Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 329: Professor Wen, please give more advice (1)

   "Xiaoyun! Xiaoyun, wake up!"

  Xiamen felt her body being shaken, and then someone shouted something in her ear.

  Summer opened his eyes, his brows were a little uncomfortable and wrinkled, and he felt dizzy.

   What came into view was a sweet face.

   After seeing Xia Xia wake up, the owner of that face gently pushed her again: "Did you not sleep last night? Why did you fall asleep when you got to the classroom?"

  Xiamen sat up straight and looked around.

   She was in the classroom, and when she saw how the classmates were dressed and what they looked like in the classroom, she should be in the university classroom.

   Slowed down, Xia Xia calmly replied to the girl next to her: "Well, I didn't sleep well last night."

  I didn’t receive the plot and memory, so I could only deal with it casually in summer.

   But the familiar feeling of tiredness came from his body, it should be staying up late.

  The girl immediately showed a look of "I understand I understand" and said with a smile, "Did you stay up late last night to watch dramas again?"

   Seeing that Xia Xia did not deny it, the girl continued: "Today's class is taught by Professor Wen. You are really sleepy, so go to sleep!"

   "If Professor Wen asks, I will say that you are not feeling well. Professor Wen is so talkative, he will definitely not say anything about you!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder! Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 30%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

Um? Wen Linxia?

Is    the professor Wen that the girl said?

Is    an old man with grey hair?

   Or a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle?

   Or, a middle-aged man with a beer belly?

   OMG! If so... what kind of picture would that be?

   The last time she attacked Gu Yanyu's body was a dozen years older than her, isn't it a few decades older this time? !

   Just thinking about it makes me feel very tasty!

   But she hasn't received the plot and memory yet. Maybe Wen Linxia just shares the same surname as Professor Wen?

  Someone gave her a chance to receive the plot and memories, of course it is better to receive the memories quickly in the summer!

  Xiaomi nodded to the girl and lay back on the table.

  She closed her eyes and began to receive plots and memories——

   She is not an important character in this novel world this time, and has nothing to do with the original plot.

  If nothing else, you won't even be able to see the faces of the male and female protagonists of this world.

  The host's name is Song Zhiyun, she is nineteen years old this year, and is a freshman.

  Song Zhiyun's mother died in a car accident when she was three years old.

   Since then, Song Zhiyun's father, Song Yanming, has taken her by himself.

   To take care of her daughter and manage the company, Song Yanming is very busy.

   Even though Song Yanming was still very young at that time, very young, he never thought about finding a stepmother for Song Zhiyun.

  Song Yanming and Song Zhiyun's mother had a puppy love, they fell in love at the age of seventeen, and at the age of twenty they gave birth to Song Zhiyun despite the opposition of their family.

  In order to be with Song Zhiyun's mother, Song Yanming didn't even have any contact with his parents abroad.

  Only rely on yourself to work hard in the country, grit your teeth and persevere no matter how hard you are.

   Now Song Zhiyun is nineteen years old, while Song Yanming is only thirty-nine years old.

   A man of this age can really be said to be very young.

  Although there is no mother, Song Yanming still works very hard to make Song Zhiyun grow up healthy and happy.

   is indeed a very good father...

   "Song Zhiyun classmate!"

   A nice and low male voice made Xia Teng open his eyes and sat up.

   Summer looked up and saw a man with a handsome face and a warm smile.

  The man wears a white shirt with light blue wool, off-white suit pants, and a pair of casual leather shoes.

   His figure is very good, but he just wears a simple dress, but he wears the feeling of a model.

   This man is the famous male professor of this university - Wen Linxia!

  Yes, this is the host of Gu Yanyu, Wen Linxia, ​​who is going to be attacked in summer.

   is different from what summer thinks of as a grey-haired old man or a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle.

  Wen Linxia is only thirty years old and is a young professor in the Department of Botany of M University.

   His electives are almost full.

   Of course, those students didn't come to class, they just wanted to see male gods!

   Hearing Wen Linxia asking her, Xia Xia smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, Professor, for your concern. I may have a cold, so I feel dizzy."

  Wen Linxia still looked concerned, and asked her again: "Have you taken medicine? If you haven't, I happen to have cold medicine here, so I'll give you two?"

   "No, I've already eaten it, thank you Professor!" Xia Xia refused with a smile.

   Seeing that it is not necessary in summer, Wen Linxia had no choice but to give up: "If you are really uncomfortable, then take a leave and go home to rest."

   He turned back to the podium and resumed the class.

  Looking at Wen Linxia in summer, I thought it was quite interesting this time.

   One is a gentle and elegant university professor, and the other is a young and energetic college student.

   This teacher-student love is also very cute!

  However, how will she attack this professor?


   "Okay, that's it for today's class, hard work everyone!" Wen Linxia smiled and said to the students in the audience.

   Immediately, a female college student walked over and surrounded Wen Linxia.

   As for summer, after taking a look at Wen Linxia, ​​he got up and left with his bag.

   There were so many people surrounding Wen Linxia, ​​and it was no fun for her to squeeze in.

   However, seeing so many girls around Wen Linxia makes him very unhappy in summer.

   But what can she do? You can't run up and say, "Wen Linxia is mine, you are not allowed to approach", right?

   Hehe, she's not an idiot.

   Anyway, she just came to this novel world, she is not in a hurry, there will be time later——

  Because Song Zhiyun wanted to spend more time with her father Song Yanming, she did not live in the school, but went home every day.

   There are no classes today, so I decided to go home first in summer.

   Recently Song Yanming has been very busy with work and always stays up late.

  Song Zhiyun's wish is to take good care of her father, and Xia Xia is naturally willing to take care of Song Yanming.

   Even if you want to make soup for Song Yanming, you will feel relieved if you want to come to Song Yanming.

   For the convenience of her daughter's access, Song Yanming bought her a car as an adult gift when Song Zhiyun was 18 years old.

  Song Yanming started his own company from scratch. Now the company is not big, but it is still doing very well.

  It's just that people are too tired.

   In summer, I drove to the supermarket to buy ingredients for soup, and then drove home.

   "Xiaoyun came back so early today!" Hearing the sound of the door opening, the nanny Aunt Wang came over.

   Seeing what Xia Xia was carrying, Aunt Wang hurried over to pick it up: "Yo~ I bought pork ribs and came back!"

  Xiamen nodded with a smile: "Well, Dad is too tired to work during this time, and he will definitely have to work overtime until late. I will cook some soup for him and send it to the company!"

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Aunt Wang, who has been working in the Song family for five years, showed a very relieved expression, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay! Then Aunt Wang will teach you!"

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