As soon as she reached the stairs, Xia Zimu stopped her.

   "I heard that you made a promise with Jing Xia?"

   Probably, after dinner, Xia Zimu and Gu Yanyu went to the study to chat.

   Xia Xia turned to look at Xia Zimu and nodded, "Yes!"

   What a **** agreement!

   If she had known that she would take the monthly exam tomorrow, she would not have made this agreement with Gu Yanyu if she was killed!

  Really, suffocated to death!

  Xia Zimu also heard from Gu Yanyu that his grades in summer were not ideal, so passing the exam is hopeless.

   So after that, Gu Yanyu will start tutoring with Summer.

   After thinking about it, Xia Zimu said to Xia Xia, "Well, come on."

  Summer: "…"

   rolled his eyes helplessly, and turned to go upstairs in the summer——

  ——Li's house. Living room

   After Xia Xia and Xia Zimu left, Gu Yanyu also prepared to go back to the room.

   He needs to think about it. When the summer tutoring starts tomorrow, how should he tutor?

   Although today I increased my favorability by 10%, it dropped again, but after that I have time to get along with each other every day, and I can always increase my favorability.

   So, he's not worried!

   "Mom and Dad, I'm going back to my room first."

   "Son, wait!" Mother Li stopped Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu sat back on the sofa again and looked at Mother Li: "What's the matter, Mom?"

   Mother Li hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

   Originally, Mother Li saw that Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia in the wrong way tonight. Although he hid it, he didn't hide it completely.

   As a visitor, Mother Li still noticed it.

   In addition, during dinner at night, Gu Yanyu took care of the summer so meticulously.

   In the summer, he sandwiches fish, and habitually picks out the thorns.

  Forget it, occasionally pick up a chopstick or two.

   But Gu Yanyu is not!

   During the whole meal process, we are adding vegetables for summer, and all of them are summer favorites.

   In the past, although Li Jingxia was also good to summer, but not so good that he wanted to feed him for dinner!

   So what does Mother Li think, why is something wrong...

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