Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 384: Cute zombie, come with me (extra)

   This answer says that it is not too long and not too short.

   In summer, I didn't add oil and vinegar, I didn't smear Lin Yongliang and Liu Xin, and only said what she saw.

   "We thought your parents might get it back, so we waited in City Y for a month until your full moon."

   Jixiang has already cried enough, hearing this, he has stopped crying.

   He looked up at Xia Xia calmly and said, "But they didn't come back to me until I was full moon, did they?"

  Xiamen paused and nodded: "Well, they didn't come back. I thought they should be dead..."

   She didn't want to beautify Lin Yongliang and Liu Xin, but she really thought that their death was the least hurtful reason.

   Ke Jixiang interrupted her and said, "Mom, you don't need to make excuses for them, abandoning me is abandoning me."

  Summer was stunned, okay...

   Jixiang gave Xia Xia a big hug and said in her ear, "Thank you, Mom and Dad! If it wasn't for you, I would be dead!"

  Xiaomi patted him with a smile: "It's Mom and Dad who want to thank you!"

   "Huh?" Jixiang didn't understand, why did Mom and Dad thank him?

   Summer's explanation has not yet come out, and someone will answer first.

   "Because of you, our lives have so much laughter and fun!"

   Hearing this answer, Xia Xia and Jixiang turned to look at Gu Yanyu at the same time.

  Gu Yanyu walked into the room and embraced his wife and son in his arms.

  The meal was ready long ago, and he had been listening at the door for a long time, and had been there since Jixiang cried.

   Then, he finally couldn't help but come out to find some sense of existence.

   Gu Yanyu's answer made Xia Xia nod in agreement: "Your father is right, so we want to thank you!"

  Although she and Gu Yanyu are alone, life will not be boring.

   But with auspiciousness, they have a lot more to do.

   Jixiang was deeply moved. At this time, he didn't know how to express his feelings at this time.

   But when he grows up, he will know that he thought he should be the luckiest and luckiest person in the world.

   Therefore, he was lucky to be the son of Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia——

  The family of three has been tired for a long time. If it wasn't for Gu Yanyu saying that the food was going to be cold, Xia Xian and Jixiang would probably have forgotten that they hadn't had dinner yet.

  Today's dinner is the same as usual, just eat it with auspiciousness in summer, and Gu Yanyu will serve them dishes by the side.

   Tonight's dinner was different from usual. The three people who were obviously close to each other seemed to be getting closer because of the showdown just now.

   At the beginning, Xia Xia was quite worried that Jixiang would have any estrangement with them after knowing that he was not their biological one.

   At that time, Gu Yanyu comforted her and told her not to worry.

   Now it seems that Gu Yanyu is right, she is just worrying.


   The episode of meeting auspicious biological parents did not affect their family of three.

   They still drive around the world, to many places and even to foreign countries.

   Slowly, auspicious also grew up...

   In the blink of an eye, Jixiang is eighteen years old.

  In the blink of an eye, the development of the new century is getting better and better under the leadership of the male and female protagonists.

   Although there are still zombies everywhere, everyone is obviously used to this way of life.

   In addition to Beijing, there are many other places in China that have private survivor bases.

  After Jixiang was eighteen years old, Gu Yanyu hoped that he could be independent, so he let him go out on his own.

   Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu returned to the same place and stopped at the old house of Chi Yang's parents.

  The old house was badly damaged, and it took Gu Yanyu a long time to restore it.

   Actually, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu can leave this world completely.

   But they were reluctant to be lucky, and they were reluctant to let him be sad.

   After all, they were only in their forties and still very young.

   So just stay in the old house, Jixiang can come back and rest when he is tired from wandering around.

   Jixiang does come back often, driving his self-modified off-road vehicle once a month, and then staying for two or three days to bring back the crystal cores he collected for Gu Yanyu and Xia——

   When Jixiang was twenty years old, he suddenly brought a little girl back.

   The little girl looks seventeen or eighteen, she is... a zombie.

   When I saw the little girl for the first time, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia were incredible.

   asked Jixiang why he brought the little zombies back, Jixiang replied that it looked very cute.


Quite cute……

   Well, except for the bluish-gray skin and the obvious zombie bite marks on her arms, she is a pretty cute girl.

   Jixiang likes that little girl very much, and even gave her a name, Gu Tiantian.

  Yes, the last name is Gu!

   asked him why he didn't take the surname Xia, and he said, "When she regains her human consciousness, I will marry her. Then won't she have to take my surname in the future?"

  Gu Yanyu and Summer: "..."

   Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu didn't know why Jixiang fell in love with a zombie, and he took it with him every day, and took the trouble to teach her to speak and give her a crystal nucleus.

   But for something like love, who can say why?

  Since auspicious love, they will not stop it.

   Just so many years of experience let them know that it is impossible for zombies and humans to have descendants!

   I told Jixiang about this premise, and Jixiang also said it was okay, and said that it would be good to adopt a child in the future.

   Well, very thoughtful!


   Three years later, Gu Tiantian completely regained her human consciousness, but she did not have all the memories of her life, only the memories of being a zombie.

   One month after recovering his memory, Gu Tiantian and Jixiang ... Well, at Jixiang's strong request, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia changed their words to call him God's Will. He said that if he called Jixiang, Gu Tiantian would laugh at him. .

  Cough, one month after Gu Tiantian regained her memory, she and Gu Tianyi got married under the witness of the summer couple!

  After getting married, Gu Tianyi took Gu Tiantian to travel around the world, saying that he would take her to see the scenery all over the world——

   Later, when Gu Tianyi and Gu Tiantian came back, they brought a baby with them.

   Well, I picked it up.

   In summer, I gave my grandson a gift, which is anti-zombie medicine. It can be regarded as barely protecting him.

   Decades later, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu still left this world.

  This time, I left first in summer.

  Because Gu Yanyu is a zombie, he has a long lifespan, and he will never get old.

   In recent years, the distance between Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu's appearance has widened.

   She is an old old woman, and he is still a handsome young man.

   Many times in summer, he would joke with Gu Yanyu and ask him to call her grandma.

   Of course, Gu Yanyu refused this request.

   also said with a smile: "Don't be shy, maybe next time my host will be much older than yours!"

   Xia Xia laughed and replied, "If it's really that time, I won't attack you!"

   "Then I will guide you!"


  The lifespan of human beings is limited, and when it really reaches the limit, she will not be able to leave.

   After leaving this world in the summer, Gu Yanyu followed closely——

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