Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 325: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (26)


   Bear-like body?

   Gu Yanyu looked down at his body, and it was indeed a bit burly.

   But compared to the bear, it's still a little worse, right?

   "Niangzi~" Gu Yanyu called out to Summer like a little daughter-in-law.

  Enough of the summer jokes, he smiled and raised his hand and patted Gu Yanyu's cheek: "Okay, let's go, let's see if the Confucius Mansion is lively and crowded."

   Gu Yanyu nodded and went to open the window.

  The two wore night clothes together and went to Kong Yi's mansion——

When    came to the capital, the first thing Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia had to solve was Kong Yi.

   As for Helian Yao, just leave him alone for now.

   Ignore what Helian Yao meant, because he felt that he was not a problem.

   Even if Kong Yi is not there, Helian Yao may not be at ease with Lu Jinshu, who has pacified the world for him.

   But if there is really no Kong Yi, Helian Yao would not want to get rid of Lu Jinshu so quickly.

   So Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu chose to solve Kong Yi first.

   As for how to solve Kong Yi... don't worry.

  Kong Yi is Helian Yao's most trusted civil servant, and his official rank is naturally not low.

   He is a wise man who thinks very well about everything.

   For example, in times of trouble, everyone is wise to protect themselves and only care about their own safety. Who cares about the royal family!

   But Kong Yi hid Helian Yao in his house for the first time and took good care of him.

   At that time, Helian Yao was just a teenage boy. Under such circumstances, Kong Yi would still treat him well, so he naturally trusted Kong Yi even more.

   But what he didn't expect was that Kong Yi only kept two hands.

  If the world of Helian's family hadn't been divided up, he would have been able to protect the dragon.

If    is split, he can still go for a piece of the pie, and then just snap Helian Yao away.

  Things were not much different from what Kong Yi expected. The Lu family sacrificed almost the entire family to save the Helian family.

   As a descendant of the royal family, Helian Yao successfully ascended the throne, and he is a great hero second only to Lu Jinshu.

   Originally, Helian Yao said that he wanted to seal Kong Yi to be the prime minister, but Kong Yi refused, saying that he couldn’t bear it.

   But in fact, he is too ambitious!

  What Kong Yi wants is this world!

  In the past three years, Kong Yi has done many things behind his back.

   Now above the court, he is almost the one who has the final say.

   Most of the country is also under his control.

   And Helian Yao, but he still doesn't know anything, so trusting him is incredible!

   Now, Kong Yi just wants to get rid of the only threat to him: Lu Jiajun!

  The Lu family army is so powerful that almost no one can match it, and there is a god-like existence 'Lu Jinshu'.

  The loyalty of the Lu family to the Helian family is nothing to say. When the times were troubled, how many people wanted to buy off the Lu family, but it was useless!

   Originally, Kong Yi wanted to let his daughter Kong Qiuyun seduce Lu Jinshu, and then see if he could use Lu Jinshu for him.

   If it can't be used by him, it can only be removed.

  But Kong Yi didn't expect that Kong Qiuyun went to Ancheng for a month and didn't even see the face of 'Lu Jinshu'!

  In this case, Kong Yi thought it would be better to get rid of 'Lu Jinshu'.

   As long as 'Lu Jinshu' is removed, this world is almost in his pocket!


  Confucius House. Confucius Main Courtyard.

  Gu Yanyu sneaked into Kong Yi's courtyard with Xia Xia quietly, and then stopped on the roof of his room.

   In fact, she can enter the room completely in summer, and she can make it so that no one will notice.

   However, Gu Yanyu can't do it, his figure is too big to hide at all.

   So there's no way, they'd better stay on the roof.

   Fortunately, Gu Yanyu's skill is good, and he didn't make a sound when he landed on the roof.

   Just as he was about to lie down on the roof, he heard some ambiguous sounds coming from inside.

   Hmmmmmm, accompanied by the creaking sound of the bed shaking.

   Xia Xia glanced at Gu Yanyu, then Xia Xia lifted a tile, and Gu Yanyu turned his head away in tacit agreement.

   Apart from his wife, he has no interest in seeing other women's bodies.

  The room is brightly lit, and the line of sight in summer is right on the bed.

  A man and two women are exercising on the bed, and she can see clearly.

   The man on the bed is Kong Yi. That's right. Kong Yi, who is over 40 years old, is well maintained. If he hadn't grown a small beard, no one would have noticed that he was in his 40s.

   looks good, or else he wouldn't be able to give birth to a daughter like a flower like a jade.

   It just surprised Xia a little that the man on the bed was Kong Yi.

   But the two women on the bed are actually... Kong Yi's daughter!

   One is Kong Qiuyun, and the other is Kong Ruoyun, who has entered the palace and became the concubine of Virtue.

   This situation... The plot and the data are not shown!

   Has this world collapsed? But there are no loopholes.

   So, what has changed?

   Or did the Plane Association ignore this situation?

   The picture in the room is too hot for the eyes, and I can't stand it any longer in summer, so I simply put the tiles back on.

   Hearing the movement, Gu Yanyu turned his head and asked what happened to Xia Xia.

   "Spicy eyes, I don't want to see it." Xia Xia replied casually.

   Hearing the fierce battle below, Xia Xia suddenly wanted to let Helian Yao see how he looked when he was wearing a cuckold.

  Thinking that the people in the room won't stop for a short time, it should be too late to go to the palace to tie Helian Yao.

  Although the plan has changed, she doesn't mind the change.

   Thinking like this, Xia Xia quickly dragged Gu Yanyu to the palace.

  On the way to the palace, Xia Xia told Gu Yanyu what was going on in Kong Yi's room.

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Gu Yanyu was disgusted.

   I didn't expect that Kong Yi was not only ambitious, but also so disgusting and perverted!

   It turns out that Kong Yi and his daughters all have this kind of relationship.

  Because they were trained since childhood, those daughters not only destroyed all three views, but were also very loyal to Kong Yi.

   So Kong Yi put Kong Ruoyun by Helian Yao's side, not afraid that Kong Ruoyun would betray him——

   At this moment, Kong Yi was still flipping 【cloud】over】rain with his two daughters, not knowing that Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia sneaked into the palace, and Helian Yao, who was pampering a certain concubine, was kidnapped.

   Both of them changed their faces and changed their voices. Naturally, Helian Yao could not recognize them.

   wanted to struggle, but Helian Yao's skills were not good.

   wanted to call for help, but something was stuffed in his mouth.

   He thought he was kidnapped, but he didn't expect to be brought to the Confucius Mansion!

  Outside Kong Yi's room, Gu Yanyu held Helian Yao's collar in one hand and brought him to the window.

Xia Xia next to    poked a hole in the window, and then Gu Yanyu pushed Helian Yao over to show him the scene inside.

   The sound coming from the room was quite loud. Helian Yao put one eye to the hole, wondering what Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia wanted him to see.

  The line of sight just fell into the room, and Helian Yao's eyes instantly widened.

  Kong Ruoyun said that he missed his mother at home, so he wanted to go back to the Confucius residence for two days.

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