Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 423: This prince, you are very familiar (thirteen)

  But, since Xia Xia said that Chu Xiangsi is not from this world, why does she think that Chu Xiangsi might know her?

   Does she feel that she is not a person in this world?

   If summer is really not from this world, Huangfu Rongnian is actually happy.

  Because of this, it means that there are no relatives in this world in summer.

  If there is no relative, she will always stay by her side?

   Huangfu Rongnian didn't know how he felt about summer, probably because he had been ignorant for the past 18 years.

   "Yes, I think Chu Xiangsi may know me."

   In fact, Summer has an intuition, intuition that her family may not exist in this world at all.

  Although, she also hopes that the Queen Mother can really find her family.

   "Okay, then when do you want to see her? I'll go with you." Huangfu Rongnian said.

  Xiamen shook his head and refused: "No, you can't go with me. I'm going to find Chu Xiangsi tonight. You are a dignified prince, you can't go into the boudoir with me at night."

   Xia Xia planned to write a note to Chu Xiangsi tonight, that was the best way she thought of.

   Before, she also thought about whether to write a note for Chu Xiangsi to see and ask her if she knew her.

   But at that time, Xia Xia didn’t even know what his name was, and he didn’t know how to ask Acacia Chu.

  It's different now, now that she knows her name, she can write directly on the note 'Chu Xiangsi, do you know Xia Tian? ’


   "Summer? Who is Summer?"

  Chu General's Mansion. Inside the boudoir of Chu Acacia.

   In the middle of the night, Acacia Chu was about to go to bed when she suddenly felt someone pushed her.

   You can open your eyes and see that there is no one at all.

   Then, suddenly a note was stuffed into her hand.

   Chu Xiangsi was startled and almost threw the note away.

   unfolded the note and found that it said 'Chu Xiangsi, do you know Summer? ' a few words.

   Xia Xia, who was standing beside Chu Xiangsi, saw her blank face, and knew that Chu Xiangsi definitely didn't know her.

  Although Xia Xia was mentally prepared for any possibility, she couldn't help being a little disappointed when she knew that Chu Xiangsi and she were not from the same place.

   sighed, Xia Xia took back the note that Chu Xiangsi was holding, and left the General's Mansion.

  Chu Xiangsi looked at her empty hand in disbelief, and blinked, there was indeed nothing.

   rubbed his eyes again, where is the note!

what happened? !

   She clearly remembered what the words on the note were, but why was there no note at all in the next second? !

   Could it be that she is dreaming?

   can explain why there is no note in her hand, it is only a dream.

  Chu Xiangsi lay back on the bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep, she simply took her strange experience just now as a dream——

  ——Rong Wangfu.

  Xiamer entered Huangfu Rongnian's bedroom through the wall, and sat down beside his bed a little disappointed.

   Before Huangfu Rongnian could speak, Xia Xia spoke first: "Chu Xiangsi doesn't know me."

   Huangfu Rongnian blinked and asked, "That means you and Chu Xiangsi are not from the same place?"

  Xiamen hummed, she was still a little unsure.

   "My dress is very different from the people here. I always feel that I will not find my life here."

   Summer's intuition was right, because a month later, the Queen Mother summoned her and told her to enter the palace.

   "After searching for a month, I haven't found Miss Xia's family."

  Summer's dress, hair color and eye color are all different from people in this world.

  So the Queen Mother was thinking, could this so-called summer season actually be imagined by Huangfu Rongnian's mind?

  Is it true that her grandson has not regained consciousness, but has become more confused?

   But looking at Huangfu Rongnian's appearance, he doesn't look like someone who is not clear-headed?

  So the Queen Mother said that even if she doesn't find Xia's family now, she will let people continue to look for them.

   Huangfu Rongnian said that there is no need to worry about the family members who cannot be found in summer.

  Best, never find summer family!

   Summer has been by his side this month.

   Every day when he is free, he will take the summer to go around the capital.

   In the days when he was with the summer, even if he had nothing to do every day, he felt very satisfied.

   Now he knows how he feels about summer, he loves summer!

   Even if Xia is a 'ghost' and he is human, he still wants to be with Xia!

   In fact, in the summer, she no longer has such great expectations about whether she can find her family.

   She felt that it would be more reliable to restore her memory on her own!

  In this way, she doesn't have to look for it, she can know who she really is!

   So every night when Huangfu Rongnian was sleeping, she would try to remember.

  Unfortunately, for a month, she has not recovered any memory.

   It is Huangfu Rongnian. I don’t know if he is always thinking about the summer and dreaming every night.

   In the dream, he was Gu Yanyu!

   In his dream, he and Summer held a wedding in a different place!

  In his dream, he and Xia Xia went through a lot...

  The scenes in the dream are not from this world.

   And he and Summer look different in every world, but he knows it's summer.

   Such a dream is really strange to Huangfu Rongnian.

   At the beginning, Huangfu Rongnian thought that maybe he was thinking and dreaming at night, so he had such a strange dream.

  Because Huangfu Rongnian himself is not quite sure what these dreams are, he never mentioned it to Xia Xia.

   After having a dream for half a month, he regained his memory!

  Because Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia did not recover their memories, people from the Plane Association could not contact them.

   Now that Gu Yanyu has recovered his memory, Xia Lun will be able to contact him.

   So Xia Lun contacted Gu Yanyu immediately.

   After receiving the contact from Xia Lun, Gu Yanyu asked very puzzled: "Uncle Xia Lun, why did Xia and I have no memory this time?"

   Xia Lun explained to Gu Yanyu that there was a problem with the system this time, so he and Xia Xia lost their memories.

   "Then why, I have all recovered my memory, but I haven't recovered my memory in summer?"

   Gu Yanyu can be sure that Xia Xia has not recovered his memory, because Xia Xia is by his side at this time, holding a book and reading.

   "Because you fell in love with Summer, you regained your memory, and Summer hasn't fallen in love with you yet!" Sharon replied.

   Gu Yanyu tilted his head to look at Xia Xia. Some time ago Xia Xia couldn't remember a little bit of memory, so his mood was a little down.

   These days, she found the pleasure of reading books to pass the time, but it is no longer the same as before.

   Gu Yanyu asked Xia Lun: "That is to say, she has to wait for the summer to fall in love with me before she can regain her memory, right?"

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