Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 215: Long live, Your Majesty! (six)

   "Yu Wenhong! When are you going to take me out to play?!" A woman with a beautiful and special temperament rushed towards Yu Wenhong.

  Yu Wenhong turned his head, although his originally expressionless face was still cold, his breath and eyes were obviously much softer.

   It can be seen how special this woman is to Yu Wenhong.

   He raised his hand, rubbed the top of the hair of the woman who walked up to him, and said, "Qing'er, be good. After a while, this king will take you to play."

   Yes, the woman in front of him is the real Mu Qing.

  Mu Qing was found by Yu Wenhong not long after sneaking out, and brought back to be trapped in the Six Princes Mansion.

   She also tried many ways to sneak away, but she was either blocked before she ran out, or was found just after she ran out.

  Mu Qing was not a house girl, she couldn't stand it if she didn't go out for a day.

   Traveling back to ancient times and being so trapped every day, she really felt like she was going to grow hair!

   "How long will it be? Yu Wenhong, have you kept me as a pet? My mother is not uh..."

   Mu Qing's eyes widened, staring at the **** who blocked her mouth whenever he disagreed, but he couldn't help falling for it...

   Forget it, let her accept her fate, it's all a beauty mistake!


   Palace. Inside the Dragon Reclining Palace.

   It started when Yu Wenyuan was drunk in summer and forcibly pulled Yu Wenyuan to bed with her. After that, Yu Wenyuan consciously slept in the same room with her.

   Now that he has returned to the palace, Yu Wenyuan consciously arranged her in his bedroom.

  Although he hasn't moved since his favorability level has reached 80, Xia Xia is very satisfied with Yu Wenyuan's behavior!

  There is a natural hot spring pool in the Dragon Reclining Palace. It is so comfortable to soak in it in summer.

   Yu Wenyuan went to the imperial study to review the memorials. He was very busy after going out for so long.

   "Niangniang, Concubine Lin asks to see you, do you want to see me?" The voice of the maid of the Longwo Palace made Xia Xia's eyebrows slightly raised.

  Because this is the Dragon Reclining Palace and Yu Wenyuan's bedroom, so even if Concubine Lin is of a higher rank than her, she must be 'seeking'.

  The reason why Concubine Lin came to see her in such a hurry was not because of Yu Wenyuan's series of special treatment.

   She couldn't wait to see how this woman who was fortunate enough to be allowed to live in the Dragon Reclining Palace was so beautiful! ?

  Summer opens his lips lightly: "I don't see it."

   She came for Gu Yanyu, not to intrigue with those women.

   So, that concubine Lin is not interested in dealing with it in summer.

  Suran didn't express any opinion after hearing Xia Xia's answer, the expression on her face didn't change, she just replied respectfully: "Yes." Then stepped back.

  Long reclining outside the palace, Concubine Lin thought that she had condescended to come to see the summer, and she would come out no matter what the summer should be.

   The big palace maid who reported the results came out and said to her: "Concubine Liang is taking a bath, so I won't see Concubine Lin Guifei."

   Su Ran is the maid in charge of the Dragon Reclining Palace. She usually obeys the emperor directly, even if she has no respect for Concubine Lin.

   Hearing Su Ran say this, Concubine Lin choked, feeling that a breath was stuck in her heart, making her unable to swallow!

   The corners of his mouth twitched stiffly, and he pulled out a sneer: "Liang Fei's sister is really big! Even I don't see this palace. If that's the case, then let the good concubine come to this palace tomorrow to greet you..."

  The current Yuwenyuan has no queen, and there is no queen mother in the harem, so the highest-ranking concubine in this harem is also Concubine Lin.

  For now, the big and small matters in the harem are generally in charge of Concubine Lin.

   Therefore, it is quite reasonable to ask Xia Xia to greet her.

   But Concubine Lin did not think that her voice had not yet finished, and she heard Su Ran say: "I'm sorry, Concubine Lin, the emperor has granted permission. Concubine Liang doesn't have to greet you, and you don't have to salute."

   "What did you say?!" Concubine Lin felt that she must have heard it wrong.

   Su Ran took the trouble to repeat it to make sure that Concubine Lin heard correctly.

   Concubine Lin felt that she was going crazy. She stared at the gate of Longwo Palace, as if she wanted to stare out the people inside.

   opened her mouth, Concubine Lin, who wanted to say something, was held back by her maid Miaoer.

  Miao'er came close to Concubine Lin's ear and whispered softly, "The emperor has just brought Concubine Liang back. Niangniang, you are so anxious, don't make the emperor unhappy. It will take a long time to come to Japan..."

  The four characters of coming to Japan are long, Miaoer said meaningfully, and Concubine Lin also understood her reminder.

   Yes, it’s going to be a long time in Japan, even if it seems that summer is favored now, but who knows the variables in the future?

   Taking a deep breath, Concubine Lin calmed down.

   She put her hand on the back of Miao'er's hand and said, "Place the car back to the palace!" and left.

   In the summer when he was soaking in the hot spring, he didn’t pay attention to the movement outside at all, and he didn’t care that Concubine Lin was thinking about how to deal with her thorny enemy...

  After soaking in the hot springs, in the summer, under the service of the maids, you change your clothes and make up.

   There is a palace banquet tonight, and she wants to attend with Yu Wenyuan.

   When she came back, she was looking forward to Yu Wenhong's expression when she saw that she didn't use Mu Qing's face.

   She felt that the character of the male protagonist in this novel world was not very good, but it could be abused.

   Of course, Yu Wenyuan is actually looking forward to seeing Yu Wenhong's expression.


   As night falls, the summer has already changed into a very formal aqua red palace dress, with delicate makeup.

   Originally, this host had a cold and glamorous appearance, so dressing up like this made it feel a little bit like a calamity to the country.

   Looking at himself in the mirror, Xia Xia was thinking, after that, if Yu Wenyuan stayed with her every day, would he be impeached by civil and military officials?

   hehe~ so what?

   Can she push her man into someone else's arms? Sorry, she can't do it.

   "Are you ready?" Yu Wenyuan's voice sounded from behind Xia Xia.

  Xiamer turned around and was almost dazzled by Yu Wenyuan, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

   I don't know if it's because the brainwaves living in Yu Wenyuan's body are Gu Yanyu. Summer always feels that Yu Wenyuan looks a bit similar to Gu Yanyu.

   Hmm... that should be the case.

   "I'm ready." Xia Xia slightly held her skirt and walked to Yu Wenyuan.

   Yu Wenyuan is the first time to see such an exquisite dress in summer, and his already outstanding appearance is even more dazzling.

   He felt that he couldn't come back to his senses.

   It wasn't until Xia Xia spoke to him that Yu Wenyuan blinked and retracted his amazed expression: "Oh, let's go then."

  Xiamen nodded, followed Yu Wenyuan's side and left the Dragon Reclining Palace.

  The two got on the sedan chair together and went to the palace where the palace banquet was held.

   Along the way, Yu Wenyuan was chatting with Summer casually, as usual.

   When he arrived at the place where the palace banquet was held, he said, "The emperor is here!"

   Let everyone kneel on the ground and salute until Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan reached the highest seat in the palace.

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