Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 220: Long live, Your Majesty! (eleven)

   Those officials who thought they had won had a heart attack when they knew that they were directly named imperial concubine in the summer.

   But what can they do? In summer, since entering the palace, he has been keeping himself safe, staying in the Dragon Reclining Palace every day and not going out.

   It is said that summer is the evil concubine of the country, Yu Wenyuan handled political affairs unambiguously after returning to the palace, and he handled it very well.

   In addition to not pampering other concubines in the harem, Yu Wenyuan has no problem.

   Of course, as courtiers, they can't manage who the emperor favors and who doesn't.

   But they are all so impeached against Xia Xia, Yu Wenyuan should be going to pamper the other concubines tonight, right? The officials and the concubines thought so.

  Each concubine was well-dressed, waiting for Yu Wenyuan to flop at night.

   Yu Wenyuan has indeed flopped, because he didn't live in the Dragon Reclining Palace in summer.

  When Eunuch Rufu brought the tray with the concubine brand in front of Yu Wenyuan, Yu Wenyuan said directly: "The other brands have been removed, I will only turn over the brand of A Tu."

   Like Eunuch Fu's hand trembling, he respectfully responded: "Yes!"

   Seeing the sign that only Xia Xia was left on the tray, Yu Wenyuan finally smiled with satisfaction.

   He turned around, raised his feet, and walked outside the Dragon Reclining Palace, leaving a sentence: "Place the Moon Palace!"


   Wangyue Palace is very close to Longwo Palace, second only to Fengming Palace where the Queen lives.

  In addition to wanting to stay in Fengming Palace, Concubine Lin also wanted to stay in Wangyue Palace first.

   One can imagine how much better Moon Moon Palace is than the bedroom where she lived.

   Yu Wenyuan was worried that the newcomers would not be used to serving in the summer, and especially sent Suran to serve in the summer.

   In fact, Yu Wenyuan's worries are superfluous. As for the service of others, he is not used to it in summer.

   In the evening, Yu Wenyuan came to Mochizuki Palace before dinner, and brought a memorial.

   After having dinner with Xia Xia, Yu Wenyuan reviewed the memorial as usual.

   And in the summer, he sat and watched with the book of words.

   The two still didn't communicate much, but the atmosphere was very good.

   It's like, they are used to such days.

   "Hmm~ I'm sleepy." Summer yawned, tears welling up from the corners of his eyes.

   She is very sleepy now, not long after dark, she started to doze off.

   Hearing Xia Xia saying he was sleepy, Yu Wenyuan put down the memorial directly, got up and said to Xia Xia, "Then wash up and rest."

  Xiamen nodded, and put down the storybook——

   Xia Xia glanced at Yu Wenyuan before laying down on the bed.

   After thinking about it, she decided not to move Yu Wenyuan until she fell asleep, and moved to his arms first.

   Yu Wenyuan lowered his head and looked at the summer in his arms, stunned: "A Tu..."

   Xia Xia hugged Yu Wenyuan's waist naturally, closed his eyes, and whispered, "Anyway, if you fall asleep, you will fall asleep in your arms."

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Yu Wenyuan suddenly began to feel guilty.

   He thought that Xia Xia didn't know about his little actions, so he felt guilty.

   But seeing Xia Xia jumping into his arms so consciously, Yu Wenyuan felt special...satisfied.

   The corners of his lips kept rising, and he stretched out his hand and embraced Summer.

   Then closed his eyes, smiling unabated, embraced the summer and fell asleep.


   Yu Wenyuan actually knew that Yu Wenhong was behind the push to force Summer out of the Dragon Reclining Palace.

   As for why Summer was forced out of the Dragon Reclining Palace, everyone knows why.

   Originally, Yu Wenyuan wasn't going to be like Yu Wenhong, but since he wanted to deal with his summer...then he wasn't going to be polite to Yu Wenhong.

   Now the favorability level has unknowingly increased to 95%, not only Yu Wenyuan's feelings for Xia Xia are stronger, but also Gu Yanyu's original character is awakened.

   Compared with Yu Wenyuan's deity, Gu Yanyu has never been a kind person.

   Even if he looks harmless——

   Yu Wenyuan didn't do anything to Yu Wenhong right away, but gave him a warning first.

   As for the way this warning…


  Above the hall, Yu Wenyuan said before the low tide: "The weather has been very good recently. I decided to go to Nanshan Hunting Ground for autumn hunting tomorrow. All the loving gentlemen will come with me and bring their families."

After    finished speaking, Yu Wenyuan didn't wait for the civil and military officials to answer, his eyes fell on Yu Wenhong: "I remember that a girl named Mu Qing rescued me more than a year ago."

   Hearing this, Yu Wenhong raised his head and looked at Yu Wenyuan.

   Yu Wenyuan smiled, but his eyes were full of coldness.

   He asked Yu Wenhong: "If I remember correctly, Miss Mu Qing should be in the Sixth Emperor's younger brother's mansion, right?"

  Yu Wenhong opened his mouth, and just wanted to deny it, when he heard Yu Wenyuan say: "Then tomorrow, the Sixth Emperor Brother remember to bring Miss Mu Qing to the autumn hunting. By the way, I would like to thank Miss Mu Qing."

   Yu Wenyuan's tone was indisputable, and there was absolutely no reason for Yu Wenhong to refuse.

   Yu Wenhong only felt that a breath was stuck in his heart, and he couldn't get out or go down.

   But Yu Wenyuan sneered and announced his retirement.

   Want to deal with the woman he cares about? Well, he should let Yu Wenhong have a taste of this first.

   Although, Yu Wenyuan has no plans to do anything to Mu Qing for the time being.

   He has no such plans, but in Yu Wenhong's view, his behavior is to use Mu Qing to threaten him!

**** it! Is Yu Wenyuan going to declare war on him now? !

   Yu Wenhong returned to the Sixth Prince's Mansion with anger. As soon as he returned to the mansion, he heard the servant report, "Miss Mu ran away again..."

Did    run away?

   Yu Wenhong thought, at this juncture, it is safe for Mu Qing not to be by his side.

   Yu Wenhong waved his hand and said, "If you run away, run away."

   Anyway, he arranged a dark guard beside Mu Qing to protect her, so don't worry about her safety.

   But not long after, Yu Wenyuan sent the **** from the palace to deliver a message to Yu Wenhong.

   Yu Wenyuan's original words were: "I invited Miss Mu Qing to live in the palace, and we will leave for autumn hunting tomorrow together."

   Hearing the content of the eunuch's message, Yu Wenhong's face was so gloomy that it was a little scary.

After    sent off the eunuch, Yu Wenhong met the dark guard he arranged to guard Mu Qing in the study.

   "What's the matter? How did she enter the palace?!" Yu Wenhong asked the dark guard.

  The dark guard knelt on the ground and replied, "After Miss Mu Qing left the palace, she was hanging out outside, and then she met the people in the palace."

  The people in the don't need to guess, you know, it was specially arranged by Yu Wenyuan.

   "Damn it!" Yu Wenyuan must have sent someone to guard outside his palace.

   Just waiting, waiting for Mu Qing to leave the house!

  Damn, if I had known, he would have someone guard Mu Qing and prevent her from leaving the house.

  It's all right now, Mu Qing is now in the palace.

   Yu Wenhong knew that Yu Wenyuan would not do anything to Mu Qing now, and he didn't have to worry about what danger she would encounter in the palace.


  I'm in a bad mood! Very upset!

   The furious Yu Wenhong slammed his fist on the bookcase, and the bookcase slammed into two sections.


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