Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 307: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (8)

   In summer, Jiang Shaoyun's appearance is really not cold.

  Jiang Shaoyun is very handsome, but in summer, he is also similar to those ordinary-looking people.

   In this world, although the appearance of Gu Yanyu's body is not one of the best, it is because he is Gu Yanyu's body.

  The image of that tough guy, how does it look in summer, how does it feel pleasing to the eye!

   "Uncle!" Xia Xia walked behind Lu Jinshu and called him with a smile.

  Lu Jinshu turned around and looked at Xia Xia: "Zijin, are you tired?"

  Xiamen shook his head: "I'm not tired at all when I think that we are going back to Ancheng!"

  Lu Jinshu's face, because of the words of summer, couldn't help but also raised a small smile.


   This time back to Ancheng, their speed can be slightly faster.

  If everything goes well, I will be able to return to Anjo in more than a month——

   After stopping for lunch, everyone just took a short rest.

  This is a grassland. When walking in summer, I saw a sea of ​​flowers not far away!

   It is said to be a sea of ​​flowers, but it is not really.

   There is a field with flowers that do not match the seasons, it is very beautiful!

   I picked a bunch of flowers and ran back in summer, smiling like a child.

  Lu Jinshu looked at it from a distance and suddenly felt a little dazed.

   He always looks at Xia Xia in a trance lately, and thinks how her figure looks familiar?

   It's like, I've seen it somewhere.

   But where is it?

  An image flashed in Lu Jinshu's mind again, but before he could catch it, it quickly disappeared.

   When Lu Jinshu came back to his senses, Xia Xia had already run up to him and handed him the flowers: "Uncle, are these flowers beautiful?"

  Lu Jinshu looked at it, but he thought that what looked more beautiful than the flower was the bright little face in summer.

   nodded and hummed: "It's beautiful!"

   Hearing Lu Jinshu's words, Xia Xia's smile brightened.

   "I'm going to take it back and put it in a vase!" she said.

  Lu Jinshu replied, "Okay."


   After a short rest, everyone continued their journey.

   In the afternoon, Jiang Shaoyun was in so much pain that he couldn't keep up with Lu Jinshu's speed!

   He was sure that his inner thighs were about to be frayed!

   It's not too painful at all!

   But the more this is the case, the more firm Jiang Shaoyun is in his heart.

   He must become an excellent general!

   But right now... he had no choice but to ride beside the summer carriage.

   It was discovered in the summer that Jiang Shaoyun was also a talkative system.

   I don't know if he wanted to talk to others to distract his attention, but he never stopped talking along the way.

   He is not talking to Xia Xia, but to Xiao Wang, the soldier who drives the carriage for Xia Xia.

   As he was talking, Jiang Shaoyun suddenly laughed twice and said, "Brother Wang, you see that there are quite a few places on your side, why don't you give me a ride?"

   Hearing this, Xia Xia couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

  It turns out that Jiang Shaoyun told others so much, he just wanted to sit in a carriage!

   Summer lifted the curtain, looked at Jiang Shaoyun, and said, "Hey Jiang Shaoyun, why don't you get in the carriage and sit? I can call you Sister Jiang later!"

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Jiang Shaoyun immediately straightened up and said, "Ridiculous! I am a dignified man, how can I sit in a carriage like a daughter's house!"

   Then his eyes flickered, and he said quickly, "I...I'm going to find Brother Jinshu!"

After   , Jiang Shaoyun was scared away by the summer...

   "Miss, Young Master Jiang used to be afraid that he seldom rode horses. Today, riding for so long at once, I guess I can't stand it." Bell said with a little worry.

  Summer raised his eyebrows, only to realize that something was wrong with the bell.

   turned his head back to look at the bell: "Don't you like Jiang Shaoyun, bell?"

  Just after Xia Xia asked, Bell blushed and waved his hands in denial: "No, no! Miss, servants and maids don't..."

  Ling Dang is fourteen years old this year, and it is not surprising that he likes Jiang Shaoyun with good skin.

   In order to avoid the embarrassment of the bell, Xia Xia didn't take this to make her happy, but just said, "I'm a little tired, so I'll sleep for a while."

   was not further questioned, and Bell was quietly relieved.

Miss    didn't know that Jiang Shaoyun was a famous young gentleman in the capital!

   has literary talent, appearance, and family background.

  How many girls adore him...

   And she is just a little maid, how dare she have such thoughts——

   Xia Xia admitted that she deliberately went to talk to Jiang Shaoyun to drive him away.

  Who told him to chat endlessly, she just couldn't sleep if she wanted to, so she had to use this trick.

   But it works, doesn't it?

   Now there are only the sound of hooves and the sound of wheels.

  The peaceful and peaceful atmosphere makes summer fall asleep quickly.


   woke up again, it was Lu Jinshu who woke up in the summer.

   opened his eyes and saw that the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and besides Lu Jinshu, beside the carriage, there was a young woman dressed in a bit shabby but unable to hide her beautiful appearance.

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows, looked at Lu Jinshu with a puzzled face, and asked him, "Who is this uncle?"

  Lu Jinshu said: "If you meet in front, let her get on the carriage with you."

   Without even an explanation, are you going to bring this woman back to Ancheng?

  Xiamen snorted, although he was not very happy in his heart, he looked at the woman with a very welcoming look on his face: "This girl comes up quickly!"

  The woman did not get into the carriage immediately, but turned around and saluted Lu Jinshu: "Thank you, General!"

   The voice is like a yellow warbler, and it is soft and weak. It is a man who will be protective when he hears it, right?

   But summer listen, why is it so awkward?

   Well, she must be so unhappy because she is still too young now.

  If she was older, she wouldn't even take a look at these women!

   Of course, Lu Jinshu didn't want to worry about it in summer.

  Because of Lu Jinshu...

   Very slow response!

  This woman, even if she took off her clothes and stood in front of Lu Jin's writing, he would probably only ask: "Are you wrong?"

   will not realize that someone else is there, seduce him!

   Therefore, Lu Jinshu's only expression of this delicate thanks is to nod his head expressionlessly: "Well."

   Then, he glanced at Xia Xia, and then he continued to walk to the front of the team.

   And the woman was stunned on the spot.

   Fortunately, she responded quickly, she turned around immediately, and glanced at Xia Xia: "Hello, Miss, Nujia Lian'er..."

  Lianer? The lotus of the white lotus?

  Xiamen interrupted Lian'er's self-introduction with a cry, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

   She never thought about dealing with this Lian'er who appeared out of nowhere!

  Lian'er didn't mind when she saw that Xia Xia ignored her.

   She got into the carriage and sat opposite the bell.


   [Update a chapter first, there is something to delay in the afternoon, and the remaining chapter will be updated later! 】

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