Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 211: Long live, Your Majesty! (two)

  Restorer: Summer

   Age: 45

Gender: Female

  Points accumulated: 590

   Interstellar Coin: 37252

   Backpack: (empty)

  Cheat: Permanent Vulnerability Crisis Alerter (every time there is a bug in your world, it will automatically sound an alarm)

   The protagonist's halo perspective eye (you can see the male or female protagonist with the protagonist's halo)

   I just finished watching my personal platform, and in the summer I heard the Raiders system remind her again that Yu Wenyuan's favorability for her was zero.

  Really, those who are not in a hurry will be urged to be in a hurry.

   Never mind, let’s be honest first!

  Sit up from the bed in summer, the boat swayed uncomfortably, and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

   I was thinking that she and Yu Wenyuan were both on the same boat and should be able to fall asleep.

  I didn't expect that it would not work across the room!

   Put on the coat in summer, and took out a small porcelain bottle.

   Then, she opened the door and went out.

   through the promenade, to the stern of the boat.

   It was late at night, and the night wind was a little cool.

   At this time, Yu Wenyuan should be sleeping, right?

  So, should she knock on the door?

   Look up in summer and look at the sky full of stars.

   Well, on the starry sky, the starry sky in the real world cannot be matched by any fictional world.

   It’s just that the real world is always the same starry sky. After watching it for a long time, I feel tired.

  Summer pursed his lips, as if he was addicted to alcohol...

   "Miss Mu Qing is so late, can't you sleep?" Yu Wenyuan's gentle and low voice made Xia Xia stunned for a moment.

   She was about to knock on the door, but Yu Wenyuan came to the door by herself!

  Xiamen turned around and looked at Yu Wenyuan, whose hair was loosely tied behind his head, wearing a loose white robe and cape.

   Compared with the meticulousness of the day, this lazy Yu Wenyuan has a different flavor.

   Xia Xia never thought that the male **** would make her stunned.

   "I had a nightmare, so I figured it out."

   In summer, Yu Wenyuan didn't have the slightest suspicion, but approached her and took off his cloak and put it on her.

   "It's too cold at night, and your health is not yet healthy, so don't catch a cold again." Yu Wenyuan's tone was so gentle that one could indulge in it.

   Yu Wenyuan's warmth and Yu Wenhong's coldness are really two extremes.

  Xiaomi Chaoyu Wenyuan smiled and said, "Actually, my body is fine now, Young Master Lin, don't worry."

   A month ago, someone assassinated Yu Wenyuan, and 'Mu Qing' happened to pass by.

   In order to save Yu Wenyuan, 'Mu Qing' was injured.

After   , 'Mu Qing' followed Yu Wenyuan.

   Those assassins were of course arranged by Yu Wenhong, in order to send Si Tu to Yu Wenyuan.

   "The doctor said that your body is still a little weak, so you should pay more attention." Yu Wenyuan said.

  Summer smiled without speaking.

   She turned around and seemed to be looking at the river.

   Yu Wenyuan walked to her side and stood still without speaking.

   After a while, Xia Xia said, "Young Master Lin, would you like to hear a story?"

   "Huh? Good!" Yu Wenyuan replied with a smile.

  Xia Tian began to say slowly: "There is a girl who was sold into a brothel when she was eight years old. The old lady saw her good looks and wanted to train her to become a man's favorite stunner."

   "It's just that she is still young and can't do anything, so she temporarily works as a maid in the brothel."

   "When I was nine years old, a handsome young man came to the brothel. The young man asked her if she wanted to leave this place?"

   "The nine-year-old girl already knew how dirty this place was, and she wanted to leave here! So, she followed the boy away..."

   The story is very long, including how Si Tu became a dark guard and how much he suffered.

  Yu Wenyuan has been listening very quietly, and heard Xia Xia say: "A month ago, the master found Si Tu, made her disguise as a woman and approached the current sage, lurking beside her, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate."

After   , Xia Xia turned around and looked at Yu Wenyuan: "Your Majesty, I am Si Tu."

   Xia Xia has changed his tune, and he is not called Yuwen Yuanlin, but the emperor.

   In fact, Yu Wenyuan already guessed that it was not Mu Qing but Si Tu in the summer.

   But Yu Wenyuan was surprised, surprised that Xia Xia would tell him his true identity.

He looked at Xia Xia's face carefully, and the first sentence he said turned out to be: "The girl's disguise is really powerful, although I only have two sides with Mu Qing, but you are too similar in disguise! Even your temperament is very good. Like it!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Yu Wenyuan's favorability for you is 15%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer lowered his eyelids, hooked his lips and chuckled: "What Si Tu is best at is disguise and disguise."

  Before Situ Yirong approached Yu Wenyuan in the appearance of Mu Qing, she also specially observed Mu Qing, not only to imitate her appearance, but also her temperament.

   As soon as Xia Xia finished speaking, she heard Yu Wenyuan ask, "Can you show me the true face of Miss Situ?"

  I don't know why, even though the person in front of him was an assassin who was sent to lurk beside him, he was not angry and hated her at all.

   Even, I don't think she will hurt him.

   This feeling is really strange.

  Xiamen nodded, she was going to show Si Tu's true appearance in front of Yu Wenyuan.

   She opened the small porcelain bottle, poured the liquid inside with a handkerchief and wiped it on her face.

   Soon, Mu Qing's appearance had disappeared.

   Mu Qing was originally a pretty girl at best, while Si Tu had a delicate and beautiful appearance.

   In terms of looks, Si Tu is many times more beautiful than Mu Qing.

   But Mu Qing has a temperament that is different from others.

   Of course it’s different, it’s a modern person anyway.

   Yes, the heroine of this novel world is also a member of the Transmigration Party.

  The original plot mentioned that when Mu Qing just passed through, he fell from the sky into Yu Wenhong's bath.

   His special temperament naturally attracted Yu Wenhong.

   More than a year ago, Mu Qing secretly ran out because he was having fun.

  When he was outside, he met Yu Wenyuan who was still the prince.

   Yu Wenyuan was assassinated and was seriously injured when he got out of this moment.

   It happened that Mu Qing was a student at the Medical University and knew some basic first aid measures.

   Mu Qing and Yu Wenyuan knew him like this.

   The reason why Yu Wenyuan can barely be regarded as a male supporting character is that he has no love for Mu Qing, just because Mu Qing saved him, so he had a good impression.

   But Yu Wenhong doesn't think so, he thinks Yu Wenyuan fell in love with Mu Qing at first sight.

   Therefore, Yu Wenhong would make Si Tu change into Mu Qing's appearance and approach Yu Wenyuan.

  Because Mu Qing had rescued Yu Wenyuan once before, and "re" rescued him again, he naturally trusted him more.

   Therefore, it was easy to get close to Yu Wenyuan by transforming himself into Mu Qing's Situ.

   "Miss Situ is beautiful!" Yu Wenyuan looked at Xia Xia without concealing his amazement.

  Xiamen looked up at Yu Wenyuan, her eyes were slender and raised, and she was unusually glamorous.

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