Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 404: That pervert, you stop (twenty)

   When Mu Qianxiu prepared the lunch box they were going to eat for lunch, it was time for them to go to the amusement park.

   The fresh-keeping box of the bento box was full, and then I brought some drinking water.

   After putting everything in the trunk, everyone got into the car.

   Not to mention that Jian Peiling was excited and excited, even Mu Qianxiu had some little expectations.

   Originally, for places like amusement parks, it was said to be a childhood wish, or it could be said to be a childhood shadow.

   After all, he still can't forget it, because he wanted to go to the playground, so he got a beating.

   Mu Qianxiu agreed to Jian Peiling's invitation before, but because he was curious about summer, he wanted to spend more time with her.

   As for now...

   He simply wanted to stay with Summer.

  Well, even if you don’t play adult games—

  Because some of the rides in the amusement park are restricted by age and height, Jian Peiling must not be able to play.

   So Xia Xia discussed it with Mu Qianxiu and simply took Jian Peiling to the zoo.

  There are also amusement facilities in the zoo, and most of those amusement facilities are designed for children, and basically they can be played.

   It doesn't matter if you can't play, there are animals to watch!

   This way, they can stay in the zoo all day.

   But before deciding to go to the zoo, Xia Xia asked Jian Peiling for her opinion, after all, she was going to play with her.

   Hearing that he can play and watch animals, Jian Peiling nodded vigorously: "Okay, okay! I also really want to go to the zoo!"

   Then, that's it!

   Mu Qianxiu drove as the driver, and Xia Xia sat in the back seat with Jian Peiling.

   Along the way, Jian Peiling was asking Xia Xia and Mu Qianxiu questions, what animals were in the zoo, and what amusement facilities she could play.

   The three of them were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere in the car was very warm and harmonious——

When    arrived at the zoo, Mu Qianxiu went to buy a ticket, and then drove directly in.

   There are so many things, they can't just walk around the zoo with a crisper.

   Fortunately, the zoo is thoughtful, as long as you buy a ticket, the car can drive in.

   At noon, it is more convenient for them to come and get bento.

  The car was parked in the parking lot of the zoo. They only took a satchel with water and some snacks, which was carried by Mu Qianxiu.

   As soon as she entered the zoo, Jian Peiling felt that her eyes were not enough.

   She had only seen this zoo on TV before, and had heard from her classmates how fun the zoo was.

   At that time, she was only envious.

   She never imagined that one day she would be able to play at the zoo!

  Today is the weekend and many people come to the zoo.

  Most of them are parents who bring their own children, as well as girlfriends and friends, as well as couples dating.

   Jian Peiling held Xia Xia with one hand and Mu Qianxiu with the other.

   The three of them walked together and looked like a family of three.

   "There's a lot of fun here, what would Lingling want to play first?" Xia Xia looked down at Jian Peiling.

   Jian Peiling raised his head: "Can I play anything I want?"

  Xiaomi nodded with a smile: "Of course! You can play whatever you want!"

   "I want to play the carousel first! Then play..."

   Jian Peiling took Xia Xia and Mu Qianxiu to the direction of the amusement facilities, and counted the amusement facilities she wanted to play.

  If you want to play, you have to line up first.

  Because there were too many people, Mu Qianxiu was worried that Jian Peiling might be bumped or stepped on if he was not careful, so he just held her in line.

   In this way, Jian Peiling's field of vision is much broader.

   She put her arms around Mu Qianxiu's neck and was about to say 'Thank you, Dr. Mu', but she heard a girl next to her saying to her best friend, "Look at that little girl's father, he's so handsome!"

   That best friend is also a nympho: "Yes, yes, so handsome~ It looks so warm! Do you think the one next to her is her mother?"

dad? Mother?

   Jian Peiling tilted her head to look at Mu Qianxiu and Xia Xia, thinking in her heart, if only Dr. Mu was really her father!

   And in summer, it's her mother!

   She must be very happy to have such parents!

The two best friends next to    were still whispering speculation, Jian Peiling grinned at Mu Qianxiu and said sweetly, "Thank you, Dad!"

   Before Mu Qianxiu and Xia Xia showed their surprised expressions, Jian Peiling looked at Xia Xia again and said, "Mom, I want to drink water!"

   Mu Qianxiu and Xia Xia looked at each other, a little confused.

   It's not that they didn't hear the whispered guesses of the people next to them. Originally, when the three of them went out, it was normal for others to guess that they were a family.

   Therefore, neither Mu Qianxiu nor Xia Xia cared about such discussions and speculations.

   But they didn't expect that Jian Peiling would suddenly call them Mom and Dad.

   This seems to be telling others: That's right, this high-value 'couple' is my parents!

But actually……

   It was Mu Qianxiu who reacted first. The smile on his face deepened, and he looked at Xia Xia: "Wife, what are you thinking, didn't you hear your daughter say she wants to drink water?"

   A wife makes summer come back to her senses.

   Looking at Mu Qianxiu's eyes full of smiles, she sighed, and reached out to take a water bottle from the bag hanging on Mu Qianxiu's shoulder.

   "Thank you mom!" Jian Peiling's mother's voice is as sweet as honey!

   Xia Xia realized that Jian Peiling did not know when to start, and was no longer afraid of the name 'mother'.

   Maybe it's because she thinks that the person called 'mother' is summer, so she's no longer afraid?

   "Thank you wife, I want to drink it too!" Mu Qianxiu next to him tried his best to build a sense of existence.

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows, grinned and nodded, and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Okay, I'll get it for you!"

When    took the water bottle, Xia Xia also twisted it around Mu Qianxiu's waist.

   That force was so painful that Mu Qianxiu took a deep breath.

   The next moment, he stretched his arms around Xia Xia's waist and leaned over to her ear: "Wife, isn't it good for you to flirt with me in front of your daughter?"

  Xiamen glanced at Jian Peiling and found that the ghost spirit was covering his mouth and snickering.

   "Who is flirting with you, let go!"

   said so, but it seemed to others that the two of them were indeed flirting.

   A group of people left, and Mu Qianxiu hugged Xia Xia and walked forward.

   Finally they were lined up, Mu Qianxiu chose a white horse to sit on, while Xia Xia sat with Jian Peiling in the pumpkin cart next to him.

   Looking at Jian Peiling and Xia Xia who were smiling, Mu Qianxiu took out his mobile phone and took several pictures of them——

   After sitting on the merry-go-round, Jian Peiling still didn't know what to do, and immediately took Summer with Mu Qianxiu to play elsewhere.

   Originally, Jian Peiling called Mu Qianxiu's father and Xia's mother, just a joke. I didn't expect it to be a smooth call.

   In addition, Xia Xia and Mu Qianxiu did not correct her, the title seemed to be settled.

   After that, Jian Peiling always called Xia Xia and Mu Qianxiu like this——

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