Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 418: This prince, you are very familiar (8)

   "Where are the ghosts? Don't you mean there are ghosts? Where are the ghosts?" A certain prince behind Huangfu Rongjing was slightly disappointed.

   Originally, they came here because they heard that the Imperial Garden was haunted.

   But in broad daylight, do ghosts really come out?

   Huangfu Rongjing ignored the prince's words, and his eyes fell on Huangfu Rongnian.

   After a pause, he raised his foot and walked towards Huangfu Rongnian.

   "Brother Seventh Emperor, Brother Sixth Emperor bullied you again?"

   Huangfu Rongjing's voice was as cold as his temperament.

   Huangfu Rongnian ignored Huangfu Rongjing, turned and left in silence.

   When she saw Huangfu Rongnian in summer, she quickly followed—

   Huangfu Rongnian left the Imperial Garden with Xia Xia and walked directly outside the palace, no one stopped him on the way.

   There was such a scene in the imperial garden this summer, he was very scared, afraid that someone would invite a ghost hunter to hurt the summer.

   Therefore, Huangfu Rongnian felt that it would be safer to take the summer back to the palace.

However, Xia Xia didn't know that Huangfu Rongnian wanted to protect her. On the way back to the palace, he asked him suspiciously: "Didn't you go to the palace to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet? Wouldn't it be too bad to leave like this? OK?"

  After all, the birthday banquet has not officially started yet!

  In the carriage, there was no one else except Huangfu Rongnian and Xia Xia.

   So even if Huangfu Rongnian talks to Xia Xia, no one will know.

   Huangfu Rongnian, who kept his head down, looked up at Xia Xia and said, "It's okay."

   When Huangfu Rongnian spoke, there was a smile on his face that he had never seen in summer.

   It seems that Huangfu Rongnian is in a good mood.

   What surprised Xia Xia was that, after staying by Huangfu Rongnian's side for nine days, she had never seen Huangfu Rongnian smile!

   Don't say that I haven't seen Huangfu Rongnian smile, and I haven't even seen Huangfu Rongnian's eyes in summer when is it not dull and indifferent.

   But now, Huangfu Rongnian not only had a smile on his face, but even the look in his eyes was very expressive.

   As if in an instant, he changed from a fool to a normal person.

  Xia Tian widened his eyes and looked at Huangfu Rongnian: ""

   However, after 'you' for a long time, she didn't come out with 'you'.

   Huangfu Rongnian chuckled and said in a low voice, "Thank you for helping me today."

   is no longer a rigid voice without intonation, but a smile in his tone.

   Originally, Huangfu Rongnian's voice was very nice, but when he speaks like this now, he feels like his ears will get pregnant in summer.

   was thanked, but I was a little embarrassed in summer.

   She waved her hand: "It's nothing... It's just that I seem to cause you trouble, don't I?"

   Huangfu Rongnian smiled and shook his head: "No."

  Although it seems strange that Huangfu Rongqi and those palace maids and eunuchs were suddenly beaten, his move to leave the palace will play down this matter.

   The Empress Dowager's focus will only be on 'Prince Rong was bullied by Prince Qi, so he left the palace in anger'.

  Since Huangfu Rongnian said it's okay, it really doesn't matter.

  Xiamen no longer bothered about this issue, but sighed in disappointment: "I thought it would be so much fun in the palace, but it doesn't look like it's any fun!"

   "But if I go back to the palace now, it will probably take a long time to get out..."

Before    was finished, a question suddenly occurred to Summer.

   Just now in the imperial garden, she seems to be able to stay away from Huangfu Rongnian?

   Does that mean that she is now and can leave Huangfu Rongnian?

  Thinking like this, Summer suddenly got out of the carriage and flew to the street outside.

Huangfu Rongnian did not expect this move in summer, so he quickly opened the curtain of the carriage to look outside.

  The carriage continued to drive forward, standing still on the street in the summer, gradually pulling away from him.

  After about fifty meters of distance, Xia Xia determined that he could stay away from Huangfu Rongnian.

   She turned around happily and flew to the other end of the street.

   Huangfu Rongnian was in a hurry and asked the driver to stop.

   Regardless of the driver's doubts, he jumped out of the car and chased in the direction where Xia Xia left.

  The coachman saw him, so hurry up and chase him!

   "Your Highness! Your Highness, where are you going!?"

   Huangfu Rongnian ignored the driver and kept running.

   However, in summer, he used to fly, he used to run, and the distance between the two became wider and wider...

   Slowly, Huangfu Rongnian couldn't see the figure of Summer.

   He stopped and looked at the direction in which the summer disappeared, unable to hide the loss in his heart.

   Before Summer left him, he never thought that one day, Summer would leave him.

   Because he knew that no one could see her and hear her speak except him.

   So he thought that summer would always be by his side.

   But, that's all... what he thought.

   Now, Huangfu Rongnian has no idea where the summer went.

  I don’t even know where I went in summer, so I just wandered around anyway.

   The capital is so big and so prosperous, she was finally able to leave Huangfu Rongnian, she must have a look everywhere!

   It is a pleasure to be able to leave Huangfu Rongnian's side in summer.

   At least her freedom will no longer be restricted by Huangfu Rongnian, and she can go wherever she wants.

   However, she did not know her departure, which made Huangfu Rongnian very disappointed—

  After leaving in summer, Huangfu Rongnian's life did not change much.

   I still live a regular life every day. The most thing I do is count ants and watch birds.

   However, he couldn't stand it at all.

   All I think about is summer, all the voices of summer talking.

   Huangfu Rongnian began to regret that he had ignored her when he was there in the summer.

   But he knew that even if he regretted it, the summer would not come back—

  Because of his 'excited to leave', the Queen Mother specially called him into the palace and asked Huangfu Rongqi, who bullied him, to apologize to him.

   Of course, Huangfu Rongnian did not accept Huangfu Rongqi's apology.

   He felt that if it wasn't for Huangfu Rongqi, Xia Xia couldn't find that she could stay away from him.

   If summer didn't find out, he wouldn't think about leaving him.

   So, it's all Huangfu Rongqi's fault!


   Huangfu Rongnian thought that summer would never come back.

   He thought that he would never see summer again.

   But he didn't expect Huangfu Rongnian to wake up as usual on the third morning of leaving him in the summer.

   As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Summer standing beside his bed, smiling brightly!

   Huangfu Rongnian was stunned, unable to believe his eyes.

   He thought it might be a dream, because he missed summer so much, so he dreamed of coming back in summer.

   Just when Huangfu Rongnian was stunned, Xia Xia waved to him: "Huangfu Rongnian, good morning!"

   Huangfu Rongnian realized that, as if he was not dreaming?

   He got up from the bed, stood in front of Xia Xia and looked at her: ""

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, I'm back..."

   Before he finished speaking, Huangfu Rongnian embraced him in the summer.

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