Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 290: Rebellious brother, violent temper (21)

   The result of Yan Mingyu sleeping with Xia Xia is that Xia Xia will habitually arch into his arms when it is almost dawn.

   Often at times like this, Yan Mingyu doesn't really want to get up.

  He wants to hug summer more.

   But he can't get up, he has to go to school!

   But he especially wanted to hug the summer, what should he do?

   So the next night, Yan Mingyu secretly fell asleep in the summer and put her in his arms to sleep.

   In this way, he can hug summer more!

   Yan Mingyu's careful thoughts, although Xia Xia knew, did not expose them.

   This behavior is exactly the same as a certain host of Gu Yanyu before!

  Xiaomi thinks that the two of them are getting along like this now, which is not bad.

  Everything, just wait for Yan Mingyu to graduate from high school.


   Time, said fast is not fast.

   In another monthly exam after the mid-term exam, Yan Mingyu took the first place in the whole grade, and his grades were so good that the teacher paid more and more attention to him.

   Of course, people who didn't like him at first became more and more jealous.

   In particular, Ye Zhizhi, who has always liked school beauty but couldn't pursue it, was originally the first in the whole grade but now ranks second.

   Ye Zhiyi always believed that bad students like Yan Mingyu would never get such good grades!

   In the previous mid-term exam, it’s okay to take the sixth grade in the whole grade, and he is lower than him both horizontally and vertically.

   Ye Zhiyi did not expect that in just one month, Yan Mingyu climbed from sixth to first!

   This is simply, unreasonable!

   So, Ye Zhiyi began to observe Yan Mingyu secretly, wanting to see if he was cheating.

   The two are classmates, so it is easy to observe Yan Mingyu secretly.

   Ye greeted and even searched for Yan Mingyu's schoolbag while he was in gym class.

   But, nothing was found!

   Really no cheating?

  Ye Zhiyi looked at Yan Mingyu who was sweating and playing ball on the playground coldly, thinking about it——


   "Mr. Li did a good job of this project, and the partner also called me and praised Mr. Li, keep working hard!"

   In the summer of the meeting, Zhou Kai came over and whispered in her ear that the school was calling.

  Xiamen took the phone and put it in his ear to listen: "Mr. Wang..."

   "Miss Fu, come to school." Teacher Wang interrupted Xia Xia's words in a bad tone.

  Summer raised his eyebrows, what? Did Yan Mingyu cause trouble at school?

  But she came to this novel world for two months, except when she was hired as a parent once when she first came, Yan Mingyu was very good at other times!

   Well, I can't say I'm very good, but at least I didn't cause trouble.

   "What's the matter?" Xia Xia asked Teacher Wang.

  Mr. Wang said over there: "A classmate in our class found evidence of Yan Mingyu's cheating, proving that Yan Mingyu got his grades from cheating in the mid-term and monthly exams..."

   "Impossible!" Summer said decisively.

  Yan Mingyu is definitely not the kind of person who cheats.

   Teacher Wang wanted to say something, but heard Xia Xia say: "I'm coming to school now."

   Over there, Teacher Wang opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he heard a beeping sound.

   Apparently, it was summer who hung up—

   "Today's meeting is suspended, everyone go and do your own thing first!"

   Xia Xia only said that one sentence, then got up and left the conference room.

   Everyone looked at each other, knowing that the chairman's step-brother was doing something again, so he was invited to the parents again.

   It’s just a rare thing. I used to be invited to school every three days, but now I’m only invited once every two months.


   On the way to school, I kept thinking about the so-called Yan Mingyu cheating in the exam.

  Yan Mingyu did not cheat, so where did the evidence of cheating come from?

  Since it can’t be evidence that comes out of thin air, it can only be forged by others!

   It seems that because Yan Mingyu's grades went up, some people were jealous!

  Analyze it again, this person definitely has very good grades.

   Even if it is an entire grade, the grades are still in the front.

   Yan Mingyu took the sixth grade in the midterm exam before and was fine, but this time he took the first place in the monthly exam, but he was okay.

   Then it can only mean that the person who framed Yan Mingyu should be ranked ahead of him in the mid-term exam.

   In other words, the top five are suspects?

   Summer has a good memory, but she still remembers who the top five people Yan Mingyu mentioned to her were.

  Although I haven’t seen it, I still remember the name.

   She wants to see, who is the person who 'discovered' Yan Mingyu's 'cheating evidence', who is in the top five——

   The car drove directly into the school and parked in the school's parking lot.

   In summer, she wears a white shirt and a goose-yellow suit, which is capable and youthful.

   The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, in the eyes of others, he was smiling.

   But if you look closely, you will see that there is no smile in her eyes.

   I have been to the school many times, and the office of the teachers of the senior three division can be found smoothly in summer.

   Walking to the door of the office, Xia Xia saw Yan Mingyu and an unknown boy standing in front of Teacher Wang's desk with his back to her.

   Out of courtesy, Xia Xia raised his hand and knocked on the door.

   Everyone in the office turned their attention to the door and saw summer.

   In summer, of course, I also saw Yan Mingyu and a middle-aged student who looked back.

  Yan Mingyu has nothing to do except for some wrinkles in his clothes... Oh, his face is not very good-looking.

   But the ones next to him were not very good-looking at first, but now the corners of their mouths were swollen and swollen.

   It seemed that Yan Mingyu was angry and started.

   "Miss Fu, please come in!" Teacher Wang's attitude towards Summer is quite good.

  Xiaomi nodded slightly, raised his feet and walked in.

  Yan Mingyu didn't lower his head when he saw that summer was coming, and kept his neck stuck as always.

   This point has not changed.

   Xia Xia glanced at him calmly and gave him an "I believe in you" look.

   Yan Mingyu was relieved when he received this look.

   He was actually worried, worried that Xia Xia would be like everyone else, in front of the so-called evidence, he chose to believe the evidence, not him!

   "Ms. Fu, this time, we determined it after verification, and we didn't trust anyone unilaterally!"

  Mr. Wang said this to Xia Xia first, as if she was frightened by Xia Xia's posture two months ago.

  Xiamen nodded, expressing understanding: "I want to know what happened first. This the one who discovered the evidence of Ayu's cheating?"

  Summer's eyes fell on the male student who was beaten.

   Teacher Wang nodded: "Yes, Ye Zhiyi is the one who found evidence of Yan Mingyu's cheating."

   "Ye Zhiyi? Midterm exam, the first student in all grades, this time the student who ranks second in the monthly exam?" Xia Xia's eyes were flat, and the corner of his mouth looked at Ye Zhizhi with a shallow arc.

  Ye greeted, but he didn't expect Xia Xia to know his grades so well. After being slightly surprised, he nodded and admitted: "Yes, it's me!"

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