Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 213: Long live, Your Majesty! (Four)

   In the past, no matter what, or what kind of situation you encountered, the summer was always the fake appearance of being gentle and gentle, and there was not much fluctuation in the heart.

   But now, she has relatively large mood swings and even loses her temper.

  Maybe, this is the real her, right?

   The disgusted Sharon: "..."

  【grievance face】He is really just kind, come and let me know!

   Leng Qinghan has made too much trouble this time, and several systems of the Plane Association are directly scrapped.

   And the system that Xia Xia linked with Gu Yanyu was not something that Sharon deliberately made a fault!

   If someone else repaired it, the system would have been scrapped long ago!

   So for Mao, such an awesome chief system designer, he should be looked down upon by a little restorer? !

   Of course, Xia Lun, who has always been soft on others' hardships, didn't dare to say anything when he was deflated there in the summer, so he could only call and scold his family, Lin Xian, to vent his anger.

  Lin Xian, who was taken as a punching bag: ...what did he do wrong?


   After getting off the boat, of course, I haven’t reached the capital yet.

  They, there are still two days to go by land!

The two days    said were non-stop. If you stop and go, you won't be able to go to the capital for five, six or seven days.

   On the pier, there are already local officials waiting to pick you up.

   Yu Wenyuan took Xia Xia to lunch at the official mansion. There was nothing to stay here, and it was still early, so he simply set off.

   Yu Wenyuan and his party consisted of two carriages, one for people and one for luggage.

   There are fifty plainclothes guards escorting the front and the back, guarding the carriage that Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan were riding in the middle.

  The carriage was swaying, and the summer, when I couldn't sleep at night, started to doze off.

  No way, who made her and Yu Wenyuan be in the same carriage!

   leaned against the wall of the carriage in summer, closed his eyes and turned his head little by little.

   Yu Wenyuan, who was still talking to Xia Xia, kept looking at her and nodded, the curvature of the corner of his mouth deepened, and the smile reached his eyes.

   He inexplicably thinks summer like this is so cute!

   Seeing Xia Xia's body leaning forward and about to fall, Yu Wenyuan was startled and hurriedly reached out to wrap her shoulders.

   In a daze, Xia Xia took advantage of the situation and fell on Yu Wenyuan.

   Yu Wenyuan: "!!!"

   He just wanted to help.

  Simple, I just want to help, so I don’t fall down in summer!

  Yu Wenyuan lowered his head and looked at the summer, who had fallen into his arms and slept well, feeling a little soft in his heart.

  Inexplicable, I was reluctant to push summer away, for fear of waking up the people in my arms.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Yu Wenyuan's favorability for you is 60%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

The sound of the    Raiders system made Xia Xia frown impatiently, because it was rare to get a good night's sleep, so he was reluctant to open his eyes.

   She rubbed against Yu Wenyuan's arms, looking for a comfortable position like a kitten.

   Soon, he fell into a deep sleep...

  The carriage became very quiet, except for Xia Xia and Yu Wenyuan's breathing, no other sound could be heard.

   In order not to make Xia Xia sleep too uncomfortable, Yu Wenyuan was a little far away from her, so he had to sit next to Xia Xia.

   Then, Summer was really in his arms.

   Yu Wenyuan's arms are very warm, especially warm.

   She slept well in the summer, and Yu Wenyuan would be reluctant to wake her up if it hadn't been dark to the station.

   When he woke up from Yu Wenyuan's arms, Xia Xia was not at all embarrassed, he just said with a satisfied smile, "I slept so well, it doesn't matter if I don't sleep tonight!"

   Yu Wenyuan raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Don't you sleep at night?"

   Xia Tian, ​​who was about to get off the carriage, paused, then turned around and replied, "I have insomnia, it's very serious."

After   , she got out of the carriage first.

   Yu Wenyuan also got off the carriage afterwards, not sure why he had insomnia in summer.

   She was in his arms and slept well!


   At night, Yu Wenyuan woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly remembered that Xia Xia said she had insomnia.

   Maybe out of curiosity, Yu Wenyuan opened the door and went out.

  Summer's room is opposite him, so as soon as you open the door, you can see that the summer room is still flickering faintly with candlelight.

   Yu Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, did he really not sleep?

   paused at the door, Yu Wenyuan walked to the door of Xia Xia and knocked on the door.

  Soon, summer opens.

   You can tell from the look of summer, she is neatly dressed and has no plans to sleep at all.

   "You really can't sleep?"

  Xiamen hooked her lips and smiled: "Well, I can't sleep when I'm alone."


  What does it mean to be unable to sleep when you are alone?

   Is it possible to fall asleep when someone is with you?

   "Then, do you want me to find you a maid to accompany you?" Yu Wenyuan asked Xia Xia.

   Actually, Yu Wenyuan wanted to arrange a maid for Si Tu before, but Si Tu refused.

   Xia Xia shook his head: "It's useless to find a maid to accompany me."

   She was about to say, 'I can sleep only if you stay with me'.

   Yu Wenyuan didn't think about it, but he didn't quite understand the meaning of summer.

   Xia Xia didn't bother with Yu Wenyuan anymore, but asked him: "It's so late, is Young Master Lin still asleep?"

   "Well, you... are drinking?" Yu Wenyuan smelled the smell of alcohol on Xia Xia's body and the unnatural flushing on her cheeks.

  Xiamen looked back at the jug on the table in the room and nodded: "Yeah, I just went down to find the wine that Xiao Er took. Although it tastes average, it's okay to be addicted to alcohol."

   After spending a few days on the boat, Yu Wenyuan has already seen the alcohol addiction in summer.

   In my heart, I felt a little helpless.

   sighed, Yu Wenyuan was no longer sleepy: "Then let me drink with you."

   While speaking, Yu Wenyuan had already stepped into the summer room.

  Summer is just an addiction to alcohol, and there is no need for snacks or anything.

   Yu Wenyuan was worried that drinking in summer would hurt his body, so he called the servants to prepare snacks and good wine.

   Seeing Yu Wenyuan doing this naturally, although his favorability did not increase much, his instinctive behavior warmed his heart in summer.

  The mood is so good that it feels like flying!

   Actually, Yu Wenyuan didn't drink much. He just watched the summer drinking and chatted with her.

   Mainly Yu Wenyuan is curious about why he is so addicted to alcohol in summer and has insomnia.

  The hobby of being addicted to alcohol, in Yu Wenyuan's cognition, should only be found in men.

   "I'm a weird person with a lot of weird things." Xia Xia only said this.

   This body's alcohol capacity is average. Before Yu Wenyuan came to find her, she had already drank two pots.

   Then she is a little bit dizzy now.

   Now that Yu Wenyuan is by her side, sleepiness comes naturally.

   His head sank, his eyes closed, and he fell asleep on the table in the summer.

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