Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 272: Rebellious brother, violent temper (3)

  Yan Mingyu looked at the step-sister who was standing in front of him and blinked and blinked again.

  Why didn't he know that this woman, Fu Nianhua, was still doing a sideline lawyer when she was fine?

   Isn't the company too busy?

  Although he was puzzled, Yan Mingyu was still dumbfounded and nodded in cooperation.

  Fu Nianhua certainly doesn't have any sideline lawyers, but she has experience as a lawyer when she went to other novel worlds before, and it happens that this host also has some knowledge of the laws of this world.

   So this sentence is said, and the summer is also full of confidence.

  The shrew's parents didn't expect to be "still a lawyer" in the summer, and wilted in an instant.

   Can she know what the virtues of her son are? If things really go to the police station, it will definitely be that they didn't run away.

  Yan Mingyu is not yet eighteen years old, but Li Wei is already eighteen years old, and he is an adult with criminal responsibility.

   Li Wei, who was lying on the hospital bed, was also afraid that he would actually enter the police station, and was so excited that he sat up from the bed.

   It's just that his ribs are really broken and he can't get up...

  Li Wei waved his hands again and again, and said anxiously and guilty: "Don't call the police! Don't call the police! What Yan Mingyu said is true, it was me who moved first! I wanted to put the trash can on him..."

  The shrew's parents heard that their son was frightened and said everything, and hurried to cover his mouth, but his hands were slow.

  What should be said, Li Wei has already said it.

  Mr. Wang's face was a little ugly. I didn't expect the students he trusted to be like this.

  Because Xiang Yan Mingyu started with others, everyone blamed him.

  Yan Mingyu didn't explain, so Mr. Wang naturally believed what others said.

   If this happens again, no matter who is at fault, Mr. Wang will blame Yan Mingyu for the fault.

   In addition, Fu Nianhua never believed that Yan Mingyu was a victim, and every time he was invited to school, he did not ask who moved the hand first, or why.

   The first thing Fu Nianhua did was to apologize to the other parent and deal with the compensation.

   Over time, Mr. Wang became accustomed to Fu Nianhua's behavior of apologizing first.

   But today, Mr. Wang never thought that things would be different from what he expected!

   Xia Xia smiled and said, "It seems that this is the truth! This... madam, do you think we are private? Or should the police handle it better?"

  What can the shrew parents say, it is her son who will do it first, and they are the ones who are at fault.

  If this matter is dealt with by the police... Then won't her son be named by the police station?

   Now, the shrew parents began to smile: "It's all children, nothing major... It's good to be private, just be private!"

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, what should I do? My brother is the victim, I think it's better to call the police!"

   "Don't, don't, don't!" The shrew's parents wanted to go to pull Xia Xia, but Xia Xia gently turned sideways to avoid them.

   The shrew parent's hand was hanging in the air and put it down a little embarrassingly.

   Hesitating for a while, the shrew parent gritted his teeth and said, "We will pay for your brother's medical expenses!"

   "Do you think I'm the one with the medical bills?" Xia Xia asked the shrew's parents.

  The parents of the shrew, of course, see that summer is not a poor person, so they want to make a fortune!

   And before the summer came, Teacher Wang had mentioned to her that Fu Nianhua had always been generous...

   "Then... what do you want?" the shrew parent asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen didn't look at her at all, but looked sideways at Li Wei on the hospital bed.

   "I'll give you two options. First, I'll call the police to deal with the incident. Second, you apologize to my brother in front of all the teachers and students in the school, and tell the story."

   Two choices, Li Wei didn't want to choose either.

  But Xia Xia didn't give him a chance to refuse or hesitate at all, he just said: "I only give you 60 seconds to think about it. If you don't make a choice, then I will call the police."

When    was talking, Summer had already taken out his mobile phone from his bag.

   Li Wei dared to hesitate, and quickly said, "I apologize! I apologize in front of all the teachers and students in the school!!"

  Xiamen raised his eyelids and glanced at him, but said nothing.


  School, when I went back to school with Yan Mingyu and others in the summer, it was just the end of get out of class.

  Li Wei and Yan Mingyu, who were in wheelchairs, stood in front of the flag-raising platform and asked someone to pick up the horn.

  Xiamen stood aside, looking at Li Wei, who was blushing and holding the horn and never spoke: "Actually, you can go to the police station now if you want."

The shrew parents next to    didn't dare to speak with Teacher Wang at all, after all, it was they who were at fault.

   And the words of summer made Li Wei finally speak.

   "Today, the fight between me and classmate Yan Mingyu was caused by me... It's not about classmate Yan Mingyu!"

   Originally, when they returned to school in this state, they had already attracted attention. Now, when Li Wei's voice was heard in the teaching building, those students and teachers came out.

   Xia Xia gestured to Li Wei and continued.

  Li Wei closed his eyes and looked at death as if he was at home, explaining the ins and outs of the matter.

   After class this morning, Yan Mingyu went to the toilet, and Li Wei followed.

   Li Wei is jealous that the girl he likes likes Yan Mingyu, a little white face, and can't stand him, so he wants to find a chance to rectify him.

   The trash can in the toilet was so dirty, Li Wei wanted to put the trash can directly on Yan Mingyu's head.

   As a result, Yan Mingyu found out that Li Wei did not succeed.

  Yan Mingyu has a bad temper, but he really doesn't have the heart to fight today, because he was only asked to invite his parents yesterday...

   He didn't want to, he didn't want to see Fu Nianhua's ice cube face, and he didn't even want to hear her lecture.

   So Yan Mingyu ignored Li Wei and prepared to leave.

   His rare concession did not satisfy Li Wei. Li Wei sneered at Yan Mingyu for not being disciplined by his parents, and pushed Yan Mingyu.

  Li Wei's strength is not small, Yan Mingyu conditioned reflexively to find support with his hands, but his arm directly wiped the washbasin with a broken side in the toilet.

  Just like this, Yan Mingyu's arm was slashed with a not shallow cut.

   Being injured is a trivial matter, and Yan Mingyu hates what others say about his parents.

   As soon as his temper came up, he directly pressed Li Wei to the ground and beat him.

   Li Wei of course resisted, and his fist was also on Yan Mingyu's face...

   In the real fight, Li Wei is indeed not Yan Mingyu's opponent, otherwise why would he be broken three ribs?

   There was no one in the toilet at that time. When someone came, everyone saw Yan Mingyu beating Li Wei.

   So when Li Wei lied that he was beaten up by accidentally bumping into Yan Mingyu, everyone chose to believe him.

  Li Wei is honest and told all the truth.

   Of course, he was mainly afraid that the police would actually be called in the summer.

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