Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 186: Squad leader, are you blushing? (Eight)

   However, after a lunch, Bai Yiran and Xia Xia both ate their own food and didn't communicate at all.

   Everyone thought again, maybe... Is Bai Yiran and 'Jiang Ziyue' really pure friends?

   "Sorry, I caused you trouble just now." After leaving the cafeteria, Bai Yiran apologized to Xia Xia first.

   Xia Xia raised his eyebrows: "Did you trouble me? Why didn't I know?"

   Bai Yiran was stunned for a while, then grinned.

   At the same time, the strategy system told Xia Xia: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Bai Yiran's favorability for you is 65%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Sixty-five percent? It's more than half done.

Does    mean that the remaining 35% is easy to add?

   Of course, Summer, who has never played Raiders, really doesn’t understand this aspect.


  Although Bai Yiran said that he and Xia Xia were just ordinary friends, the story of "Bai Yiran and Jiang Ziyue fell in love" only took one afternoon to spread throughout the school.

   Even the teacher asked Bai Yiran to go to the office for questioning.

   After all, one is the 'mouse **** in the class' and the other is the 'glory of the school', the teacher can't let the 'glory' be affected by the 'mouse shit'.

   "Yeah, there are rumors that you and Jiang Ziyue are in a relationship, is this true?" Teacher Lin, the head teacher, asked Bai Yiran.

   As soon as she finished asking, the other teachers in the teacher's office turned their attention.

  The same is true for white! With Jiang Ziyue? !

is it possible? !

   Bai Yiran was not in a hurry, and explained slowly, "Teacher, you have misunderstood. Jiang Ziyue and I are just friends."

   "Friendship?" Teacher Lin was still a little surprised.

   How can a person who is the first in the whole grade and the last in the whole grade become friends? It's really worrying!

   Bai Yiran nodded: "Well, we are friends. And don't worry, teacher, Jiang Ziyue has decided to study hard, and I'm going to help her with her homework from today!"

  Teacher Lin was stunned for a while. Do you need to study mouse shit?

   Well, actually, she also felt that 'Jiang Ziyue' was acting a little strange in class this afternoon.

  'Jiang Ziyue' didn't sleep in class!

  'Jiang Ziyue' listened to the teacher in class!

  'Jiang Ziyue' was reading a textbook in class!

   So, what Bai Yiran said is true?

   For Teacher Lin, she is very happy to see things like this. After all, the 'mouse shit' has lowered the average score in the class, and she is very distressed!

  If Bai Yiran can really improve the performance of 'Jiang Ziyue', then she should turn a blind eye to their puppy love!

   But the premise is: "The same is true, you must not affect your own learning!"

   Bai Yiran smiled and nodded: "Teacher, don't worry, I won't affect my study!"

  Although, he didn't understand Teacher Lin's implication, and he didn't know that everyone believed that he and Xia Xia were in love.

   Just when everyone thought that Bai Yiran was invited by Teacher Lin to the office to be 'criticized', he would definitely ignore the summer when he came back...

   After school in the afternoon, Bai Yiran first walked towards the summer: "Let's go, let's go home together!"

   He had no idea how imaginative the words he said were.

  Xiamen blinked and asked him, "Oh, what do you want to bring?"

   After all, she is playing a scumbag, she still has to play a qualified point.

   Bai Yiran saw that she didn't have a schoolbag in summer, so she just automatically helped her get the books she needed and put them in her schoolbag.

   and said, "Okay, let's go."

  Xiamen nodded and followed Bai Yiran away.

  Leaving a group of stunned children's shoes...

   "Isn't it? Why can the squad leader go in and out with Jiang Ziyue so openly?"

   "That's right! Mr. Lin obviously called to speak in the office!"

   "What's so good about Jiang Ziyue! With such a poor study, why does the monitor like her?"

   "That's right! Don't you just look prettier, there are many prettier than her in our school!"

   "They went home together! Do they already live together?!"

   "Oh my god~ Teacher doesn't care?!"

   Anyway, everything is said, so Xia Xia and Bai Yiran didn't hear it.

   Bai Yiran said that his home is not far from the school, it is indeed very close, and it takes ten minutes to get there by bicycle.

  The villa of the Bai family is very large and has a retro style. Compared with the decoration of the upstarts of the Jiang family, the Bai family looks more low-key and atmospheric.

  When we arrive at Bai's house, the first thing we see in summer is Bai Mu.

  Bai Mu is an ancient and typical beauty, well-maintained and has a very gentle temperament.

   Bai Yiran first introduced Bai Mu, and then introduced Summer: "This is my classmate Jiang Ziyue, who came to my house to help me with my homework."

  Summer also smiled politely and well-behaved: "Hello auntie!"

   "Hello, hello! It's the first time we have brought a girl home. The little girl is really watery!" As soon as Bai Mu opened her mouth, that dignified temperament disappeared.

  Xiamer pretended to be embarrassed and blushed, and said, "Auntie is even more beautiful!"

  Bai Mu came over, touched Xia Xia's head lightly, and said, "The mouth is so sweet, my aunt will make you something delicious in a while!"

   "Thank you Auntie!"

  I went back and forth with Mother Bai in the summer, and Bai Yiran felt that 'Jiang Ziyue Children's Shoes' was so unfamiliar.

  In the morning, he had seen with his own eyes how bad Xia Xia's attitude towards Father Jiang was.

   Originally, Bai Yiran was also a little worried when he brought Xia home, mainly because he would be rude when he saw his parents in Xia.

  I didn't expect that summer would be so polite! And so sweet!

   After taking Xia upstairs to the study, Bai Yiran couldn't help but ask Xia curiously, "Student Jiang Ziyue, do you have multiple personalities?"

   Xia Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Yiran: "What do you mean?"

   "Oh...I don't mean anything, I just think your attitude towards my mother is very different from your attitude towards your father." Bai Yiran explained.

  Summer sat down on the chair and said, "That's your mother, can it be the same! Even if I don't have a tutor anymore, I still have the most basic courtesy."

Hearing what Xia Xia said, Bai Yiran thought he had said something wrong, and quickly said: "I didn't mean that... I just... I just think your attitude towards your father is really... very bad. "

  Xiamen looked up at Bai Yiran and sneered: "I always have this attitude towards him, anyway, he's used to it, just like I'm used to changing boyfriends a week!"

   Speaking of boyfriends, Bai Yiran suddenly became a little curious.

   He asked Summer: "Do you really change boyfriends a week?"

   But why, has he never met Jiang Ziyue's so-called boyfriend?

   "Yeah, really change one every week. Why, do you think I'm very rude too?"


   "Knock Knock" "Baby, can mom come in?"

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