Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 296: Rebellious brother, violent temper (27)

   I didn't sleep for a long time in summer, at most half an hour.

   But she felt that this sleep was the most comfortable time she had ever slept in for so many years!

   This feeling is different from her peaceful and dreamless side by Gu Yanyu.

   Xia Tian felt that in the future, even if she dreamed of an orphanage or the head of an orphanage, she would not be afraid anymore.

  This world, including all the worlds, doesn't exist without the things she is afraid of in summer!

   Mental illness, to put it bluntly, is caused by your own psychology.

   is like a dream that haunted her for so many years.

   It was she who was afraid, that's why she was so weak and powerless in the dream, and she aggravated the fear more and more.

  It is said that people are afraid of ghosts for three points, and ghosts are afraid of people seven points.

   means, in fact, ghosts are more afraid of humans.

   So as long as you are not afraid of ghosts, there is nothing to be afraid of.

   That summer dream is the same.

  When she is no longer afraid, she will be more brave in the dream!

  This dream made summer figure out many, many things.

   The big stone that was pressed in her heart also seemed to be removed. She only felt that she was in a good mood and was about to explode. Even the sky that didn't know when it started to become gloomy was a clear sky in her eyes!

   The curvature of the corners of the mouth is no longer habitually evoked, and the skin smiles and the flesh does not smile.

   But from the heart, smile!

   Never felt at this moment that the world is so beautiful!

  Every world is so beautiful!

   But the most beautiful is the world of Gu Yanyu...


   At 3:15 in the afternoon, Xia Xia got out of the car and walked to the school gate to wait for Yan Mingyu.

   At 3:30 in the afternoon, students one after another began to come out of the school, their faces were either sad or happy, excited or disappointed.

   After a while, Xia Xia saw Yan Mingyu with a calm expression coming out.

   When Yan Mingyu is outside, most of them are stern and cool.

   But when his eyes fell on Xia Xia, his expression immediately changed.

   He raised a smile and trotted to Summer: "You won't be standing here waiting for me all the time, will you?!"

  Xiamen raised his hand to straighten Yan Mingyu's hair that had been ruffled by the wind: "Of course not, do I look so stupid?"

   "Then where did you eat lunch?" Yan Mingyu asked Summer again.

  Xiaomi replied with a smile: "I found a restaurant with a lot of praise on the Internet to eat it, and it tastes very good!"

  Yan Mingyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Xia left and right: "Hey, why do I feel that you are different?"

   He keenly felt that the aura in summer was obviously different from before he went to the exam.

  Summer like this is as bright and dazzling as the sunshine in spring, which makes people feel happy when they watch it!

   Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, the temperament of summer is indeed a lot brighter, and it is impossible to hide it.

  Xiamen blinked and said with a smile, "Because I just slept in the car and had a very good, very good dream!"

   "What kind of dream?" Yan Mingyu was a little curious.

   At this time, a dull thunder began to sound in the sky, and it was about to rain.

   Xia Tian took Yan Mingyu's arm naturally and said, "Go back to the car first, I didn't bring an umbrella."

  Yan Mingyu glanced at the wrist that was being held, nodded, and replied, "Okay."

   Then he let Xia Xia pull him and walked to the parking place—

   The two of them trotted all the way back to the car. As soon as they got in the car, it started pouring rain outside.

  Bean-sized raindrops hit the car with a bang.

  I didn't like rainy days before in summer, but seeing such weather, she still grinned in a good mood: "We are lucky!"

   "You said yes?" She tilted her head and looked at Yan Mingyu who wanted to complain about the heavy rain in the college entrance examination.

  Thinking about it, it seems to be really good!

   "Well, our luck is indeed good!"

   "So you did well in the test today?" Summer asked again.

   "Of course! I can't wait to tell you that secret!" Yan Mingyu said.

   Fasten your seat belt in summer, start the car and prepare to leave.

   She reversed the car and said, "Actually, you can tell me the secret now!"

  Yan Mingyu shook his head firmly and refused: "No, we must wait for the admission letter to come down!"

  Xiamen shrugged indifferently and said, "Well, I had a secret to tell you..."

   Knowing that Yan Mingyu will definitely want to ask what the secret is next, so Xia Xia said first: "I'll tell you when your admission letter comes down!"

  Yan Mingyu: "…"

   Learned from him!



   Driving home, Yan Mingyu has been in a state of confusion.

   Because along the way, Xia Xia took the initiative to talk to him!

   has said a lot, and will say it in all aspects.

   For example, the gossip about the stars, such as things in the company.

  For example, after the college entrance examination, should Yan Mingyu go on a trip with her to relax?

   Another example, what does she want to eat tonight...

  Yan Mingyu originally wanted to ask what good things happened in the summer that made her so cheerful.

   But after thinking about it, he still didn't ask.

   He thought that he was grateful for any good thing!

  Because of this summer, it's so beautiful!

   "Wherever you say you want to go, I will go with you!"

   "Whatever you say you want to eat, I'll do it!"

   Yan Mingyu's answer made the smile on Xia's face even brighter.

   It was still raining outside, and on the sidewalk, people who forgot to take their umbrellas were drenched in the rain and running on the road.

   They may be covered in embarrassment, but in summer, they feel that they are so cute, for life...for their own life!

   "Okay! Then you can rest assured and leave yourself to me!"

   "Okay!" I've been very relieved, and I've handed myself over to you—

   After returning home, I went to take out a large package of snacks in the summer, and also took out the big bucket of ice cream that Yan Mingyu had bought before.

   Seeing the coffee table full of snacks, Yan Mingyu said, "Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat!"

  Xiamen shook his head: "No no no, I'm going to watch a movie! Eating while watching a movie is the best!"

   After she finished, she added: "While I was waiting for you, I found an apocalyptic zombie movie with a super good reputation on the Internet!"

When    was talking, the movie that Summer had searched on his mobile phone was synchronized to the TV in the living room.

  Yan Mingyu was stunned for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "...Okay, then I'll accompany you to eat... Oh no, let's watch together!"

   Zombie movie or something, he seems to have never seen it before.

   In fact, Yan Mingyu has no hobby of watching movies.

   But since it is summer, he is happy to accompany him.


   "Ouch! That zombie is too disgusting!"

   "Ouch... it's disgusting, disgusting!"

   "I, I, I... This headshot is too heavy..."

   "Ugh... I can't do it, I can't do it!"

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