Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 285: Rebellious brother, violent temper (16)

  Xiamen frowned, hugging the quilt and refusing to get up: "Even if I don't sleep during the day, I can't sleep at night!"

   seems to be the reason for not waking up, so the summer at this time is not cold at all, soft and cute.

   Yan Mingyu was soft-hearted, but a little unhappy.

   Or because of that A Yu? !

   "Then how can you sleep well at night?" Yan Mingyu was a little angry.

  Summer blurted out: "Sleep with you."

  Yan Mingyu: "!!!"

As soon as    said these words, Summer instantly woke up.

  She sat up and looked at Yan Mingyu with some embarrassment: "I'm not..."

  Xiamen wanted to explain, but before she could say anything, she heard Yan Mingyu blushing and saying, "Then you can sleep with me tonight."

   Now, Summer is stunned.

  He is, agree? !

   Seeing the stunned look of summer, Yan Mingyu felt very cute for some reason!

The corners of   's mouth were upturned, but he deliberately pulled it down and coughed lightly: "Although I allow you to sleep with me...but!! It's just a simple sleep, I won't allow you to push the bow!"


  Xiamen is glad she didn't drink water at the moment, otherwise she would really be unable to hold back and squirt.

   Does she look like that **** person? And the king is **** the bow...

  Xiaomi said with a smile in his eyes, "Well, don't worry, I can't say anything about your face."

Yan Mingyu jumped up, jumped to Xia Xia and glared at her: "What's wrong with my face? It's all swollen, although it's a little bruised, but it's still handsome! You don't know how many girls like my face... …”

   Before Yan Mingyu finished speaking, Xia Xia interrupted him: "I'm hungry."

The three words    made Yan Mingyu successfully shut up.

  He nodded: "Oh, I'm going to cook!"

   After saying that, he obediently got up and prepared to go to the kitchen.

   Looking at Yan Mingyu's back, Xia Xia finally couldn't help grinning.

  Who knew that Yan Mingyu, who had already walked out of the room, suddenly retreated, and then she didn't have time to take back the bright smile on her face...

   Today's weather is very good, the sunlight outside comes in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, just right on the bed.

   And the person sitting on the bed had a bright smile and a frown.

  In Yan Mingyu's opinion, this smiling face is brighter than the sun!

   His heart seemed to be hit hard by this smile.

   Then, he found his heart beating a lot faster.

   dong dong dong, dong dong dong, as if it would jump out of the chest at any time...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Yan Mingyu's favorability for you is 90%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Actually, is it 90%?

  Xiamen opened his mouth, just as he was about to speak, he saw Yan Mingyu blushing and running away...

  Because of that smile in summer, Yan Mingyu didn't talk to her much in the afternoon.

Why? Because he is shy!

   But shyness is shy, and the things that should be done are the same.

   At night, Yan Mingyu still pretended to be very reluctant and said to Xia Xia, "That... I want to sleep on the left side, you can't cross the border when you sleep on the right side!"

left side, right side?

   This is, do you really plan to share the bed with her?

   Anyway, she doesn't matter.

   That's fine, her sleep in the future will be guaranteed.

   took a shower and put on pajamas.

   When she went to Yan Mingyu's room, Yan Mingyu was already lying on the left.

   He turned his back to her as if he had fallen asleep?

  Summer walked over, opened the quilt and lay down on the right side.

   I can sleep tonight, but I don’t drink alcohol in summer.

   Two-meter large bed, one sleeps on the left and the other sleeps on the right, with a large distance in the middle.

  Wandering on the bed in summer, Yan Mingyu fell asleep next to him, naturally he fell asleep quickly.

   She slept soundly, but Yan Mingyu was nervous... unable to sleep!

   He had his back to Xia Xia all the time, and he didn’t know if Xia Xia fell asleep or if he peeked at him or the like.

   I was just thinking about it all by myself, and my face turned red at the thought.

  Yan Mingyu wanted to turn around, but felt bad.

   He was thinking, if Xia Xia was peeking at him, wouldn't he just run into it when he turned around?

   In that case, will summer be embarrassing? What is he going to say?

   But, I really want to turn around...

  The sleeping summer didn't know that Yan Mingyu was playing so much in his heart, and he didn't even know that because of her presence, Yan Mingyu hadn't fallen asleep until the early morning.

   Finally couldn't bear it anymore, Yan Mingyu turned around.

   He usually sleeps with a night light on. This is a habit formed since childhood. If he does not turn on the night light, he will not be able to sleep.

   So after he turned over, he saw the sleeping face of summer.

  Xiamen slept facing him, and when he turned over, the two were face to face.

   She closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

   When did you fall asleep? Could it be that he fell asleep when he looked at his back?

   Does this mean that his influence on Summer is also quite large?

   Thinking of this, Yan Mingyu was a little excited.

   Hmm~ He must be better than that A Yu! so much better!

   Summer without knowing anything:  …


   It was the first time that I slept in the same bed with Xia Xia. I was inexplicably excited and couldn't find the North. The consequence of not being able to sleep in the middle of the night was... I couldn't get up!

   The seven o'clock alarm clock set in advance rang on time, but Yan Mingyu's conditioned reflex turned it off as soon as it rang for the first time.

   As usual, he would get out of bed the next second after turning off the alarm.

   But today, I am so sleepy!

  So after habitually turning off the alarm clock, Yan Mingyu turned over and continued to fall asleep...

  If you haven’t slept in summer, you’ve already finished exercising at this time.

   But she slept with Yan Mingyu, so it's no wonder she woke up so early.

  The alarm clock went off, she didn't even hear it!

   The two-meter bed is really big. If two people are asleep, they will definitely not touch each other all night.

   After being with Gu Yanyu, Summer unconsciously developed a habit.

   just likes to sleep in Gu Yanyu's arms because she feels very warm...

  Especially if she doesn't want to get up after dawn, she will take the initiative to find that embrace.

  Nonono, successfully moved into the warm embrace.

  Hmm~ very comfortable!

  These instinctive actions in summer are not conscious.

   In a daze, Yan Mingyu suddenly felt something arching into his arms.

   was really sleepy, and he felt the 'thing' in his arms was quite comfortable, so he hugged it.


   On the two-meter wide bed, a man and a woman fell asleep hugging each other. The picture is very beautiful!


  I slept until I woke up naturally, and Yan Mingyu was the one who woke up first.

  Yan Mingyu moved, and he naturally felt that he was holding a warm 'thing'.

   looked down and saw the summer when Guaiguowo was sleeping in his arms.

   Yan Mingyu's eyes widened in shock, and he almost threw Summer away.

   Of course, his body is stiff at the moment, let alone throwing it away, he can't do it even if he pushes away the summer...

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