Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 431: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (six)

   Seeing that Xia Xia came out, she quickly asked in a low voice, "How is it? Did the teacher criticize you? Did you punish you and still remember your deeds?"

Seeing Luo Ke's worried look, Xia Xia just raised his hand and patted her face, raised his chin and said arrogantly: "Of course you didn't criticize me, and I didn't do anything wrong, why criticize me? "

  Luo Ke nodded in agreement: "Yeah! You didn't do anything wrong in the summer!"

   Seeing Luo Ke favoring her like this, Xia Xia couldn't help but burst into laughter.

   In fact, she also knew that some of the things she did today were wrong, such as tearing up Qian Qianqian's book.

   But there was nothing she could do. When her temper came, she couldn't control herself.

  Xiamen lifted Luo Ke's neck and left the teacher's office building, saying that he wanted to give her something delicious.

   "Okay, okay! What's good to eat?"

  The second class was a math class. I didn't have much interest in the summer, so I simply skipped class with Locke and escaped to the roof of the teaching building.

   Her so-called, eating delicious food is eating spicy strips.

   Two people, each holding a pack of spicy sticks, ate it with tears in their eyes.

  Luoke's mouth turned red with a sigh of relief. He sucked his snot and asked Xia Tian, ​​"Xia Xia Xia, what do you think those people are going to do?"

   The "those people" in Luo Ke's mouth were referring to the girls who lost Qian Qianqian's book and the culprits who kicked over her desk.

  I ate a spicy stick in summer, looked up at the blue sky, and sneered: "What should I do?"

   Don't they like to throw away other people's books and kick over desks?

  Then she will use her own way and treat her body!

   "I'm a person who holds grudges..."

   After eating the spicy strips, I stayed with Luo Ke on the rooftop for a long time in summer.

   When the school bell rang, Xia Tian suddenly remembered something.

   She opened her eyes and looked at Luo Ke who was doing her makeup: "I'm asking you! How long until the exam?"

   "Huh? Monthly test?" Luo Ke didn't expect Xia Xia to suddenly ask this thing she never cared about.

   tilted his head and thought for a while, before Luo Ke said, "Well, tomorrow is the day of this month's monthly exam."

"What did you say?!"

   Summer's roar came so suddenly, Luo Ke was startled.

   Then... her eyebrows crooked.

  Luo Ke quickly wiped off Xia Xia and looked at her weakly: "Xia Xia~ why are you so excited? Are you still afraid of monthly exams?"

  If she had a beard in summer, she would be so angry that she would blow her beard and stare.

   "Li Jingxia **** your uncle! Trick me!"

   Xia Xia roared like this, and Luo Ke was frightened again: "Xia Xia you you you... how are you swearing... You are a lady..."

   "Ladies can't get up!"

  Gu Yanyu said that if she passed the monthly exam this time, she would not get tutoring. She also thought that she just passed the exam. The big deal is that she will definitely pass the exam if she is serious in class this month.

   But she never thought that the monthly exam will be taken tomorrow!

   Now, she has the heart to beat Gu Yanyu.

  Luo Ke didn't know why, and asked Xia Xia with a puzzled face: "What are you scolding Mr. Li for? What did Mr. Li do to you? Or did you say something?"

  Xiamen opened his mouth, but he held back when he was about to speak.

  Luo Ke is a 'question' girl. If she said her agreement with Gu Yanyu, Luo Ke would definitely have a lot of questions to ask her.

   At that time, the secret that she and Li Jingxia have been neighbors for many years will probably be hidden.

   Forget it, the agreement has been made, she is not a person who is not trustworthy.

   But she felt... After school, she had to talk to Gu Yanyu about life!

   "It's nothing, bring the eyebrow pencil and I'll make it up myself!" Xia Xia had already snatched the eyebrow pencil and mirror from Luo Ke's hand.

   Just touched up the makeup, and only left the rooftop with Luo Ke in summer.

  Before class, they went to the bathroom.

   In the toilet cubicle, I sit on the toilet and brush my phone in summer.

   Suddenly heard a voice outside, the subject was about her.

   "Yanyan, you said that you have wronged Xia Xia today, will Xia Xia take revenge on you?"

   Hearing this, Summer knew what he was talking about.

  Xia Tian raised his eyebrows, pressed the record, and then listened to the conversation outside with more interest.

  The girl called Shi Yanyan spoke up and said, "What do I mean? You, me, Xiaoyun, we all have a share, okay!"

   Jiang Yanyan's voice just fell, and another girl said: "But the person who complained to Teacher Li first is you, we didn't speak..."

   "Aren't you my friends anymore?! Summer hasn't been so good yet, so you're going to distance yourself from me, right?"

   After Jiang Yanyan finished speaking, no one spoke.

   After a while, Jiang Yanyan softened her tone and said, "You don't have to worry so much. The person you hate the most in summer is Qian Qianqian. She doesn't have time to pay attention to us."

   It's true, does she look like such a grudge?

   The class bell rang, and Jiang Yanyan and several girls left the bathroom.

   Waiting for Jiang Yanyan and the others to leave before going out in summer.

   Luo Ke in the compartment next to him also opened the door and came out, his cheeks bulging.


  Loke turned on the faucet and washed his hands with a smile on his face when he saw Xia Xia, but he didn't say anything to his lips.

   Knowing about summer, she knows that summer has already figured out what to do——

  When I returned to the classroom with Luo Ke in the summer, the teacher hadn't come, and the class was still very noisy.

   She stepped onto the podium and slapped it on the podium: "You are so quiet for me!"

   It was probably because the momentum in summer was too strong, so the students in the classroom fell silent as soon as she finished speaking.

   Someone didn't know why, so he asked Summer: "What's wrong?"

  Xiamen's eyes fell on Jiang Yanyan, Wang Xiaowen and Guo Yun, and said with a smile: "I have one thing I want to figure out."

  Because her eyes are always on Jiang Yanyan, everyone who understands knows what Xia Xia wants to do.

   Jiang Yanyan was not as indifferent when she was in the bathroom at this time, she turned around and wanted to leave.

  Xiamen picked up the book on the lecture table and threw it, directly hitting Jiang Yanyan in the head.

   Jiang Yanyan hugged the back of her head and screamed in pain, she turned her head and stared at Xia Xia: "What are you doing in Xia Xia?!"

  Xia Tian spread out his hands and said innocently: "Can't you see? I hit you with a book!"

   "Why are you hitting me?!" Jiang Yanyan asked angrily.

   "I just want to hit you because of your flat face, so how about you?"

   Jiang Yanyan turned green with anger at Xia Xia's words, and tried to rush to the podium to fight Xia Xia, but was stopped by Wang Xiaowen and Guo Yun next to her.

   "Don't rely on your brother being one of the school managers to do whatever you want in summer!"

  Xiamen shrugged: "How about it? If you're not convinced, let your brother be one of the school managers too? Oh I forgot about you, your brother is a useless dude, but he can't be a school manager!"

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