Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 244: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, please hug (9)

  Xia Tian tilted his head to look at Mo Jinchen, this body has a pair of very beautiful eyes, clear black and white, and crystal clear.

  If you want to be cute, just blink your eyes, watery.

   "Then... where is your room?" Xia Xia didn't answer Mo Jinchen's question, but turned to ask him instead.

   "My room is right here." Mo Mo Jichen replied, feeling that summer was really drunk.

  Xiamen snorted: "Then my room is here too~"

   Mo Jichen helped his forehead helplessly, he felt that he had lost.

   I didn't ask what room was in the summer, and I touched it myself to see if there was a room card in the summer's pocket.

   As a result, after a long time of touching, I didn't even have a mobile phone, only a few hundred dollars.

  Nothing to gain, Mo Jinchen was hesitating whether to call someone else, or let Xia Xia sleep with him when Xia Xia asked him, "Are you... eating my tofu?"

  Mo Jinchen choked, does he look so hungry?

   sighed, he decided not to talk to Xia Xia.

   directly picked up Xia Xia by the waist and put her on the bed in the bedroom.

   As soon as I put it on, I closed my eyes and fell asleep in summer, and it looks very cute!

  Mo Jinchen was stunned for a while, then raised his lips in a smile.

   shook his head helplessly, and covered her with a quilt before leaving the room.

  Tonight, he is going to sleep on the sofa...

   After taking a shower and changing into pajamas, Mo Jichen lay on the sofa.

  The sofa is quite big and comfortable.

  Mo Jinchen had been filming for a day, and just drank a few more glasses of wine, but soon fell asleep.

   Just slept until the middle of the night, and Mo Jichen suddenly felt that the place where he slept seemed to be crowded.

   There seems to be something wrapped around his waist and around his neck.

   At the beginning, Mo Jinchen thought that some daring ghost was haunting him.

   As a result, I frowned and opened my eyes, it was summer!

  Xiamen was lying beside him, wrapped around him with both hands and feet, and almost half of his body was in his arms.

  What did he say, it's so heavy...

  Mo Jinchen pushed Summer: "If water, wake up if water!"

   Summer raised his hand and slapped Mo Jichen on the back of his hand: "Don't make trouble, I want to sleep~"

  Mo Jinchen: "..."

   Unable to wake up Xia Tian, ​​Mo Jinchen had no choice but to free herself from the entanglement of her limbs.

   Looking at the summer lying on the sofa, Mo Jichen had no choice but to cover her with a quilt, and went back to the bedroom to sleep on the bed.

   The result was less than half an hour, and the summer ran to the bed again...

  Mo Jichen sleeps on the sofa, and also sleeps on the sofa in summer.

  Mo Jichen sleeps in bed, and also sleeps in bed in summer.

After    tossing back and forth a few times, Mo Mo Jinchen just let her go, he wouldn't suffer anyway.

   So, two people lay on the bed, you hugged me, I hugged you, and slept peacefully.


   The next morning, Mo Jinchen had two more scenes to shoot, so at seven o'clock in the morning, Mo Jinchen's manager came to ring the doorbell.

  When the doorbell rang, the two people hugging on the bed opened their eyes almost at the same time.

   looked at each other and was stunned.

  Mo Jinchen reacted quickly because he was relatively awake last night.

   But he felt that he needed to think about the first sentence he should say to Xia Xia.

   "Good morning" naturally? Or "are you sober?" Or "You screwed me up last night"?

   Seems like… it doesn’t quite fit.

  Mo Jinchen is organizing the language, and in the summer, she needs some time to recall her behavior last night...

   The doorbell was still ringing, as if urging the two of them.

  Xiamen finally reacted... She was crazy about drinking alcohol last night!

   Although it wasn't a serious one, it was the first time in my life that I was drunk.

   She actually... went to hug Mo Jinchen's thigh, and she even acted like a spoiled child...

  Gosh...I can't bear to look at myself.

   Mo Jinchen didn't see Xia Xia's self-contempt, but when he heard the doorbell ringing so loudly, it was time for him to get up.

   opened his mouth, he was about to speak, but Xia Xia suddenly buried his head in his arms.

  Mo Jinchen: "!!!"

  This is, haven't you woken up yet?

   Just wanted to ask about Xia Xia, when I heard Xia Xia muffled and muffled: "I'm sorry I didn't control myself last night..."

  It seems that the wine is sober.

   Mo Jinchen breathed a sigh of relief, and chuckled softly: "It's okay, but with your alcohol capacity, don't casually go out drinking with others next time."

   If you are drunk, anyone can take them home!

   Mo Jinchen was worried for nothing, except for him, no one could bring summer home.

  Xiamer was too embarrassed to lift his head from Mo Jinchen's arms, Mo Jinchen could only see her shaking her head and saying, "I don't drink outside, and I don't drink with others."

  This, is she telling him in disguise that she only drinks with him?

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Mo Jinchen's favorability for you is 55%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   added again?

   Xia Xia moved and finally raised his head from Mo Jichen's arms.

   Outside the room, Mo Jinchen's manager, Gu Dahai, was worried that something had happened to him. After all, it had never happened before that the doorbell was not opened for a long time.

  So, Gu Dahai took out the door card and opened the door himself.

  The ancient sea was very fast, almost running to the door of the bedroom.

  The bedroom door is not closed, and you can clearly see the scene inside from the door.

  Gu Dahai stood at the door of the bedroom, and saw a girl lying on the bed besides Mo Jichen!

   He was dumbfounded for a moment, standing at the door of the bedroom in a petrified state.

  Because her back is to Gu Hai in summer, Gu Hai doesn't know who she is.

   He only knew that Mo Jinchen slept with a girl who looked graceful.

  Mo Jinchen has been out for more than three years, and has always kept himself clean, even the CP scandal does not stir up with others.

   But today, why is there a girl lying on his bed? !

   "That...that Ah Chen..." Gu Dahai opened his mouth, trying to remind him that it was time to get up.

   Summer turned over and looked at the ancient sea.

   When Gu Dahai saw the summer clearly, his eyes were so wide that they almost fell out: "You, you, you..."

   Of course, he still remembered Summer, after all, it was only last night that Summer had an opposite scene with Mo Jinchen.

   He still remembered that his acting skills in summer were very good, and he cooperated with Mo Jinchen tacitly, and it was over in one go.

   But he remembered more clearly that before last night, Mo Jichen and Xia Xia didn't know each other at all!

  How come these two people have gotten to know each other in just one night...

   The two of them just slept together and didn't do anything, so Mo Jichen didn't feel guilty.

   Originally, he was still confused about how to say the first sentence to Xia Xia, but now that Gu Dahai came, Mo Jichen didn't bother anymore.

   "This is my manager Gu Dahai, if you call him Dahai brother, Ruoshui will do." Mo Jinchen naturally introduced to Xiaxia who was lying in his arms.

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