Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 283: Rebellious younger brother, violent temper (14)

   He would rather go hungry or order takeout than cook himself.

   Today, Yan Mingyu wants to cook and cook for summer.

   I was still thinking awkwardly in my heart, so I thought it was because I was thanking her——

  Yan Mingyu just went downstairs less than ten minutes ago, and woke up in summer when he was sleeping soundly and soundly on the bed.

   looked around the room, and sure enough he didn't see Yan Mingyu.

   looked at the time, it was already twelve o'clock.

  Summer got up from the bed and stretched.

   Although I haven't slept enough, I'm even sleepy.

   But sleeping for four hours at a time is really a luxury for her who hasn't slept much for a month!

   decided in her heart that she would sleep again in the afternoon, she had already lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on her shoes and was ready to go downstairs.

  I was going downstairs to cook in summer, but before I got to the kitchen, I heard the sound of chopping vegetables.

   I walked over and saw that Yan Mingyu was wearing an apron and was washing his dishes.

   He turned his back to Summer, naturally he didn't know that Summer was behind him.

  Yan Mingyu is 1.8 meters tall and just turned 18 years old two days ago. The adult gift given to him in summer is his favorite motorcycle.

   Just by looking at the back and not at the delicate little white face, Yan Mingyu can give people a sense of security.

   In summer, the sleepiness became even stronger, and she felt that she could fall asleep even if she fell on the ground.

   She looked at Yan Mingyu's back and wanted to say: "A Yu, I want to sleep..."

   But she still clearly knew that Gu Yanyu had not recovered his memory.

  Xiamen did not disturb Yan Mingyu, but sat down on the floor by the kitchen door, leaned against the door, closed his eyes and fell asleep...

   That's right, she just sat on the ground and fell asleep!

   When Yan Mingyu turned around and saw Summer, he was really frightened and jumped up.

  Why did the person who was sleeping in the room ran to the kitchen door and fell asleep? !

   Yan Mingyu walked up to Xia Xia and squatted down to see her.

  She closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

   "Hello... Fu Nianhua." Yan Mingyu called her.

   I didn't respond in summer, I didn't even move my eyelids.

   "Fu Nianhua, wake up!" Yan Mingyu's voice increased several decibels,

   However, in summer, there is still no reaction at all...

  Yan Mingyu hesitated for a while, and reached out to touch Xia Xia's cheek.

   Just met, Yan Mingyu seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and even the expression on his face stopped.

  God...why is this face so smooth? !

   is like a boiled egg with its shell removed.

   After being stunned for about half a minute, Yan Mingyu swallowed and patted Xia Xia's face lightly.

   Well, his movements are really light, as if a little force can pierce the skin in summer.

   "That, Fu Nianhua, don't sleep here, you'll catch a cold..."

   "Ayu, don't make trouble~ Let me sleep a little longer~ I haven't slept for a long time~"

  Summer's voice is so soft that even the bones soften.

  Yan Mingyu only felt that his heart was throbbing for a while because of Summer's soft voice and coquettish tone.

  A Yu (Yu)...Is he called him?

   Even his mother only calls him Xiaoyu!

   And Fu Nianhua only called him by his full name...

   "Fu...Fu Nianhua...Don't sleep here, you will catch a cold." Yan Mingyu's voice softened unconsciously.

  Xiamen frowned and shook his head impatiently: "Don't~ I want to sleep~"

  Yan Mingyu was helpless. I don't know how 'Fu Nianhua' who fell asleep would become like this.

   Since she couldn't wake up, she had to take her back to her room.

   sighed, bent down and hugged Summer.

   He was able to easily pick up the summer, Yan Mingyu was surprised to find that the person in his arms was so light!

   brows slightly wrinkled, why are you so thin? Have you eaten less than usual?

   "Fu Nianhua, you are also very good. You don't sleep when you have a bed, but you come and sleep on the floor!" Yan Mingyu carried Xia Xia upstairs, muttering as he walked.

The person in   's arms is also well-behaved, tilting his head and leaning on his shoulder.

   seems to have heard his words, and the person in his arms muttered again: "It's not that you don't know~ I can't sleep without you~"

  Yan Mingyu: "!!!"

   When did he know she couldn't sleep without him? ! he talking about him? !

  Ayu? Or... A Yu?

   Didn't the A Yu (Yu) in her mouth call him? !

   Yan Mingyu's face instantly turned black, so black it was about to drip ink.

   He hugged Xia Xia and looked down at her: "Fu Nianhua, who am I?"

   However, Summer was already fast asleep and couldn't answer his question at all.

  Looking at Yan Mingyu's confirmation, the man in Xia's mouth is definitely 'not' him!

   Is that the man who lost his memory?

   Was that **** the one who kept her awake all this time?

   Which **** is so powerful? !

   Now Yan Mingyu really can't wait, can't wait to find that man and beat him up!

  I don't know how Gu Yanyu will feel when he thinks of this thought when he regains his memory?

   Do you want to beat yourself up?


   Yan Mingyu held her breath, put Summer back on the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

   He didn't know that he had to be by his side to fall asleep in the summer, so he turned around and went out. He hadn't cooked yet!

   But just after he left, the pan in the kitchen for cooking was not hot, and he woke up in summer.

   Yan Mingyu, who turned around after cooking, was stunned when he saw Summer sleeping at the door of the kitchen again.

   He even suspected that he might be having a recurring dream.

   In the dream, he was cooking, and when he turned around, he saw Xia Xia sleeping at the door, and he took her back to the room.

   Then the screen turned, he was cooking in the kitchen again, and when he turned around, he saw Summer sleeping at the door of the kitchen again...

   But Yan Mingyu clearly knew that he did not dream anymore.

   So, he just sent Summer back to his room, and Summer ran down by himself, right?

   She is, does she have sleepwalking? !

   But in broad daylight, what the **** is sleepwalking?

  Then, the meal is ready, do you want to wake her up?

  Yan Mingyu struggled for a long time, but still carried Xia Xia back to his room.

   Worried about "sleepwalking" again in summer, Yan Mingyu quickly ran downstairs to pack himself a bowl of rice and some dishes and went upstairs to eat.

   Fortunately, he was fast enough to not wake up in the summer.

   After eating, Yan Mingyu didn't dare to take the bowl downstairs, for fear that if he turned around, he would see Summer sleeping on the ground again.


   In the afternoon, Yan Mingyu didn't leave the room, and he didn't wake up in the summer.

   Seeing that it was getting dark, Yan Mingyu was still hesitating whether to wake up Summer.

   She seems to really lack sleep.

   But, without waking her up, is it okay to skip meals all day?

   Finally, Yan Mingyu decided to wake up the summer!

  From eight in the morning to eight in the evening, plus the time when she went downstairs to sleep in front of the kitchen, she slept for twelve hours in summer.

  If Yan Mingyu didn't wake her up, she could sleep for another twelve hours no problem, really!

   "Um... what time is it?" Xia Xia asked Yan Mingyu.

   "It's eight o'clock, evening!" Yan Mingyu also emphasized that it is now eight o'clock in the evening, not eight in the morning.

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