Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 218: Long live, Your Majesty! (Nine)

  Although I have seen how gentle the already gentle king is to summer, Yu Wenyuan's performance at this moment makes Eunuch Rufu feel that summer is unusual.

   He has been with Yuwenyuan since he was the crown prince. For more than ten years, he has never seen his master treat anyone like this!

  Summer, is the first.

  If Eunuch Fu is thinking now, what attitude should he have towards this woman who lives in the Dragon Reclining Palace?

   Hearing that Yu Wenyuan asked her to go to sleep, Xia Xia shook his head: "I won't sleep, anyway, I won't be able to sleep without you."

While    was talking, Xia Xia hugged Yu Wenyuan's waist tightly because of her greed for warmth and was reluctant to let go.

  Although, she doesn't know how she fell asleep in Yuwenyuan's arms. It is undeniable that Yuwenyuan's arms are very warm.

   Hearing the words of summer and feeling the actions of summer, Yu Wenyuan just felt very useful.

   The dependence of such a small woman filled his heart with a sense of satisfaction.

   At this moment, he doesn't even want to go to Zaochao, he wants to accompany Summer until she gets enough sleep!

   Of course, not going to court or anything, just thinking about it.

   Xia Xia also hugged Yu Wenyuan before letting go.

   "Then I'll sleep with you when I come back from the morning." Yu Wenyuan said softly to Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia was in a good mood, his eyes almost narrowed with laughter: "Yeah!"

   Yu Wenyuan also smiled at Xia Xia, and then got up from the bed.

   Lying on the bed in summer, watching Yu Wenyuan being served to wash and change clothes.

   After getting dressed, Yu Wenyuan turned to Xia Xia and said, "Remember to have breakfast."

  Xiamen hummed and said, "I'll wait for you to come back next morning to eat together."

   Anyway, she's not hungry yet, so when she gets up to take a hot spring or something, the time will pass.

  Yu Wenyuan smiled and nodded, and replied, "Okay."

   Then, Yu Wenyuan, surrounded by the palace people, went to the court early in the morning.

After    Yu Wenyuan left, he didn't get up right away in the summer.

   Because she suddenly remembered that she was going to buy an antidote in the platform mall.

   When I opened the platform mall, I accidentally opened my own personal platform in the summer.

   Under the personal platform, she saw Yu Wenyuan's favorability to her.

   It was still 80% before, but I didn’t expect it to be 90% now!

Um? This was added last night?

   But, why didn't she hear the prompt from the strategy system?

   After staring at the favorability level for a while, Summer gave up.

   It doesn't matter when he added it, it's fine to add it anyway!

   Exit the personal platform and enter the platform mall.

   As soon as you enter the platform mall, you can directly search for the antidote in summer.

   Soon, the medicine that can cure bloodthirsty gu was found by Xia Xia.

  Twenty points, not expensive, but not cheap either.

  I didn't hesitate in summer and bought it directly.

  The antidote is a pill, a little sweet, like eating candy.

   As soon as I took the antidote, I felt a sudden pain in my heart in summer.

   It seems that the bloodthirsty Gu is struggling.

  The pain lasted for only a few seconds, and then disappeared completely.

  Xia Tian smiled, she could already imagine how Yu Wenhong would look six days later when she knew she had nothing to do.

   Well, it's pretty interesting.


  Yu Wenyuan is a person with a clear distinction between public and private. Although he really wanted to go back early to accompany him for breakfast in the summer, he was still very dedicated to handling national affairs when he was in court.

   In the courtroom, Yu Wenyuan paid attention to Yu Wenhong's attitude towards him.

  What is different from the past is that Yu Wenhong's attitude towards him is cautious and cautious.

   Yu Wenyuan thought it was funny, he was the emperor, but he wasn't ready to do anything yet!

Isn't    ambitious? How did you become so timid?

   Because he didn't help him in the summer, Yu Wenhong naturally had to be more guarded against Yu Wenyuan.

   Over the years, although Si Tu didn't know much about him, he definitely didn't know much.

   Yu Wenhong was worried that Xia Xia had already told Yu Wenyuan everything he knew.

   In fact, Xia Xia did tell Yu Wenyuan what she knew.

   And Yu Wenyuan believes in summer, especially.

   It is understandable to say that Yu Wenyuan was rectified by Yu Wenhong without any precautions.

   But now, Yu Wenyuan has taken precautions.

   After all, he is the heir chosen by the late emperor, is Yu Wenyuan really that bad? of course not!

   Therefore, it is difficult for Yu Wenhong to overthrow Yu Wenyuan now...


  After the early court ended, Yu Wenyuan didn't even go to the imperial study, so he directly had the memorial moved back to the Longwo Palace.

   The first thing I did when I returned to the Dragon Reclining Palace was to meet Xia Xia.

   Then I saw summer leaning against the window, staring at the drizzle outside in a daze.

   It was raining outside since she got up.

   tumbled, neither big nor small.

  It was just because it was raining, so the temperature was a bit low.

   Yu Wenyuan asked the maid to bring the cloak over, walked over to Xia Xia, and put a cloak on her.

Before the    hand was retracted, Xia Xia had already looked back at him: "I'm back."

The words    made Yu Wenyuan suddenly feel that he wanted to stay at home and wait for his husband to return home in the summer.

   And he is the husband.

   Yu Wenyuan nodded: "Well, I'm back. Are you still waiting for me to have breakfast together?"

   His tone was gentler than ever, with a deep affection that he didn't even notice.

   has the same tone as Gu Yanyu, who has memory.

   If it wasn't for knowing that Gu Yanyu would not recover his memory until his favorability level was full, she really thought that the person in front of her had recovered his memory.

   "I'm waiting for you!" Summer replied.

   After visiting the platform mall, she got up to wash up, and then took a long walk in the hot spring.

When    Yu Wenyuan came back, she had just sat by the window for a while.

  Although he knew that Xia Xia was waiting for him, but hearing Xia Xia personally say that he was waiting for him, this feeling made Yu Wenyuan even more happy.

The smile on   's face never moved away from the moment he saw summer——

   The breakfast is very rich. I don’t eat much in summer. I just chat with Yu Wenyuan while eating.

   The brain waves are that Gu Yanyu's Yu Wenyuan is more talkative, mainly because he tells her to listen.

   But compared to before, there are slightly more words in summer, probably because of Gu Yanyu's influence.

   It is said that if you stay with someone for a long time, your personality will change in all aspects.

   This sentence really makes sense.


   After having breakfast together, Yu Wenyuan will start reviewing the memorial.

   Originally wanted to accompany the summer to sleep, but there were too many memorials, and he couldn't find the time at all.

   Fortunately, Xia Xia said that he was not sleepy and could read books or something by his side.

   Hearing Xia Xia said to read books, Yu Wenyuan hurriedly asked people to find those folklore books or something.

   Look at this when you are bored, it will be easier to pass the time.

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