Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 346: Professor Wen, please give more advice (18)

   The next morning, Song Yanming counted the words, came back before going to school in the summer, and bought her a bunch of food.

  The father and daughter had breakfast together, and Song Yanming said that he would take the summer to school in person.

   "No need Dad, you must have slept well when you came back by plane early in the morning, go back to your room and rest!"

   However, the rejection in summer is useless at all.

  Song Yanming said: "Dad sent you back and rested!"

  Xiamen shrugged helplessly and nodded: "Okay then."

  Because Song Yanming was really tired, he sat in the back seat with Xia Xia and let the driver, Uncle Li, drive the car.

  The car belongs to Song Yanming. After all, if you want to socialize or something, the car must be a luxury car to save face.

  Song Yanming is a person who loves cars very much. At present, his car is a limited edition in the world, only nine.

   Low-key luxury, people who don't know the goods can't see its value.

   But those who know goods have to be jealous.

   On the way to school, Song Yanming kept chatting with Xia Xia, asking her if anything interesting happened during her seven-day spring outing.

   Xia Xia also found out the video of her confrontation with the tiger for Song Yanming to see. He was so frightened that Song Yanming was about to have a heart attack, so he quickly looked up and down Xia Xia and asked if she was injured.

   "Hahaha~ Dad, did you see the tiger running away from the back of the video? I scared away! It's amazing, isn't it?"

   Seeing Xia Xia's proud face, Song Yanming was both afraid and helpless.

   He couldn't even imagine that if the tiger didn't run but pounced on it, then his daughter...

   OMG! Fortunately it's all right! Luckily you are back safely!

   "Baby~ Dad, would you like to discuss it with you?" Song Yanming held Xia Xia's hand.

  Xiamen blinked and looked at Song Yanming: "Dad, say it."

   "In the future, let's not go to such dangerous places, okay? Dad's old heart can't stand it!" Song Yanming patted his heart as he spoke.

   Hearing this, Xia Xia burst out laughing: "Old heart? Dad, you are only forty years old, you are not old!"

   Seeing Xia Xia laughing, Song Yanming also smiled and looked at her dotingly: "My daughter is so old, can my father not grow old?"

   "You're not old! Dad, hurry up and find me a young and beautiful stepmother!" It's good to have someone to accompany you!

  Song Yanming was stunned for a while, why did he talk about this issue?

   He shook his head: "Dad won't find a stepmother for you, the stepmother is not good."

   "Dad, are you discriminating against your stepmother? There are good and bad stepmothers too! I trust your vision and will definitely find a good stepmother!"

  Song Yanming still shook his head: "No."

   On this issue, Song Yanming's attitude is very firm.

   Not only was he worried that finding another woman would be bad for his daughter, but he really didn't want to.

   This heart has long since died with the woman he loves the most...

   Seeing the sudden sadness in Song Yanming's eyes, Xia Xia quickly stopped the topic.

   She suddenly realized that Song Yanming had always been alone with her daughter for so many years, and the reason was not as simple as she imagined——

  The car stopped at the gate of the school, and after saying goodbye to Song Yanming in the summer, he got out of the car and left.

  Where there are people, there is gossip.

  There are a lot of people gossiping in places like the school gate.

   This weekend, the photos of Wen Linxia and Wen Linxia became popular on the school forum, so that people who didn't know much about "Song Zhiyun, the flower of the Department of Literature" knew her.

   In fact, it was someone who knew the goods who recognized Song Yanming's car, and then took out his mobile phone and took a photo.

   Kacha Kacha took a shot, and as a result, I got out of the car in summer.

  I even photographed a man in the car...

  Although I didn't take a picture of the specific appearance, but looking at the outline, he is an absolute handsome guy!

   But, it is definitely not Wen Linxia!

   Those who wanted to take pictures of cars were so excited when they saw that they had captured big news, they quickly posted on the forum.

  ‘Hua from the Department of Literature came to school in a limited edition luxury car. Who is the handsome guy in the car? ’

   In the post, it introduced what Song Yanming's car was and how much it was worth.

   Soon, this post also ushered in a lot of hits.

   Coincidentally, Wen Linxia didn't read the forum originally, but after the post was posted, he entered the forum.

  No surprise, I saw that post.

  Wen Linxia clicked in and saw that the girl in the photo was indeed summer.

  After getting out of the car in summer, he bent over to talk to the people in the car.

  Because of the angle, the person in the car can only see the side face.

   But looking at the outline, it should be a man in his thirties, quite handsome.

   Someone commented below, saying, ‘This is the man who takes care of Song Zhiyun! ’

'impossible? Isn't Song Zhiyun dating Professor Wen? ’

  'You don't allow others to tread on two boats! ’

  'Then Professor Wen is so pitiful...'

  ‘The above are all farts! When did Song Zhiyun fall in love with Professor Wen? Obviously the man in the car is Song Zhiyun's righteous boyfriend! ’

   Seeing these comments, Wen Linxia quit the forum directly.

   Then he didn't see it, the latest comment was 'Fuck! Don't talk nonsense if you don't know! That's Xiao Yun's father in our family! Daddy! ! ! ’

   As soon as Lady Hao's comment was posted, the post exploded instantly.

  'Song Zhiyun's father looks so young, my God! ’

  'Song Zhiyun's father is too handsome! No wonder her daughter looks so good-looking! ’

  ‘Fuck! That's my father-in-law! ’

  'Song Zhiyun is the real rich daughter! No wonder people can take luxury cars to school! ’

  'If Professor Wen is really with that Song Zhiyun, they don't need to be a professor! ’


  Wen Linxia's mood was a little down, probably because she knew that she 'has a boyfriend' in summer.

   Sitting in the car, Wen Linxia gave a wry smile.

   is also, summer is so beautiful, it is normal to have a boyfriend.

   The alarm clock set before class rang, Wen Linxia turned it off, and then got off the car to prepare to go to class——

  He went to class and looked the same as usual.

  Xia Xia knew what was going on on the forum, but didn't care, and didn't expect Wen Linxia to see the forum.

   As soon as she went to school, she went to the principal and said that she would take the graduation exam in advance.

  This school has such a convenient way.

  As long as you have enough grades, you can graduate early.

   The principal asked Summer to do the quiz first, knowing that her grades could be enough to graduate early, and said she would arrange it for her.

   However, prior to the arrangement, the summer classes must be held as normal.

   Originally wanted to find Wen Linxia today in the summer, but his favorability rose to 92%, so he had to consolidate it no matter what.

   Maybe, you can add a little more favorability!

   Just in time, this afternoon, she is going to take Wen Linxia's class——

   In class in the afternoon, Wen Linxia was stunned when she saw Summer in the classroom.

  I only saw Summer yesterday, but I see you again today, but Wen Linxia feels like it's been a long time since we saw each other.

  I miss her so much...

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