Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 253: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, Please Hug (18)

   The car they drove was very low-key and ordinary, so it didn't attract many people's attention.

  The car was parked outside the orphanage, just in time to see the gate of the orphanage.

When    was far away, Mo Jinchen and Xia Xia saw the top of the orphanage and were angry.

   When we got to the outside of the orphanage, we could clearly see the resentment emanating from it.

   Mo Jichen frowned tightly, never expecting this orphanage to have such strong resentment.

   This shows that there are many resentful ghosts in it!

   He tilted his head and looked at Summer: "Ruoshui, you used to..."

   "Before I left, there was no grievance here." Although An Ruoshui had no ghost eyes at that time, it was certain that there was no grievance here in the summer.

   In other words, this soaring resentment has accumulated over the past five years.

   How many lives has Wang Mingyuan hurt in the past five years? !

  Xiamen's eyes turned cold, and murderous aura radiated from his body uncontrollably.

  The space in the car was so small, even if the murderous aura was quickly withdrawn in the summer, Mo Jichen still felt it.

   frowned even more, looked at the black resentment above the orphanage, and remained silent.

   After a long time, Xia Xia got off the car with Mo Jichen.

  The two pretended to be a newly married couple and entered the orphanage.

   There are many children in the orphanage, talking, laughing, running and jumping, just like children in other places.

   But some children looked dazed and ran away when they saw someone, as if they saw a ghost.

   As soon as Mo Jichen entered the orphanage, those ghosts disappeared in a hurry.

   In a trance, I saw a lot of ghosts in summer, all of them were young girls...

  In the courtyard of the orphanage, an elderly man was sweeping the floor.

   This old man, I didn’t know Xia Xia, thought it was An Ruoshui who went to the orphanage after he left.

After    and Mo Jinchen looked at each other, the two went up to ask: "Hello, old man! We want to adopt a child. Where is the dean's office?"

   Of course, Xia Xia knew where the dean's office was, but she changed her face, and it was hard to say that she was An Ruoshui.

  The old man paused, hunched his back, and pointed to the second floor of the building next to him: "Ah, ah ah."

   It turns out that the old man is a mute who can't speak.

  Xiaoxi smiled at the old man and said, "Thank you." Then he went upstairs with Mo Jinchen.

   Arrived at the door of the dean's office, Xia Xia raised his hand and knocked: "Knock knock knock!"

   Inside soon, a familiar man's voice came: "Come in."

   It's Wang Mingyuan, that's right, it's him...

   Summer knocked on the door clenched his fist and took a deep breath to restrain his emotions.

   Then, she opened the door with a smile: "Hello, Dean, we came from Beijing and want to adopt a child."

  Xiamen took Mo Jinchen's arm, walked into the dean's office with a smile, and looked at the man who was in his late fifties and a little fat.

  Mo Jinchen also cooperated with Xia Xia tacitly. After Xia Xia finished speaking, he immediately answered: "We were introduced by someone and said that there are more girls here. It happened that our husband and wife like girls, so we came here!"

   Hearing what Mo Jinchen said to Xia Xia, Wang Mingyuan quickly stood up and walked around the desk.

   "Oh, that's great! Please sit, please, please sit!"

  Mo Jinchen nodded slightly to Xia Xia, walked to the leather sofa and sat down.

  Wang Mingyuan first poured water for Mo Jichen in Xia Xia, and while pouring water, he said, "Oh, you two are really here! The girls here are well-behaved and smart!"

   That's right...the taste has changed a bit.

  Xiamen's eyes darkened, but the expression on his face never changed.

   This Wang Mingyuan is not like the head of an orphanage, but a prostitute in an ancient brothel!

  Mo Jinchen is a smart person, and his brain is also very fast.

   Based on Wang Mingyuan’s words, let’s think about An Ruoshui who left his hometown at the age of fifteen and wandered alone in the unfamiliar Beijing city.

   Summer's wrong mood just now, that flash of murderous aura. And the grievances of the orphanage, and the ghosts who don't seem to be very old...

  Wang Mingyuan came over with two glasses of water, handed it to Xia Xia and Mo Jinchen, and sat on the single sofa next to him.

  The smile on his face, if not in his memory, An Ruoshui had seen his true face, I am afraid it would only give people a feeling of kindness.

   looks like a good man.

  Wang Mingyuan asked Mo Jinchen and Xia Xia, "What age group do you want to adopt?"

   Mo Jichen glanced at Xia Xia and motioned her to call the shots.

  Xiamen also smiled at him, the interaction between the two seemed to be no different from a husband and wife.

   "Any age group is acceptable, the most important thing is to close the eyes!" Xia Xia said to Wang Mingyuan.

   It's really strange, if nothing went wrong, Wang Mingyuan should have created a person who is so angry at the orphanage.

   But why is his surroundings so clean?

  I can’t believe it in summer, this is the reason why Mo Jinchen is there.

   "Since that's the case, will you two come to see me?" Wang Mingyuan made an invitation to Xia Xia and Mo Jinchen.

  Xiamen nodded, grabbed Mo Jinchen's arm, and went out with Wang Mingyuan.


  The orphanage is not big, it has existed for 30 years, it looks a bit old.

   There is only one building in the entire orphanage, six stories high.

  The first floor is where the orphans do activities or do handicrafts and eat, the second floor is the dean’s office, and the staff office, and the fourth, fifth and sixth floors are dedicated to those orphans sleeping.

   There is a yard in the back, a small playground, and there are swing slides.

   Xia Xia and Mo Jinchen followed Wang Mingyuan around the yard, and found that the older ones here, children over seven or eight years old, are very afraid of Wang Mingyuan, while the younger ones are not afraid, and greeted them with a smile.

   And Wang Mingyuan's attitude towards children is also very kind.

   "How is it? Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo, do you like it?" Wang Mingyuan took Xia Xia and Mo Jichen to stand under the eaves, watching the children who were having a good time in the playground.

   "The children here are all cute, wife, do you have the chance to close your eyes?" Mo Jichen turned his head slightly and looked at Summer.

  Xiamen hesitated and nodded: "Yeah, they're all cute! It's hard to choose~"

   After a pause, Xia Xia looked at Wang Mingyuan expectantly: "Why don't the dean let us stay here for two days, how about observation?"

   While talking, Summer took out the envelope he had prepared long ago from his bag.

   The thick envelope was handed to Wang Mingyuan.

  Everyone understands, why don't they know what's in the summer envelope?

  Wang Mingyuan smiled and nodded again and again: "Of course you can stay for two days! I'll ask someone to clean up a room and come out!"

   Mo Jinchen nodded slightly, and the polite smile on the corner of his mouth never faded: "Then I will trouble Dean Wang!"

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