Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 292: Rebellious brother, violent temper (23)

   This question, of course, can also be thought of in summer.

   However, can she give others a chance to doubt?

   Even in summer, he looked puzzled, and said to Ye Zhiyi, "Ye Zhiyi, classmate, what you said is a bit contradictory!"

   "Huh? Why is there a contradiction?" Ye Zhiyi asked Summer.

  Xiamen said: "If you want to frame Ayu, why do you say it now? So I doubt you, what you are saying is a lie! You don't have the ability to fake it at all..."

   Suspected by Xia Xia, Ye Zhiyi jumped up in anger, his face flushed red.

   "Of course what I said is not a lie! I have the phone number of the fake master here, you can call him to find him! Moreover, I also saved the text messages and chat records of the contacts!"

When    was talking, Ye Zhiyi quickly took out his mobile phone and unlocked it for Xia Xia to see.

   Xia Xia glanced at the chat log before handing the phone to Teacher Wang.

  Mr. Wang looked at the real chat records above as evidence, and his face was black.

   "Ye greetings! Teacher is so disappointed in you!"

   Really disappointed, after all, I have been teaching for almost three years.

  Mr. Wang did not expect that his favorite student would be such a person...

  Xia Tian also snorted coldly, and looked at Ye Zhiyi with cold eyes: "I didn't expect you to be such a student! Fortunately, I still believe that our Ayu will not cheat!"

  Although everyone doesn't understand why Ye Zhiyi suddenly told the truth when he was about to succeed in framing Yan Mingyu, it turned out that the so-called Yan Mingyu cheating was indeed from Ye Zhiyi's hands!

   So in the end, no matter how confused Ye Zhiyi was when he woke up, he was recorded a major demerit by the school and was dismissed from the position of monitor.

   Now all the teachers and students in the school know that he found a counterfeiter to imitate Yan Mingyu's handwriting to frame Yan Mingyu—

  After the matter was resolved perfectly, Mr. Wang apologized to Xia Xia again and again.

   After all, Yan Mingyu was wronged again and again, and Teacher Wang really blamed himself.

  Fortunately, this time in the summer, it is easier to talk, and he also expressed his understanding: "It's okay, Mr. Wang, after all, this fake master is really powerful!"

   Teacher Wang nodded in agreement: "That's right! It's really amazing! Our school has already called the police, and we must catch such people with bad intentions!"

   "Then I'm relieved!" Xia Xia smiled politely at the corner of her mouth.


   After chatting a few more words with Mr. Wang about Yan Mingyu's situation at school, he took Yan Mingyu to leave the school early in the summer.

   And Ye Zhiyi's parents also came over and took Ye Zhiyi to the hospital, and by the way, he went to the mental hospital for a check according to his request.

  Ye Zhiyi felt that he acted too strangely when he was in the teacher's office. He remembered telling the truth in his heart, but he couldn't remember why he said it.

   As if the mouth was out of his control.

   He just thought that he might have a mental problem.

   But the result of the inspection is that apart from some skin trauma, Ye Zhiyi has no mental problems.

   Hearing that there is no problem, Ye Zhiyi stood up directly: "Impossible! If I have no problem, why would I tell the truth in the office!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped severely by his father.

Father Ye glared at Ye and greeted Ye with hatred: "Give you the money, you just go to that fake master to imitate other people's handwriting?! Do you know that you are an adult now?! Do you know that you are Is it illegal?!"

   "Fortunately, others are generous and don't sue you, otherwise your future will be completely over!"

   "I'm imitating other people's handwriting now, what else do you want to do in the future?! Ah!?"

   Ye's father's roar made Ye Zhiyi so much that he didn't dare to speak.

  He bowed his head and stood there, wondering if he realized his mistake.

   And the mother Ye next to her was wiping her tears. She couldn't accept that her son would do something to frame others——

   On the other side, I drove Yan Mingyu home in the summer, and didn't speak much along the way.

  Hypnosis is a very mentally consuming skill, especially in crowded places.

  Summer is feeling a bit of a headache now, so I don't want to talk.

  Yan Mingyu has been looking at Xia Xia, looking at her very seriously and attentively, not knowing what he is thinking.

   Summer didn't have the energy to pay attention to him, so he drove all the way home, and then took Yan Mingyu's hand upstairs back to his room.

   "You stay in your room and don't go anywhere!"

   Xia Xia said this to Yan Mingyu, and she fell asleep on the bed.

   Yan Mingyu: "..."

  Why she sleeps and he stays in the room?

  If he is not allowed to go anywhere, can he go to the toilet?

  Although he was speechless, Yan Mingyu was really obedient and stayed in the room——

   Fortunately, during this time of summer, the sleep is very sufficient, so I didn't sleep for a long time, and I was woken up by hunger...

   "What time is it?" Summer glanced at the darkening sky outside the window.

   Yan Mingyu, who was drawing in front of the computer, replied, "It's almost seven o'clock at half past six, can I leave the room to cook now?"

  Xia Tian rubbed his eyes and hummed softly: "I'm so hungry~"

  Yan Mingyu rolled his eyes at her: "I deserve it~ Who told you to let me leave, otherwise I would have cooked dinner already!"

   Well, in fact, he can cook while he sleeps in summer.

   But he just couldn't ignore Xia's words. As long as Xia said it, he seemed to follow it instinctively.

   Although, he still doesn't know that without him in summer, he will wake up naturally.

   "Then you go now~" Summer urged.

  Yan Mingyu snorted and said, "Go now!"

   When Yan Mingyu went downstairs, he also got up from the bed in summer.

   I was so tired when I came back just now, she didn't even change her suit, she just fell asleep.

   Now that I wake up, I feel a little uncomfortable.

   went to his room to take a shower and head, and put on a mask by the way, and then went downstairs in home clothes.

  Yan Mingyu cooks very fast. When he goes downstairs in summer, the food is already ready and placed on the table.

   Seeing her come down, Yan Mingyu served her another bowl of soup.

  Xiamen sat down opposite Yan Mingyu, said thank you to him, and started drinking soup.

  Yan Mingyu also drank soup and watched summer while drinking it.

   He didn't speak, just looked at the summer.

   Receiving Yan Mingyu's gaze, Xia Xia thought he wanted to ask her how the soup tasted.

  So after a pause, Xia Xia said, "The soup is delicious."

   In the end, Yan Mingyu raised his chin arrogantly and said, "I know I make delicious soup!"

   He still has confidence in his cooking skills!

  Summer: "…"

   Okay, since your soup is so delicious, then I'll be honest with the soup!

   So summer bowed his head and continued to drink soup.

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