Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 340: Professor Wen, please give more advice (12)

   "Yes, I can understand what you are saying, and you can understand what I am saying, right?"

  Summer's tone was light, just looking at the two tigers.

   These two tigers are very big, standing there, just a low roar makes people feel jealous.

   "It's amazing! We've been in the Bunia Forest for so many years, and we've never seen a human who can understand us!"

   "But don't think you can understand us, we'll let you go! Roar!"

   "Really?" Xia Xia approached the two tigers despite everyone's surprise, holding a bow and arrow.

   Seeing Xia Xia approaching the tiger, Wen Linxia felt that her heart stopped beating, and she was very frightened.

   "Xiaoyun!" Wen Linxia wanted to reach out to pull summer.

   However, he heard Xia Xia say to him: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

  I don't know why, hearing Xia Xia's calm voice, Wen Linxia actually believed that she would be fine!

   He even somehow felt that as long as summer was here, they would be fine.

   Twenty big men, do you even need a girl to protect them? !

  Wen Linxia clenched the bow and arrow in his hand and stopped temporarily——

   Everyone held their breath unconsciously, watching Xia Xia slowly approach the two tigers that can make people feel weak.

   Then everyone was surprised to find that as the summer approached, the two tigers stepped back weakly!

What's the meaning? ! Are two tigers afraid of summer? !

   The two tigers are not afraid of summer, but a little bit afraid.

   is just fear... well, it's a bit of an instinctive fear.

  Two tigers and a person, a petite girl standing face to face, how the picture looks scary.

   Everyone's hearts were raised, fearing that if these two tigers suddenly became ruthless, they would directly bite Xia Xia until there was no **** left.

   At this moment when even life may be threatened, Cheng Minghua next to him put down his bow and arrow and picked up his mobile phone to record a video!

  He recorded a scene of confrontation with two tigers in summer.

   In the video, the bow and arrow held in Xia's hand drooped slightly, not aimed at the tiger.

   And the distance between her and the tiger is only about one meter.

   This scene made his blood boil and excited!

   "Give you two choices, one is to die here and become our lunch. Although, your meat is not delicious."

  The tiger roared, so are they still despised? !

  Xiamen ignored the tiger's anger, and then said calmly: "The second is to get out of here, I can barely keep you alive."

   In the eyes of others, she just looked at the tiger without even opening her mouth.

The tiger next to    seemed to be a little scared, and asked the other tiger in a low voice, "Brother, why don't you forget it?"

   "It can't be counted! It's hard to come across so many humans to eat, do you still want to fill your stomach?!"

   As soon as the tiger who was called the eldest brother finished speaking, he saw Xia Xia raised his bow and arrow and aimed it at it.

   "Since that's the case, then I'm welcome." Xia Xia's eyes instantly became sharp.

   She exuded murderous aura, as if the next moment, the arrow could directly take the life of the tiger.

   In fact, the bow and arrow in Summer's hands did not give the 'big brother' tiger much deterrence.

   But in the summer, the momentum of meeting a god, killing a god, meeting a Buddha and killing a Buddha made him believe that she could really kill it.

  'Big Brother' Tiger hesitated, hesitating whether to go or stay.

While    hesitant, it appeared to be ready to attack the summer.

   Wen Linxia saw him and instinctively came forward, wanting to protect the summer.

  Everyone raised their bows and arrows and aimed them at the tiger.

  When the arrow in Xia's hand was about to leave the string, the tiger, who could not stand the pressure in the end, finally fled in dismay...

   And just now, the people who thought they would be buried in the tiger's mouth today were still a little confused.

   Those two scary tigers just ran away? !

  Xiamen ignored the stunned crowd, but turned to look at Wen Linxia who had just walked up to her.

   She had a smile on her face, her original sharp eyes were gone, and those smiling eyes seemed to be sparkling and sparkling.

   "Professor Wen, I said I was stronger than you thought, do you believe it now?"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 80%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Wen Linxia knew that summer was strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

  Although she hasn't done anything yet, it's really admirable for a girl to keep her face in front of two beasts.

   And it is precisely because she hasn't done anything in summer, but she can scare away the tiger with her aura, which shows her power even more.

   The corners of his mouth raised an arc unconsciously, and the smile reached his eyes.

  Wen Linxia nodded and said softly, "Well, I believe it."

  I don't know who came back to his senses first and called out, "Fuck! Were those two tigers scared away by Song Zhiyun just now?!"

   "It seems so... The momentum of Song Zhiyun just now is really scary..."

   They didn't know that the last thing in the summer was murderous, they only knew that it was scary, even scarier than a tiger.

   Everyone came to their senses and cheered loudly.

   Probably with the luck of the rest of his life, after all, they encountered two big tigers, and they were unscathed.

   is simply, a miracle!

   At the same time, everyone has an inexplicable feeling of admiration and fear for summer.

   There were people who wanted to flirt with her, but now no one dares.

  No, now no one regards her as a woman, she is completely worshipped!

   "Song Zhiyun, how did you make tigers afraid? Aren't you afraid of tigers?"

   "Song Zhiyun, you are so courageous! I adore you so much!"

   "Song Zhiyun..."

   A group of people surrounded the summer with excitement, asking questions.

Xia Xia had a slight smile on her face, and she just said to everyone's curiosity: "I don't know where I have seen it. When you encounter a wild beast in the wild, you have to show a stronger momentum than it. After all, in nature Here, the weak eat the strong.”

   This sentence is very reasonable in summer.

   But the question is, how did you get such a strong momentum in summer? !

  Summer's answer was: "I'm afraid too, just pretend, pretend not to be afraid!"

   Although everyone thinks this is not the case, they can't find a reasonable explanation.

   In order to avoid the two tigers who have left will turn around and come back, everyone decided to leave here quickly.

   Hunting pheasants or something, let’s forget about it——

   The group followed Teacher Jiang and continued to move forward, but they lost their original indifference.

   They are very worried that sometime, there will be tigers and other beasts suddenly jumping out.

   With mental preparedness, naturally I don’t have the heart to talk, laugh, and fight.


   [The codeword was delayed in the morning, so I updated a chapter first. Today at home, I won't update so little! A minimum of five chapters will also be updated, and a maximum of six chapters will be updated, depending on the situation! 】

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