Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 226: Long live, Your Majesty! (17)

   In order to keep his hands, Yu Wenhong wanted to send someone back to Heiyan Pavilion as soon as possible to inform everyone to evacuate.

   But all afternoon, Yu Wenyuan dragged these royal brothers and brothers to talk, not giving him a chance to leave at all.

   Until evening, when everyone finally set off to return to the capital, Yu Wenhong found an opportunity to order his dark guard to return to Heiyan Pavilion——

   Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan knew about Yu Wenhong's actions.

   After all, they didn't want to cut off Yu Wenhong's hands immediately, so they didn't stop him.

  Although I don't want to cut off all of Yu Wenhong's hands, I still need to cut off some of them.

   So tonight, Yu Wenhong is destined to lose a lot of carefully cultivated secret guards...


When    Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan returned to the palace, it was already dark.

   Riding horses and carriages, I want to soak in hot springs to relieve fatigue in summer.

  But the hot springs are only available in the Longwo Palace in Yuwenyuan. If you want to soak in the hot springs, you must go to the Longwo Palace.

  So, in the summer, he simply went back to the Dragon Reclining Palace with Yu Wenyuan to sleep.

  She was soaking in the hot spring, while Yu Wenyuan was going to deal with some things.

  The dark guards who came to the Nanshan Hunting Ground to assassinate today all came to assassinate after receiving the "order" above. After all, the rule of Heiyan Pavilion is that they do not accept orders to assassinate the royal family.

  Unless there is an instruction above in person.

   And that command was given in summer.

   As for how Summer did it, Yu Wenyuan did not ask, he believed in Summer.

   All the plans are going very smoothly. Next, we have to see if Yu Wenhong will stop.

   If he stops consciously, then it’s fine.

   But if it doesn't stop...

   Others put the knife on his neck, no matter how kind Yu Wenyuan is, he can't let him do it!

   That night, at least half of Yu Wenhong's dark guards lost!

   This number made Yu Wenhong both heartache and anger.

   At the same time, his obsession with the throne and his hatred for Yu Wenyuan became stronger.

   It's just that even if he hates Yu Wenyuan, he can't wait to get the throne, and Yu Wenhong doesn't dare to do anything in a short time——

   Yu Wenhong stopped temporarily, and Yu Wenyuan didn't bother to pay attention to him.

   He has to deal with national affairs and accompany the summer every day. He is really busy!


   After returning from the hunting grounds, the summer life returned to its original regularity.

   She eats, eats, drinks, sleeps and sleeps every day. She doesn't have to do anything at all, and she starts to feel lazy when she is idle.

   Looking at Yu Wenyuan, I often think in summer, if I go to a few more novel worlds.

   She reckons that she won't even know herself anymore...

  Time, two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

   The only progress is that Yu Wenyuan's favorability for her has increased to 99%.

   But the remaining point, but always can not be added.

   In the past two months, Yuwen Li would bring the little tiger into the palace every few minutes.

   Not only Yu Wenli would often enter the palace, but every time he came, he would bring Mu Qing with him.

   Mu Qing and Yu Wenli are now good friends and eat, drink and have fun together every day.

   For this heroine, I don't hate it in summer, because she has three positive views, and she is not stupid and sweet.

   As for whether there is an enemy behind, we will talk about it later——

   The little tiger is well raised by Yuwen Li, it is fat and very cute.

  Because the hair on his body is yellow, Yuwen Li simply named him Egg Yolk.

   But it is said that this name was actually taken by Mu Qing.

   Probably because it was taken from the arms of the big tiger in summer, it relies on her every time when it holds the little egg yolk in summer.

  The body of the yolk grows very fast and can run around very quickly.

   It has only been two months, and he already has the prestige of the king of the mountain. When walking on the road, others will be too frightened to move.

   At this time, the egg yolk is already very strong, and Yuwen Li brings it into the palace again, and it can hug the summer without any pressure.

  You have to take it away by force, it will bite the sleeve of summer.

   No, today Yuwen Li and Mu Qing came with egg yolks again. After playing all afternoon, of course Yuwen Li and Mu Qing will leave the palace!

   But the egg yolk is clinging to the sleeves of summer, but he is unwilling to leave.

Yuwen Li helped his forehead helplessly: "When I was in the mansion, I had to bite my sleeve every day to come to the palace, and I was reluctant to leave here. Do you have any conscience, little egg yolk? Who feeds you normally? !"

   "Woooooo~" The trained egg yolk flicked his tail, still firmly biting the summer sleeves.

   Xia Xia was a little dumbfounded, raised his hand and patted Yolk's head: "You have to destroy a piece of my clothes every time you come, is it because my clothes are not pleasing to the eye?"

   "Woooooo~" It was obviously reluctant to leave...

  I didn’t take the kind of medicine that could communicate with animals in summer, so I naturally didn’t know what the egg yolk was talking about.

   But the general idea, she can still understand.

   Helplessly and dotingly sighed, Xia Xia was just about to tell Yu Wen Li that he would leave the egg yolk in the palace today, but Yu Wen Yuan, who was next to him, had already spoken.

   "Well, leave the egg yolk here today, and you'll pick it up tomorrow."

   Yu Wenyuan also grew up watching the egg yolk, and naturally likes it very much.

   Hearing that Yu Wenyuan said to keep it, the egg yolk immediately let go, and then walked to Yu Wenyuan and sat down, for fear that Yuwen Li would force it away like he did when he was a child.

  Yuwen Li was stunned for a while, and hummed at the egg yolk: "Don't think about labor and capital giving you meat! Labor and capital will give you vegetables! Humph!"

   Yolk flicked his tail again, and did not seem to be successfully threatened.

   Anyway, in the palace, it can eat a lot of meat!

   So, Yu Wenli reluctantly left the palace with Mu Qing, leaving behind the egg yolk that got what he wanted.

   After Yuwen Li was gone, Dan ran to Xia's place to lie down at her feet, half-squinting his eyes lazily.

  hum hum~ It used to be small and weak.

   Now you still want it to come and go? no door~

  The egg yolk is very good, it stays wherever it is in the summer, and it doesn't scream and scare people.

  When I was sleeping with Yu Wenyuan in bed in the summer at night, the egg yolk slept on the mat specially prepared for it beside the bed.


After    Yu Wenhong stopped for a while, there was no way to stop it.

   During this time, he has been making another plan, a plan that, in his opinion, should be very thorough.

   He is ready to send Mu Qing into the palace!

  Yes, he wants to send Mu Qing into the palace as a concubine!

   During this time, Mu Qing also always went to the palace, and every time he went, he would stay for half a day.

  Yu Wenhong ignored that she entered the palace with Yu Wen Li, and he also ignored that Mu Qing actually had a good relationship with Yu Wen Li.

   Yu Wenhong thinks that it was Mu Qing who really saved Yu Wenyuan more than a year ago, so Yu Wenyuan should like Mu Qing.

   So as long as Mu Qing is sent to the palace, it will definitely take the place of summer soon.

   At that time, Mu Qing will cooperate with him again...

   This plan, Yu Wenhong really thinks it is feasible.

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