Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 321: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (22)

  Kong Qiuyun sat in the carriage and asked the maid to lower the curtain of the carriage and listen to the people talking.

  Because she knows, maybe she can hear some information from the mouths of these people!

  Those people are still gossiping: "This official lady is very beautiful, but why didn't you come to see her?"

   "What do you see her doing, Lord Hou even has the future Mrs. Hou, can't you see?" Among the common people, an elderly middle-aged woman said a little disdainfully.

   Hearing this sentence, Kong Qiuyun was really shocked.

   Why doesn't she know, what kind of future Mrs. Hou does that Marquis of Zhenguo have? !

   Doesn't mean, doesn't it mean that Marquis Zhenguo doesn't want to marry now?

  What even the common people know, why doesn't her father know?

  Kong Qiuyun continued to listen, and the people next to him were also very puzzled: "Ah? Who is the future Mrs. Hou of Lord Hou?"

   "You must have not been in Ancheng for a while, right?" The middle-aged woman asked the person who had just asked this sentence, but her tone was full of certainty.

   The man nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes! I have left Ancheng for a year. Auntie, tell me who is the future wife of Hou Ye?"

The people next to    also looked at the middle-aged woman curiously.

  Although they have never left Ancheng, they don't know who the future Mrs. Hou is in the middle-aged women's mouth!

   Being surrounded by people like this, the middle-aged woman had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

   She didn't give a **** anymore and said with a smile, "Master Hou's future Mrs. Hou... is the adopted daughter of the Lu family, Lu Zijin!"

   In one sentence, a thousand layers of waves are directly startled!

   Not only the people outside were surprised, Kong Qiuyun was also shocked and stood up in the carriage.

  This, how is this possible!

   Even if Lu Zijin is the adopted daughter of the Lu family instead of his own, the two people's generations are not suitable at all!

   Kong Qiuyun can think of this problem, and the people outside can also think of it.

  Someone raised this question and expressed disbelief in what the middle-aged woman said.

   "I have a relative's daughter who works as a maid in the Lu Mansion. She said it, but it can't be faked!" The middle-aged woman vowed.

She said: "I heard that half a year ago the emperor wanted to marry the Lord Marquis. At that time, Miss Lu ran to find the Lord Marquis, and told the Lord Marquis not to marry anyone else, but marry her! There were many words in the Lu family at that time. The servants have heard it!"

   "Afterwards, although Mrs. Lu was too frightened to go back to Lu's house for a few months, Lord Hou sent someone to go back to the emperor's marriage."

  Only then did Kong Qiuyun understand that it was because of that Lu Zijin that she couldn't marry Lu Jinshu!

   His eyes darkened, Xia Xia had already been blacklisted by her.

  The middle-aged woman outside continued to say: "I heard that because Lord Hou lived in the military camp for a few months and did not return to the Lu Mansion, Miss Lu was so angry that she left a letter and ran away from home!"

   "At that time, I was so worried about Lord Hou that I sent the Lu family army to find Miss Lu for ten days."

   "Later, it was Lord Hou who went looking for it himself and found Miss Lu."

   Having said that, the middle-aged woman stopped.

Someone next to    asked, "What happened later?!"

   "Later? Later, Lord Hou began to take Miss Lu with him wherever he went, and he was reluctant to part with Miss Lu even when he went to the military camp!"

After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, someone couldn't help but retort: ​​"That doesn't mean that Lord Hou will marry Miss Lu in the future! At most, she is worried that Miss Lu will run away from home again!"

   There are many people who agree with this rebuttal.

   They knew that Miss Lu ran away from home before.

   After all, almost all the Lu family troops were dispatched, and they couldn’t find it after searching for ten days!

   But from what the middle-aged woman said, they could only know that Miss Lu 'unilaterally' liked Hou Ye!

   was questioned, and the middle-aged woman was very unhappy.

   She opened her mouth, just about to speak in rebuttal.

   But another voice came out next to her, but it was speaking for her: "This aunt is telling the truth, Miss Lu, she will really become the future Mrs. Hou!"

   As soon as that voice came out, everyone's attention shifted.

   "How did you know that?" someone asked.

   The man replied, "I work in Cantonese embroidery and weaving. Some time ago, Lord Hou found the best embroiderer in our place to make wedding dresses!"

   "Ah?! Are you sure?! Is it really a wedding dress?!"

   "Yeah, it's for wedding dresses! Our embroiderer went to Lu Mansion to take measurements for Lord Hou and Miss Lu."

   Now, everyone has to believe it.

   And Kong Qiuyun on the carriage naturally believed it.


  Kong Qiuyun raised his eyebrows, isn't this marriage done yet!

   If it doesn't happen in a day, this Mrs. Zhenguohou will not be able to get anyone else's turn!

  The task that her father gave her, she must accomplish it regardless of her means.

  Although, she wasn't interested in that thirty-year-old man—

   Regardless of whether the gossip continues, Kong Qiuyun is not interested in listening to it any longer.

   She was helped out of the carriage by the maid, and entered the inn very indifferently.

   After returning to the guest room, Kong Qiuyun instructed his servants to inquire about all the information about the Lu Mansion as much as possible.

  It was only when she arrived that she knew that many things were far different from what she knew.


   Kong Qiuyun's arrival has no effect on Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu.

   Gu Yanyu had no plans to meet this Kong Qiuyun at all, so he arranged her directly in the inn.

   Because he didn't know the original plot, Gu Yanyu didn't know what role this Kong Qiuyun was.

  If he knew, he probably wouldn't be able to let Kong Qiuyun live in the inn safely, and he would send people everywhere to inquire about the news about him and Xia Xia——

   Knowing that Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia left Lu Mansion to go to the military camp in the morning, and only returned to Lu Mansion in the evening.

  Therefore, Kong Qiuyun brought his servants to visit with gifts early in the morning the next day he came to Ancheng.

   When Kong Qiuyun came, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia were still having breakfast.

   He Bo asked Gu Yanyu, see or not see.

  Gu Yanyu was impatient to deal with Kong Qiuyun, and didn't want to deal with it at all.

   He tilted his head, glanced at Xia Xia, and asked her, "Zijin, do you want to see this Confucius eldest lady?"

ask her?

   Xia Xia, who was drinking porridge, paused, shook his head, and just wanted to say "whatever"...

   As a result, Gu Yanyu patted his thigh and said, "Okay! Since you said you can't see Zijin, then you can't see it!"

  Xiamen: "..." When did she say she was missing? !

  He Bo: "..." When did Miss say that? !

   However, Xia Xia didn't say anything, Gu Yanyu had already told Uncle He, "Uncle He, you told that Miss Kong that Ben Hou was busy and didn't have time to see her."

   He Bo twitched the corners of his mouth and responded, "Yes!" Then he retired.

   After Uncle He left, Gu Yanyu brought another xiaolongbao to Xia Xia: "Eat more, look at how thin you are, your oval face is about to turn into a melon seed face."

  Xiamen raised his hand and pinched his cheek, which had obviously grown a little more flesh, and glared at Gu Yanyu: "I don't know who is fat! Does my uncle want to raise me as a pig?"

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