Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 255: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, please hug (20)

   "He said that if I don't obey...don't let me study anymore...and...and even if he sells me, no one will know..."

   "I thought I'd just be obedient... I'd be free when I went to college... But I didn't expect..."

  Xiamen tried her best to restrain her emotions, listening to Xiaoning tell how she was tortured to death by Wang Mingyuan.

  Wang Mingyuan had obtained Xiaoning's body long before An Ruoshui.

  Speaking of which, Xiaoning was not the first persecuted by Wang Mingyuan in the orphanage.

  Xiaoning said that half a year after An Ruoshui left, he was killed by Wang Mingyuan.

   But the person who killed her was not Wang Mingyuan alone!

   It turns out that in addition to his perverted habit, Wang Mingyuan also loves money like his life.

   Although Lixian Town is small, many people come and go.

   In the past few years, people have come to the orphanage every three or five years.

   Those who came were all middle-aged men.

   Those middle-aged men would stay here overnight and leave the next day.

   As for what they are here for, Xiaoning can think of it even in summer.

  Xiaoning said that the night she died, the dean called five girls.

   She is the oldest among the five girls.

   The youngest is only nine years old.

   Ten men, smiling horribly.

"That evening……"

   Xiao Ning's words were interrupted by a scream.

   This scream is not from a ghost, but a human!

   "It's Xiaolan! Xiaolan must be in the dean's office now!"

  Xiaoning looked anxious, she looked at Xia Xia: "If Shui, since you are back, then please stop that devil! We can't get close to him, or we'd have swallowed him in one bite!"

   Xia Xia knew that Xiao Ning's last sentence was the key, but at this time, it was not appropriate for her to ask.

  It is important to save people!

   Xia Xia walked out of the room with Mo Jichen, and then went downstairs.

  The speed of summer is very fast. It was obvious that Mo Jichen, who went out of the room with her, was still at the entrance of the stairs. She had already arrived at the dean's office like the wind.

With a bang, the door of the dean's office was kicked open by Xia Xia.

   Wang Mingyuan in the office was obviously taken aback and looked at the door in shock.

   And in the summer, he looked at him with a sullen face.

   At this time, Wang Mingyuan was still wearing a daytime suit, but it was loose and messy.

   He is not wearing pants now, and under him is a little girl who is no more than ten years old.

  Because of the little girl's scream just now, Wang Mingyuan was covering her mouth and nose tightly, and she was already in a coma.

   Seeing here, how can I endure it in summer.

   This picture is too familiar, so familiar that she has red eyes and no reason!

  Wang Mingyuan was really taken aback when he saw that it was summer standing at the door.

   The lifeblood that was held high was also softened by fright.

   But before Wang Mingyuan could react, he only felt a pain in his heart, and he flew back.


  Wang Mingyuan flew out and hit the desk, then fell to the ground again.

   When Mo Jinchen rushed to the dean's office, he saw Xia Tian took off his coat and covered the little girl.

   On the other hand, Wang Mingyuan was naked and got up from the ground with a look of pain.

   Anger, like a gushing volcano.

  Mo Jinchen couldn't imagine whether Summer's hatred had suffered such injuries before, or something else...

   He took a step with his long legs, walked in front of Wang Mingyuan in three or two steps, and punched him in the jawbone.


  Wang Mingyuan lay on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with two teeth.

   After being the dean for several years, when was Wang Mingyuan beaten like this!

   He glared angrily at Mo Jinchen, who wanted to kick him, and said vaguely, "Don't mess around! I have someone in the bureau, and I can send you in at any time!"

  Mo Jinchen paused and sneered: "I also have someone in the underworld... oh no, there are ghosts, I can send you down at any time!"

   At this time, Xia Xia came over and said to Mo Jinchen: "Achen, you go and sit next to me, now is not the time for you to pass the knife."

   When talking in summer, there is even a smile on his face.

   That bloodthirsty, perverted smile...

  Wang Mingyuan was a little scared, because he just shot in summer, it was too fierce.

   He wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't get up because of the pain.

   had no choice, he could only move back: "You guys... don't mess around... big deal... big deal I'll adopt a child for you for free, no, two!"

free? TOLL?

   Is this a sale of children or adoption of children?

   In summer, the curvature of the corners of the lips deepens, and the coldness under the eyes is even more piercing.

   With a clear and beautiful face, the whole person looks soft and weak, but there is an aura that is even more permeable than Mo Jichen just now.

   She opened her lips and said faintly: "President Wang, you may not remember me, so let me introduce myself first. My name is An Ruoshui, because President An picked me up by the pool, so he named me Ruoshui."

   An Rushui? !

  Wang Mingyuan widened his eyes, apparently remembering the name.

   Some time ago, a friend talked to An Ruoshui when he was chatting with him, saying that she became a star after she ran out, and asked if he went out of the orphanage.

   At that time, Wang Mingyuan searched for it, and he was sure that it was An Ruoshui.

  Although the facial features are open and the clothes are different, Wang Mingyuan has a good memory.

   So he was sure that An Ruoshui, who became a star, was the girl who knocked him unconscious back then!

   "No, you are not An Ruoshui, you look different from An Ruoshui..."

  Wang Mingyuan obviously didn't believe it, after all, the summer before him had changed.

  Xiamen didn't say if she was An Ruoshui, but just said: "It seems that the ashtray hit you on the head five years ago, which caused some problems with your brain."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mingyuan finally believed that she was An Ruoshui.

   Because back then, no one knew that An Ruoshui beat him with an ashtray to escape.

  Wang Mingyuan is just watching it on TV, which is somewhat different from himself.

   opened his mouth, Wang Mingyuan just wanted to speak, when he heard Xia Xia ask him: "I haven't seen you for five years, Dean Wang seems to be doing well, isn't the meat of these children particularly delicious?"

   There is a fruit knife on the coffee table. I glanced at it in summer and picked it up.

   She jumped with her fingers, and the fruit knife swirled at her fingertips, as if it would fly out of her hand in the next instant.

  Wang Mingyuan looked terrified and completely forgot that he didn't wear pants yet.

The fat on   's body trembled: "That... Ruo Shui... Let's talk about something... Let's talk about something..."

   Wang Mingyuan's eyes flickered, and his eyes fell outside the door.

   You can tell from the look of him that he is stalling for time, waiting for someone to hear the movement.

   After all, there are several staff members in this orphanage besides the orphans.

   Xia Xia smiled and glanced outside the door.

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