Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 372: Cute zombie, follow me (17)

   From Gu Yanyu's eyes, he could still see the emotions he wanted to express.

   At this moment, Gu Yanyu just wanted to please Summer.

   Those small eyes and expressions made Xia Xia feel angry even if she wanted to.

   grinned and threw himself into Gu Yanyu's arms, giving him a big hug: "Don't run away in the future, I'm really angry if you run again!"

   Gu Yanyu's body was stiff, and it took a long time for him to raise his slightly stiff hands and wrap his arms around Xia Xia's waist.

   His response surprised and delighted Xia Xia.

   This shows that Gu Yanyu is more humane than before he went mad!

   "Hoohoho." I won't run away in the future!


   After being separated for a few days, Xia Xia found that Gu Yanyu could basically understand her words.

  Although he still can't speak, he has rich expressions and strong expressive ability.

   Two people communicate without any obstacles at all——

After    found Gu Yanyu, Xia Xia took him to find a place to live.

   is not considered to be living, just find a place to bathe and change clothes for Gu Yanyu, and sleep for a night.

   I thought that Gu Yanyu had not seen him for a few days, and Gu Yanyu must be outrageously dirty.

   But I really saw Gu Yanyu, but Xia was a little surprised.

   Although it was still not clean, the clothes on her body even had some crimson and other dirty things, but it was much cleaner than she thought.

  Checked the teeth and there was nothing resembling brains.

   Gu Yanyu also gestured with Xia Xia proudly, meaning that he washed the core and washed his hands before eating the core.

   understood Gu Yanyu's gesture, Xia Xia smiled so much that his eyes narrowed.

   raised his hand and patted Gu Yanyu's head, and praised him without hesitation: "My Ayu is really good! It's amazing!"

   was praised, Gu Yanyu grinned so brightly!

   After being able to make expressions, Gu Yanyu looked more angry than before.

   If he hadn't roared twice when he was excited, Summer would have thought he was a human being, not a zombie——

   In the evening, Xia Xia was lying on the bed with Gu Yanyu, and she habitually hugged him to sleep.

   Before that, Gu Yanyu would just stiffen his body and let Xia Xia hug him to sleep.

   But it's different now, he'll put his arms around Summer and look like he's enjoying it.

   Seeing Gu Yanyu's expression, Xia Xia couldn't help patting him on the head: "Why did you add so much favorability to me all of a sudden? I'm scared!"

  Xiamen was really frightened, because if I remember correctly, Gu Yanyu only had a 16% favorability rating for her before she went mad.

   But why did it suddenly increase to 88%?

   "Hohohoho?" What is favorability? Can you eat?

   Seeing Gu Yanyu's dazed look, Xia Xia smiled again.

   "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you are by my side!"

   Gu Yanyu barely understood this sentence.

   He also learned the way of summer, raised his hand and patted her on the head.

  Because he was afraid that it would hurt to shoot in summer, he didn't dare to use any strength.

  Xiamen stopped talking to him and closed his eyes to sleep.

   You must know that in order to find Gu Yanyu earlier, she didn't even want to sleep on the road, and now she is very sleepy!

   Although Gu Yanyu's embrace was very cold, he insisted on sleeping in his arms in summer.

   Soon, she fell asleep.

   Gu Yanyu lowered his head slightly, looking at the sleeping face of summer.

   He can't see without light, so he turned on the camping lights he found in the room so he could see summer clearly!

   In Gu Yanyu's eyes, in fact, he couldn't tell whether she was pretty in summer.

   He just felt that he liked being around this person.

  Yes, Gu Yanyu now knows that the summer in front of him is not a 'thing'.

   She is a human being, a human being different from other human beings.

   As for why she is different from other humans, he doesn't know.

   But he remembered that in the beginning, summer was similar to other humans.

   Her body exudes the smell he wants to eat.

   But suddenly, the taste was gone, and he didn't want to eat her anymore.

   Gu Yanyu raised his hand, put his hand on Xia Xia's face, and stroked it gently.

   When he woke up that night, he saw Summer lying on the ground unconscious.

   He was very self-blaming, very self-blaming.

What   Xiamen didn't know was that Gu Yanyu had regained human consciousness.

   Although he is only seventh-order now, he actually thinks independently and has no problem speaking.

   Not only that, but he still has memories.

   Including his memories of being locked in a laboratory to do various experiments and turning into a zombie for as long as he can remember, he has it all!

   Actually, Gu Yanyu had doubts when he first started. He had no name since he could remember, and everyone in the laboratory called him Experimenter No. 1999 directly.

  But the first time he saw him in Xiaxia, he called him 'Gu Yanyu'.

   That Gu Yanyu shouldn't be him, right?

   After thinking about it, he was sure that Gu Yanyu was 'not' him!

   It must be because the guy named 'Gu Yanyu' looks a lot like him, even exactly the same.

   So... Summer will admit him wrong.

  After regaining consciousness, there is actually another reason for him to leave on his own initiative besides blaming himself for the serious injury to Summer.

   Because he knew that he was 'not' Gu Yanyu.

   So he left...

   But he didn't expect that Summer would find him so soon!

   He gave up his decision the moment he heard Summer calling him.

  It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is regarded as 'other'.

   As long as he can be around in the summer, that's fine!

   The coldness on his cheeks made him move a little uncomfortable in summer.

  Gu Yanyu was worried that he would wake up in the summer, so he quickly took his hand away.

   But he didn't let go of the hand that was around Summer.

   His eyes are still focused on the summer, the undercurrent surging inside, with a strong desire to possess.

   He asked himself, what if one day the 'real' 'Gu Yanyu' appeared?

   There is only one answer.

  He, will kill him—

   Summer in his sleep had no idea that his 'mentally retarded son' had turned into a scheming boy who was so cruel that he even wanted to kill himself.


   At one o'clock in the afternoon, I was woken up by hunger in summer.

   The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Gu Yanyu's big smiling face.

  His skin is now ridiculously white. Although there is no blood, it is crystal clear.

   Before, I could only barely see that his facial features were very delicate, but now with his fair skin, it is simply too delicate!

   The black pupils are like obsidian, and they are surprisingly beautiful!

  Xia Tian raised the corners of his lips and said to Gu Yanyu with half-squinted eyes: "Good morning~Ayu~"

  Gu Yanyu opened his mouth, wanting to say "good morning" back to her.

   But he still remembered that he "couldn't speak" at this time!

   He can't speak, can't let Xia Xia know, he has a memory...

   "Hoohoho!" Good morning!

   Then Gu Yanyu suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to know what Summer was called.

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