Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 319: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (20)

   As for Gu Yanyu's words, Xia Xia just said "oh" obediently, and then continued to look down at her words.

   In fact, she wasn't willing to entertain that Kong Qiuyun, she was just expressing herself.

   And it doesn't matter if Kong Qiuyun comes or not.

   is here, and it is estimated that she will not come to clean up that Kong Qiuyun, Gu Yanyu is not a "gentleman who does not attack women".

  If Kong Qiuyun is safe, that's fine.

   However, since Kong Qiuyun is going to come to Ancheng, he is destined to be restless.

   The last person to harm was only herself——


  The matter of Kong Qiuyun, everyone has not paid attention to it for the time being.

   After all, even if it does come, it will take more than a month to get from the capital to Ancheng at the earliest!

  After spending a day in the military camp, Gu Yanyu took the summer horse and prepared to return to Lufu.

   It’s better to say it’s a walk than a horseback ride.

  Gu Yanyu deliberately rode slowly, chatting with Xia Xia leisurely.

   Chatting and chatting, Gu Yanyu suddenly heard Xia Xia ask him, "Uncle, why are you different from before?"

   Gu Yanyu lowered his head, just in time to look up at him in the summer.

   The eyes of the two met, and Gu Yanyu's eyes became more gentle.

   "What's different?" Gu Yanyu asked Summer.

  Xia Tian tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "In the past, my uncle didn't like to laugh, and his words were always short and short. He was not close to Zijin..."

   Gu Yanyu blinked and asked Xia Xia with a smile, "Then do you like me now, or me before?"

   "Like?!" Xia Tian's eyes widened, and his cheeks instantly turned red.

   Gu Yanyu smiled, his arms around Xia Xia tightened slightly.

   He leaned over, got close to Xia Xia's ear, and asked her in a deliberately low voice, "Don't you like Uncle Zijin?"

  Because it was too close, the heat that Gu Yanyu sprayed when he spoke dyed summer's ears red.

   Xia Xia scolded Gu Yanyu in her heart, knowing that her ears were sensitive, and he was breathing in her ears!

   If she hadn't remembered that she had 'amnesia', she might not be able to continue acting.

   Seeing Xia Xia's ears turning red, Gu Yanyu's smile deepened.

   However, his eyes couldn't help sliding down her ears, looking down from the slender white neck...

  's eyes darkened instantly, and the dim light emanating from it was like a wolf who hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

   Originally, after regaining his memory, Gu Yanyu waited for the summer to eat meat, but he didn't expect to "amnesia" again in the summer!

  I don't know, when will he be able to eat meat?

   The two bodies are too close to the body, Gu Yanyu is not Liu Xiahui, hugging the person he loves has not responded...

  If it wasn't for his self-control, he would have eaten all summer long ago, how could he wait for her to reach her hair!

   At this time, Gu Yanyu was a little bit bitter, why did he have nothing to poke at the sensitive points of summer.

   Well now, set yourself on fire!

  Xiamen clearly felt that there was something behind her against her.

   rolled her eyes, and a calculation flashed quickly in her eyes.

  Xiamen raised his head, looked at Gu Yanyu innocently, and said, "Is there anything **** my uncle? It's hitting me."

   Xia Xia's innocent eyes and questions made Gu Yanyu's mouth twitch.

   He wanted to make it softer, but who knew it was getting more and more excited.


   "A baby." Gu Yanyu replied, and quickly headed back to Lu Mansion.

   He's going back to take a cold shower! ! !

   Gu Yanyu only focused on looking at the road, and did not see Xia Xia grinning happily in his arms.

  When the horse ran, it was already bumpy. In summer, Gu Yanyu and Gu Yanyu were next to each other, and friction was inevitable.

   The road back to Lu Mansion was really enjoyable and torturous for Gu Yanyu.

   You can eat it or not, it's hairy!

   As soon as he returned to Lu Mansion, Gu Yanyu didn't even care about summer, so he let himself go back to the yard, and then left in a hurry.

   Xia Xia knew that Gu Yanyu was going to take a cold shower, and he was about to roll with laughter.

   Then she silently decided that Gu Yanyu should take more cold showers in the future.

   Gu Yanyu, who is taking a cold shower, still doesn't know how many cold showers will be waiting for him in the future——

   When he went to bed at night, Gu Yanyu didn't dare to hug Xia Xia, he was afraid of accidentally getting angry.

How could    know what summer was in his heart to allow him to have a better time?

   deliberately rubbed into Gu Yanyu's arms, and then accidentally touched his baby.

   What can Gu Yanyu do? Bear with it!

   He hugged Xia Xia and whispered, "Don't move!"

   That voice was already low and hoarse, obviously suppressing a small impulse.

   At the critical moment, Xia Xia looked at Gu Yanyu with innocent eyes and said, "I, I just can't sleep."

   Gu Yanyu gritted his teeth, raised his hand to cover Xia Xia's eyes, and said, "Then I'll tell you a story."

   "Okay, uncle, what story do you want to tell me?"

   "Tell me... tell me that there was a very special loving couple in the past. Before they became husband and wife, they were actually uncle and nephew, but it was not the kind of biological..."

  While listening to it in the summer, I felt that Gu Yanyu was obviously much better at strategy than her!

  This nonsense story is not because the two of them are now in this unnatural uncle-nephew relationship!

   Well, as expected of a powerful idol male god, there are a lot of idol dramas, and you are better at this, right?

   I don't know if Gu Yanyu's hand over her eyes is too warm, or because Gu Yanyu's embrace is too comfortable.

   Anyway, before Gu Yanyu's 'story' was finished, she was already asleep.

   As for Gu Yanyu, he finished telling the story he made up before he took off his hand on Xia Xia's eyes.

   Seeing that he slept soundly in summer, and he still had nowhere to vent...

   He really wanted to eat summer tofu to compensate himself!

   But he knew that the sleep in summer was very light, and if he made any movement, he would definitely wake her up.

   In the end, Gu Yanyu endured and endured, smiled helplessly, leaned over slightly, and carefully placed a gentle kiss on Xia Xia's forehead: "Good night, lady..."

   Summer's eyelashes trembled and didn't wake up.


For a long time after   , Xia Xia was always dedicated to flirting with Gu Yanyu.

   Being on fire but not responsible for putting out the fire just made Gu Yanyu... painful and happy!

   Taking cold showers several times a day is also due to his good health, or can he survive?

   At the same time, Gu Yanyu also decided one thing in his heart.

   He has to quickly choose a good date, wait for the summer to come a year later, and get married immediately!

   Then, he wants this stinky girl who is only responsible for flirting to get out of bed——

   When Gu Yanyu was in pain and happiness every day, Kong Qiuyun finally arrived in Ancheng after two months.

   In addition, Kong Qiuyun also brought Helianyao to Gu Yanyu to entertain her and to do the best of the landlord's friendship.

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