Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 294: Rebellious brother, violent temper (25)

  The day of the college entrance examination came very fast, as if in the blink of an eye, it was time for Yan Mingyu to take the college entrance examination.

   On this day, the busy summer finally put down all the work in hand and personally drove Yan Mingyu to school.

   Along the way, Yan Mingyu smiled and asked if Xia Xia was nervous.

   Xia Tian chuckled and asked indifferently, "It's your college entrance examination, not mine, why should I be so nervous?"

   Yan Mingyu looked unhappy and turned to look at Xia Xia: "It stands to reason that my most important college entrance examination, shouldn't you be nervous?"

   Xia Xia replied casually: I have confidence in you, why, you have no confidence in yourself? "

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, the corners of Yan Mingyu's mouth twitched slightly in pleasure.

  He nodded heavily, and said proudly and arrogantly: "Of course I have a lot of confidence in myself!"

   "That's it, so I'm not nervous!"

   Well, in fact, my heart is still a little nervous in summer.

   It's just that she has to pretend not to be nervous, so Yan Mingyu can't see it.

   Having been to so many novel worlds, because of her host status, she herself has taken the college entrance examination many times, and she has never been nervous.

   And she also believes that with Yan Mingyu's grades, there is absolutely no problem in the college entrance examination.

   That's why she said that her nervousness is really, really inexplicable...

  Today's college entrance examination, too many children were sent to the school in person. The school was also full of cars at this time, and the cars in summer couldn't get close at all.

   I found a parking space near the school and stopped, and then walked to accompany Yan Mingyu to the school.

   She didn't plan to go to the company today, so she wore a very ordinary white short-sleeved T, a high-waisted denim short skirt, and white shoes.

   Made a ball head, reducing age without pressure!

   Standing in front of Yan Mingyu in school uniform, he doesn't look much older than him.

  Yan Mingyu looked at the summer as he walked to the school.

   After hesitating for a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said to Xia Xia, "If I am admitted to K University this time..."

   However, having said this, Yan Mingyu stopped again, as if he was still embarrassed.

   "Huh?" Xia Xia paused slightly and looked back at Yan Mingyu.

   Yan Mingyu swallowed his saliva, nervousness flashed in his eyes, and his ears turned red.

  Xiamen did not speak, waiting for him to speak.

   "If I am admitted to K University, I will tell you a secret!"

   Yan Mingyu actually wanted to tell Xia Xia this sentence, but he never dared.

   Now that I say it, it seems that I haven’t confessed, so I let out a sigh of relief.

   At least, he took the first step!

   "Huh? Secret? What secret can't be told to me until I get into K University?" Xia Xia asked curiously.

   No wonder she couldn't guess Yan Mingyu's thoughts and thoughts. Many times, her reaction in this regard was also quite slow.

   Compared with Gu Yanyu, she is a lot slower...

   And she has no idea about the algorithm of favorability.

   She only knew that her favorability level had already increased to 95%, and she was only five percent away from filling up her favorability level.

   "Well, I'll let you know if you pass the test!" Yan Mingyu said.

  Xia Tian raised his eyebrows and asked, "What if you fail the test? Why don't you tell me if you fail the test?"

   Yan Mingyu grinned, that face was very handsome in the morning light, as if plated with light.

   He looked at Xia Xia's eyes, and they all shone with light that made people couldn't help but look twice.

   He said: "In order to tell you this secret, I will definitely pass the exam!"


   After watching Yan Mingyu enter the school, he returned to the car in summer.

   She wants to wait for Yan Mingyu to finish the exam, so she has to stay here for a few hours!

   was bored, so she clicked on the radio in the car to listen to the news.

"Today's Morning News, yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, the property management of the X community found ten bodies in a certain room when they went to collect the property management fee. Because they were destroyed beyond recognition by the murderer, the identity of the deceased cannot be known for the time being. Now the police are trying their best to Survey!"

   Hearing this news, Xia Xia's face showed no expression and was very indifferent.

   Leaned back, leaning lazily on the back of the driver's seat.

   The police did not know the identities of the ten corpses, but Summer did.

  If you knew it earlier, don’t paint those people’s faces with a long knife just because you want to vent…

   It has been several months since Yan Mingyu was tricked into beating in the alley. It has been so long that Yan Mingyu himself almost forgot, but he still remembers it in summer.

   For several months, she has not done anything, even if she has long wanted to do it.

   After waiting for so long, I just didn't want the police to find Yan Mingyu's head.

  The night before yesterday, Xia Xia clicked on Yan Mingyu's sleeping point after he fell asleep, so that he could sleep more deeply.

   Then, she took the long knife that she specially bought some time ago.

  The long knife is my favorite weapon in summer, no one.

  Because of the long knife, she can get rid of them without touching any opposite sex.

   Of the ten people that day, nine of them all had murders that were never investigated by the police.

   As for why the police didn’t investigate, Xia Xia didn’t want to know.

   And why Xia Xia even killed the person who did not commit a murder, it was entirely because that person raped several underage girls.

  Because of verbal intimidation, those girls did not dare to call the police when they were hurt.

   Such a disgusting person who exists like trash, can we keep him in summer?

   The most hated criminal in summer's life is probably the rapist.

One of the reasons why    did not choose to call the police was that he wanted to vent himself.

   Another reason is that the law in this place seems to be more tolerant towards rapists.

   Even if it is **** of an underage girl, the most serious one will be sentenced to five years.

  Release it after five years, still do what you want to do!

   When I was looking for those ten people in the summer the night before yesterday, they happened to come back with a girl.

  The girl was wearing a school uniform and was obviously still a student.

   She was brought by force, and when she came home from school, she was surrounded by these people.

  It's late in summer, and the girls have been defiled...

   She was curled up in the corner, her whole body was barely intact, and Xia Xia couldn't believe how much torture she had suffered.

   Those tearful eyes were full of despair and helplessness.

   Maybe this scene stimulated the summer, so she wanted to give those people a simple one, but she changed her attention.

   If the forensic identification is done, they will know that all the bones of the ten people are broken except for the skull.

   Not only that, but their internal organs have also become a puddle of mud.

After    dealt with those ten people, Summer hypnotized the girl.

   erased the memory of her being hurt, and the fact that she saw the summer murder with her own eyes, and tampered with her memory.

   gave her medicine to repair the wound, and the wound in the private place was also repaired together.

   Including, her important piece of film.

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