Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 358: Cute zombie, follow me (3)

   She didn't think much of it, so she put an ugly wound on Chi's father and Chi's mother.

  Because the current Chifu and Chimu are ugly enough.

   Father Chi's neck was almost bitten off, and his head was half hanging around his neck.

   The abdomen is hollowed out, and the intestines and other things flow out.

   And Chi Mu, was not much better, half of her face was bitten off...

   In the summer, the father and mother were moved to the car and prepared to leave.

But before the car started, I heard the sound of the system prompt in summer: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of experimenter 1999 towards you is 0%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible! "

   The sound of the system prompt stops the hand that is ready to start the car in summer.

   Experimenter No. 1999?

  1999? experimenter?

What's the meaning? Is it what she thought?

   Maybe knowing Xia's doubts, Gu Yanyu's host, that is, the personal data of experimenter No. 1999, was passed to her.

   Experimenter No. 1999, 20 years old, parents unknown, is an abandoned baby bought by a scientist specially at a black hospital.

   In other words, not long after he was born, he was brought to the biochemical weapons laboratory.

   For 20 years, experimenter 1999 spent in the laboratory and was injected with various drugs every day.

   At the beginning, experimenter 1999 was no different from other experimenters, and they all turned into zombies.

   Right now, No. 1999 is just an ordinary zombie.

   This is what is shown in the information, but it is not certain what it will be like in summer.

When   ZF bombed the laboratory, Experimenter 1999 was lucky enough to escape.

   However, according to the data, No. 1999 was a cannon fodder in this novel world, and finally died under the gun of the powerful heroine.

  The data also shows that experimenter No. 1999 was killed by the heroine tonight!

  Location, in a supermarket in the city center of H city.

  Summer was taken aback, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, only a few hours before the evening.

   Moreover, she now has to rush to the city center of H City, at least four or five hours at the usual driving speed!

  If she didn't arrive in time...

   In summer, I quickly bought a positioning system to search for the location of Experimenter 1999.

The    positioning system showed that the experimenter No. 1999 was in the supermarket in the city center of H city where the headshot was shot by the hostess.

  I didn't have time to think about it, I gave the car a sharp turn in the summer, turned around and headed straight for H city.

   She drove the car to the fastest speed, and even if she saw a wandering zombie on the road, she would hit it directly.

   On the road that was originally quiet and somewhat disturbing, it was broken by the summer hurricane off-road vehicle——

   At seven o'clock in the evening, we finally arrived at a supermarket in the center of H City in summer.

   But before she got out of the car, she heard a gunshot.

  Xiamen was shocked and got out of the car with a sashimi knife.

   In the blink of an eye, she has entered the interior of the supermarket.


   A zombie roar was followed by another series of gunshots.

  Summer followed the movement and saw three or four female soldiers in military uniforms.

  The female soldier standing in the middle has a particularly conspicuous protagonist halo above her head, so she is obviously the heroine.

   And now, both the heroine and several other female soldiers are shooting at a zombie wearing a similar white sick suit.

   It's just that the zombies dodged too fast, and the female soldiers wanted to get headshots, but there was no way to succeed.

   But in the summer, I saw that the zombie was shot in the abdomen and shoulders, and the flesh was turned out.

  You can't see the appearance of zombies in summer, because there is blood of unknown origin on it and the skin is blue-gray, so it doesn't look good.

   But with intuition and her feelings for Gu Yanyu, Xia Xia knew that this was the so-called Experimenter 1999.

   Xia Tian didn't want to do anything to the heroine, and even didn't want to meet her.

   Seeing that the female protagonist's gun was aimed at No. 1999... Forget it, call Gu Yanyu, be gentle.

   Seeing that the heroine's gun was aimed at Gu Yanyu, Xia Xia rushed over without hesitation, pulled Gu Yanyu and left.

  The speed of summer is too fast and too fast, the hostess and several people did not respond, they only felt a shadow flashed by.

   The next moment, I heard the sound of a car starting outside.

   "What's the matter? What about that zombie? Was it taken away?"

   "It can't be human..."

   "Is there a zombie more powerful than that one?"

   "Forget it, let's check if there are any other zombies here."


   The summer that left with Gu Yanyu was not very pleasant, because Gu Yanyu was too restless.

   At the beginning, she moved too fast, so when he took Gu Yanyu away, he hadn't done anything yet.

When   ke started the car and drove away, Gu Yanyu, who was thrown to the co-pilot by her, was about to pounce on her and bite her.

   "Gu Yanyu, you still want to bite me, right?! Are you also going to turn me into a zombie as a zombie couple with you?!"

   Xia Xia said, pushing away Gu Yanyu, who came over with his hand, with disgust on his face.

   No wonder Xia Xia dislikes the current Gu Yanyu, because he is ugly, smelly, and has a bad breath!

  Especially, when Gu Yanyu grinned and roared, that tone... Absolutely!

   In order to avoid being bitten by Gu Yanyu, it is really difficult to drive and deal with him in summer.

   "Gu Yanyu, can you sit quietly and don't move?!" Xia Xia glared at Gu Yanyu.

   But now Gu Yanyu has no reason at all, how can he understand what Xia Xia said.

   So he just froze for a while, then continued roaring to bite her.

   Xia Xia sighed helplessly, and realized that Gu Yanyu really did not have the slightest sense of reason.

   She started to have some headaches, how could she increase her affection for such an irrational zombie?

  Otherwise, she would simply stab Gu Yanyu in the temple and end the world.

  Of course, summer is just a thought.

   Let her kill Gu Yanyu, even if Gu Yanyu wants to eat her meat at this time, she can't do it!

   Finally, in the summer, he thought of a way, he found a rope to tie Gu Yanyu to the back seat.

   Too lazy to listen to Gu Yanyu roaring there, Xia Xia simply blocked his mouth.

   Looking at Gu Yanyu who was struggling in the back seat, Xia Xia raised his lips in satisfaction: "Look how you still bite me! Humph!"

   Go back to the car, and continue to start the car and drive forward in summer.

  Although Gu Yanyu was still struggling in the back, it was much better than letting him sit in the co-pilot just now.

  I didn’t plan to go anywhere in the summer, so I went back to the old house and buried Chi’s father and Chi’s mother.

   In addition, she is now carrying a zombie 'baby' who knows nothing but bites, and has no plans to leave the old house.

   Let’s talk about living in the old house for a while, anyway, there is still food.

  When I went back to the old house, the speed of the car was still so fast in summer, although I was not in a hurry——

   By the time we got back to the old house, it was almost eleven o'clock.

   Ignoring Gu Yanyu who was **** in the back seat, he got out of the car in the summer and went to get tools to dig a hole in the yard to bury the father and mother.

   After digging for a long time, two pits were dug out.

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