Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 400: That pervert, you stop (16)

  Her smile made Mu Qianxiu dazzled.

   This smile is very beautiful, and he somehow feels that this smile is familiar to him.

   didn't give him time to think about it, Xia Xia raised his hand and hooked his neck, leaned close to his ear and gently opened his lips: "Doctor Mu, want to know who I am?"

  The heat sprayed on his cheeks, the voice and tone, made Mu Qianxiu's heart skip a beat.

   If Gu Yanyu had regained his memory at this moment, he would definitely 'eat' before saying anything else.

   It's a pity that he hasn't recovered his memory yet, and Mu Qianxiu's pervert... is a small part of never falling in love!

   So even though the summer has been delivered to the door, Mu Qianxiu didn't think about that.

   He just nodded to answer Summer's question: "Well, I want to know."

   Hearing Mu Qianxiu's serious tone in the summer, she knew that she was a lure.

   released the hand that was around Mu Qianxiu, then patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Then get up, I'll tell you."

   Mu Qianxiu is also obedient, and he gets up when he gets up in the summer.

   Then he kept staring at Summer, waiting for Summer to answer.

   After a while, Xia Xia opened his mouth and said, "Isn't Dr. Mu wearing a surveillance camera? You should have heard what I said to Lingling!"

   "Fairy?" Mu Qianxiu obviously didn't believe it!

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, yes, I'm a fairy."

  Pfft...I always feel like I'm lying to an ignorant child.

   And Xia Xia had a hunch, Mu Qianxiu would believe her statement.

   Although, he would find it incredible.

   "You said you were a fairy, then you can show me one first." Mu Qianxiu leaned on the sofa and looked at Xia Xia lazily.

   Become one? Transform?

  Xiamen looked down at himself and shook his head: "I can't change."

   "Why can't you change?" Mu Qianxiu looked at Xia Xia, his eyes seemed to say that if she didn't change, she would not be a fairy.

   Well, she wasn't a fairy at all.

   But could she have an easier-to-explain identity than a fairy?

   After all, she also knew how different she was from Jian Jing, and everyone would have doubts.

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia said to Mu Qianxiu, "Because I entered Jian Jing's body."

   Well, because she entered Jian Jing's body, she couldn't transform.

   However, upon hearing Xia Xia's answer, Mu Qianxiu laughed out loud: "I think you may be ill and need to see a psychiatrist."

   Mu Qianxiu actually thought that Jian Jing might have a dual personality, but why hasn't the personality before Jian Jing come back?

   Seeing Mu Qianxiu smiling, Xia Xia followed suit.

   She approached Mu Qianxiu, put her hand on his chest, and said, "If a psychiatrist is useful, how could Dr. Mu be like this?"

   These words made the smile on Mu Qianxiu's face disappear instantly.

The gentleness that    had disguised as well disappeared.

   His eyes were deep, and he just looked at Summer without saying a word.

   Xia Xia said slowly: "Mu Qianxiu, your profile shows an orphan, but it's not. You still have a mother, one who abandoned you long ago, so you didn't plan to recognize her."

   "When you were six years old, your mother who worked in a nightclub ran away with other men. Your father was a man who was addicted to gambling, drinking, and not doing a proper job. He had a serious tendency to violence, and he abused you all the time."

   "After your mother left with other men, your father started to intensify and even beat you to death several times."

   "You have always held a grudge against your father, but you are too weak to fight back."

   "When you were twelve years old, you drowned your father by pressing his head in the water while he was drunk and drowsy in the bathtub."

   "You calmly called the police the next morning. The police thought your father died unexpectedly, and you were sent to an orphanage..."

   Before Xia Xia finished speaking, Mu Qianxiu shouted: "Enough!"

   Looking at Mu Qianxiu's red eyes, Xia Xia knew that he was stimulated a lot.

   I felt a little distressed, and suddenly felt that her way of making Mu Qianxiu trust her seemed to be wrong...

  What she said, most people really don't know, unless they deliberately investigate.

   But even if it is an investigation, it is impossible to know that Mu Qianxiu's father was killed by him.


  Xiamen wanted to apologize, but Mu Qianxiu suddenly grabbed her neck, so strong that he seemed to be able to break her neck at any time.

   "Who are you?! Who are you?!"

   Mu Qianxiu's hands became tighter and tighter, and he couldn't breathe in summer.

   had no choice but to use force.

  Xia Xia's neck was pinched by Mu Qianxiu, but his hands were still free!

   She directly clicked on Mu Qianxiu's pain point and let him let go.

  Xia Tian kicked him and rolled directly to the ground.

   didn't give Mu Qianxiu a chance to get up, Xia Xia was already riding on him, and he even tapped his acupoints.

   Then, Mu Qianxiu couldn't move.

   Mu Qianxiu's eyes widened after this series of "cleaning up", and the crazy look just now disappeared.

   And his calmness and composure are gone...

   He just looked at Summer, and he was a little confused.

   "Who the **** are you?" Mu Qianxiu asked Xia Xia without giving up.

   Xia Xia slapped his head and rubbed his sore neck: "It's said that I'm a fairy, you still don't believe it! Boy, you'll call me a fairy sister like Lingling in the future, do you know!"

   Mu Qianxiu: "..."

   "Why don't you speak?" Xia Xia sat on top of Mu Qianxiu and looked at him condescendingly.

   Actually, I was prepared to apologize.

  But Mu Qianxiu's current state is really...

   Today, Mu Qianxiu wore a white shirt and black suit pants, as usual.

  But Mu Qianxiu usually buttoned his shirt to the last button, which was almost abstinence!

   But at this moment, it should have just been pulled with Xia Xia and thrown to the ground by Xia Xia, and the buttons should have been opened long ago.

   Mu Qianxiu has very fair skin and a good figure.

   The exposed collarbone and chest are so **** that they almost caused nosebleeds in summer.

   Then, Summer wanted to tease and tease him...

   "Why can't I move?" Mu Qianxiu asked Xia Xia.

   His tone has calmed down, nothing like the crazy person who wanted to strangle Xia Xia just now.

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows smugly and said with a smile, "Because I put a body immobilization technique on you! If I don't open it for you, you won't be able to move!"

   After thinking about it, Mu Qianxiu spoke again: " untie it for me."

  Xia Tian leaned over and lay on Mu Qianxiu's body.

   Mu Qianxiu couldn't move, so he could only let the summer lie down.

   Just lie on your stomach, Mu Qianxiu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  Summer seems to be unbuttoning him! !

   Mu Qianxiu was a little square, and then strangely nervous and shy.

   "You, what are you doing?!" His tone of voice trembled a little.

  Xia Xia has completely unbuttoned Mu Qianxiu's shirt, and his fingertips drew a circle on Mu Qianxiu's abdominal muscles: "You said~ I'll unbutton it for you~"

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