Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 299: Rebellious brother, violent temper (extra)

   Although Gu Yanyu said how many times he got married, he would never get tired of it.

   But let Xia Xia, who is already lazy, say, "Weddings are too troublesome, so I can avoid them in the future."

   At times like this, Gu Yanyu will raise his hand to touch Xia Xia's head in a particularly loving way, and say, "Okay~ I will do what the lady says!"

   Then, in summer, you will smile happily and be very satisfied!


  After getting married, the two were in no hurry to have children.

   Tired of being together every day, comparable to conjoined twins.

   The two go to the company together every day, Gu Yanyu handles business affairs, and in summer, he plays games, reads novels and watches TV.

  When you don’t go to the company, you go shopping together in couple’s clothes, buy groceries together, travel together, and stay at home together.

   At the beginning, there would still be people who wanted to watch a good show and waited to see how Gu Yanyu got caught in the summer.

   After all, everyone thought that Gu Yanyu was five years younger than Xia Xia!

  Gu Yanyu is with Xia Xia, it must be for her money.

   Maybe after a while, Gu Yanyu will empty out all the company's money, and then divorce Xia Xia——

From the eyes of outsiders, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu don't care, as long as they know it themselves.

   But occasionally in the summer, he would joke that Gu Yanyu would call her sister in the future.

   For this title, Gu Yanyu refused!

  ——This afternoon, Xia Xia jokingly called herself Gu Yanyu's sister.

   Then Gu Yanyu was not happy and protested: "I'm five years older than you in the real world!"

   So, he will never be called Sister Summer!

  Xiamen blinked and tilted his head to look at him: "How do you know that you are five years older than me?"

Gu Yanyu was cooking, and he replied without thinking: "I have read your profile, Xia Xia, forty-five years old, just graduated from university and became an energy collector with excellent grades and passed the assessment to enter the Plane Association. and bug fixer, currently working for three months..."

   Before he finished speaking, Gu Yanyu smiled at Xiaxia with a guilty conscience: "I...I didn't mean to read your profile..."

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and looked at him without speaking.

   "I promise, I really... well... Actually, I wanted to know more about you, so I exchanged a bottle of good wine for Ah Chen."

   Gu Yanyu put down what he was doing, walked to Xia Xia, raised his hand and grabbed his earlobe, with an excellent attitude of admitting his mistake.

   Xi Sishen is as good as she is, and she knows it in summer.

   Because when Gu Yanyu was with her, he always liked to talk about his family.

   Of course, like the Xi family, in his eyes, it is also his family.

   Not only that, but Gu Yanyu would also talk about the interesting things he had with Xi Sishen when they were young, saying that he always cheated on Xi Sishen and the like.

   "A bottle of good wine for my information? It's a pity, if you give me that good wine, I will definitely tell you!"

   Xia Xia was not angry, Gu Yanyu read her personal information in the Plane Association in advance, but regretted that Gu Yanyu gave Xi Sishen a bottle of good wine.

   Gu Yanyu knew that Xia Xia was not angry, so he stretched out his arms to hug her with a smile.

   "It's okay, I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to collect good wine! I'm all yours, and of course the good wine is also yours!"

   Hearing Gu Yanyu say this, Xia Xia's eyes lit up: "What kind of good wine are there?"

  Gu Yanyu began to count with his fingers, what good wine he had collected.

   The more he counts, the brighter Xia's eyes will be, and he can't wait to return to the real world right away.

   "I think it'll be fine for me to sleep with those wines in the future!" Summer said with great anticipation.

   Gu Yanyu blinked and asked, "What about me?"

  Xiamen looked at Gu Yanyu up and down, and then said, "You? You just sleep on the ground!"

  Gu Yanyu: "..."

   So, is he not as good as those good wines?

  What should I do, I really want to go back and smash all those good wines that he has worked so hard to collect!

   Flat mouth, Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia pitifully: "Miss, you can't leave me just because you don't need me as a sleeping pill now~"

   I still remember that one day Gu Yanyu suddenly remembered that Xia Xia said that he wanted to tell him a secret.

   Then he asked her, what's the secret?

   Xia Xia told him the dream she had during his college entrance examination.

   "So, my psychological shadow has been removed! I won't have insomnia or nightmares in the future!"

   This is good news, and Gu Yanyu is also very happy for summer.

  Although later, he no longer has the advantage that only he can make summer sleep soundly.

   It can be thought that when he hadn't recovered his memory before, he hadn't slept for a whole month in summer.

   Just thinking about it made him feel bad!

   It's summer now, and even if he hasn't recovered his memory and can't sleep with her, she can still sleep well!

   "So are your heterosexual resistance and autism better?" Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen thought for a while and said, "Autism should be gone."

   Because she tried to stay in a quiet environment, that fear has disappeared.

   is just: "Heterosexual conflict improved, but not better."

   For some members of the opposite sex, her tolerance is higher, and it is no problem to shake hands.

   However, I still feel uncomfortable.

   Gu Yanyu nodded: "Well, it doesn't matter, take your time, you will recover!"

  ——After the memory is over, Gu Yanyu still looks pitiful.

  Xiamen raised his hand and squeezed his face, looking reluctantly, and said, "Well, for the sake of so many good wines, you are still allowed to sleep in bed!"

  Gu Yanyu quickly cooperated: "Thank you Lord Long En!"

   His cooperation made the summer smile even more cheerful!

   Seeing Xia Xia's smile, Gu Yanyu will feel very satisfied.

   He really likes it, likes summer in front of him, like a child.

   He doesn't need her to do anything for him, as long as he is by his side, he can see her with just a slight tilt of his head.

   He doesn't need her to do anything for him, just be by his side and let him take care of him.

   He doesn't mind spoiling Xia Xia as a 'crippled' who can't take care of himself, because he thinks badly that the more squeamish Xia Xia is, the less someone can take his place.

   Of course, what he knew was that Summer was just being so squeamish to him.

   So he is very satisfied! Very satisfied!


   It will be seven or eighty years before we go to the next novel world.

  The two of them are still full of children and grandchildren, and the family is happy.

  Before leaving, the two still said goodbye to each other first, and then closed their eyes...

   Before closing his eyes, Gu Yanyu said to Xia Xia, "The next world, thank you for your hard work, lady!"

   Summer shook his head: "It's not hard."

   At least so many worlds, it is said to be a strategy, but in fact she did not deliberately do anything.

   She thinks that this should be because Gu Yanyu originally loved her, so the favorability is particularly easy to increase, right?

   So what Sharon said, it's easy to add it occasionally, but it's not easy to add it sometimes, it should be a lie to her.

  'Liar' Sharon: be honest, have you become a liar? snort!


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